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grim-raven May 2015
We always wonder about the inevitability of the universe
We always think of it's extensions or infinity
Different theories rising but nothing prove anything yet, nonetheless
What if all of these are just illusion, how great is the feasibility?
Xandria Apr 2015
I feel the catch;
like dried grass caught in my throat.
I know what is to come,
yet I fill with panic.
I search for a haven;
a small alcove,
a bathroom stall.
Somewhere I can
allow my body to tear its self apart.
People our of no aid,
it only grows worse with company.
Shorter breaths.
Quicker steps.
in, out
in, out
The noose grows tighter
around my slender neck.
There is no use.
It is inevitable
and I am helpless.
I have a medical history of hyperventilating and decided to express the terror that fills my mind and soul when it happens.
koketso Mar 2015
There are no parachutes given
on the plane of Love.
Love & life are not parallel, don't expect to have one of them without the other...
koketso Mar 2015
Death is like a shuffled playlist..anyone could be next.
Winter Green Feb 2015
On a whim I bought a rose
When I got home I put it in an old drinking glass
with nothing but tap water

We are like that rose
Out of nowhere
Cultivated with scraps

The rose thrived off of the water
Flourishing and growing beyond expected

We are like that rose
Blossoming with nothing but bits and pieces fed to us

The rose began to run out of water and wilt
So I added more
And it regained some of its strength

We are like that rose
Adding to something that's no longer there
Grasping at moments of bliss

The rose started to die
So finally I fed it proper food

We are like that rose
Belatedly nourishing remains in hopes of recollecting what never was

But it was too late
And one day I came home to discover the rose
petals scattered
limp and lifeless
beyond hope

We were like that rose
Sometimes things don't always work out. The important thing is to come out of it with grace and realize that there are other things out there.
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Death versus life ...                                                                                                   Nobody wants to die ,but                                                                                        Death is inevitable ...                                                                                               Its arrow comes suddenly and                                                                                 No waiting at all ...                                                                                                   It scares people                                                                                                          Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  No one can challenge death's authority                                                                 Simply because one will be inevitably defeated anytime ...                                  What is death ?                                                                                                                   What's behind death ?                                                                                        Does it mean that one's soul gets out of one's body easily ?                             It's another world ...                                                                                             Immediately someone goes away or passes away                                            Into the unknown ,then                                                                                       A tomb will be ready for him or for her ...                                                         Although we think life is too long ,but                                                              It's short-lived in fact ...                                                                                       We will , sooner or later ,will pass away                                                             When death approaches us suddenly ...                                                             As long as death is inevitable ,then                                                                     We need to learn lessons from those who left us ...                                           ____________________
Prince of Spring Jan 2015
The night is here,
a deeper hue.
I'm in your veins,
my host is you.

The forests howl
and seep into
your lungs to me,
my host is you.
This has been in my head for a while, or at least I've been pondering about this idea of infection or affection. I had to get it out!
Keely Jan 2015
If I dont want something to happen
Ill make it happen,
Because if there's a chance of it happening,
And it does happen
I want it to be because of me.
Is this only me?
zo Jan 2015
The inevitable is that the thing we call a heartbeat will no longer exist and it will not come back

I have learned that if there is ever a time when someone makes you forget that, that that is what great writers and the "genius" beings try to tell others about.
the reason we read or listen or look at what they created is that some people have come to the realization that they comprehend something so amazing that once you feel it that heartbeat will feel like it ceased to exist

Find that so dying won't hurt so much.
I wrote this down once and put it hidden
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I sometimes get one of those headaches
that lingers thinking it's gone but it's not
I feel there isn't much I can do but purge my words
onto my paper asking the lines to take it away
I need to put these emotions somewhere
I have been silent too long and I'm hoping my mind
stays on track and the head ache goes away

change is inevitable
the world is spinning
but I feel lost in time
trying to make sense of things
but there was never sense...
only feelings....I feel too much...

the wind may change directions
and blow gray shadowed skies
over me blocking my concentration
driving my mind crazy

I try so hard to change the way the wind
is blowing but my thoughts leaves behind
many questions and yet sometimes I don't
even feel like answering with "why" or
"I don't know" yet those thoughts continue

I take in a deep breath and the gray
will fade making things better
I just keep moving forward with my chin up
its never easy but everything will be alright

its a brand new year yet
sometimes I just want
the days to last longer
but times does fly by
with no way to slow it down
no matter how hard I try

I float through time just
like birds soaring the sky
I live life to it fullest yet
changing with each step I take
the steps that I make as go
are for my next generation to follow

I am still able to keep my flow
through every word I type or write
I can feel just what and how I feel
it really inspires me for this I know
Yes I do, I do really understand
I must be patient for it takes time to heal
I can tell that all will be ok

change is such a good thing to see
for without change the Earth just might
stop its spin; then where would I be?
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