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Cunning Linguist Jul 2014
I, fluoride - sanity theft
Winding toy soldiers
to march the path toward furtive glory
While spurting the tune of war
to the end of their very last breaths

Harbinger of certain death
Peek from behind the curtain
Witness the brain mining
From inside your skull
eyeballs explode, deftly blinding
Defining images which pervade
Overwhelming emotions stowed
Once turned to stone
mental harm, tractor combines harvest FarmVille tards by the barnload

The eye of Horus and ISIS see all
scorching and seizing nations, arm in arm
All for one, none for all

Bombarding bravado
Clasp the trap
Lapse in conscious
All tapped out
Drowning in tap water
Until all comes tumbling down like Niagara Falls, dauntless

Like Satan's hands expanding
advance upon the homeland
Then race trickling downward
Total assest forfeiture
(***** buried in sand)
Faces hidden, ashamed

Orchestrate the line in frame
Shape my frame of mind
Until my thoughtscape escapes
To peer through one eye
Met to widespread acclaim

Descending into the mind of Chaos,
His stables gates
burst forth with beasts of fable, insatiable and rampant
Triumphant, turn the tables
Arch-Angels blare your trumpets

Tell Famine get off his high horse
And rear his ugly head
So we can really show that *****
Mother Earth what for;
**** that ***** until nothing's left

Effectively wrecked
From careening trains of wretched gang-bangs
Now she'*****
& the caged bird that longs to be free, is inevitably
**dismembered to pieces by the felines that be
***** to die for
Cunning Linguist Mar 2015
My dreams and life
contrasting in the abstract I
feign to transcend
an awakened state-of-being

with one foot in this existence
One in the past,
dreams of a distant dimension x2

This corrupt, clandestine system
I can't surpass
my haunting demented visions x2


Pray for forgiveness

With overwhelming power in hand
I'll bring an end to it all
This all-consuming cabal, *******
I'll bring an end to it

To the hidden monsters flying in the
night sky, always gazing          
Ever secure, beneath a crux of
watchful eyes again

Through figments of our minds
we're always hiding not surprising
Clever volumes
disguise the truth of awful lies
They reign
Lyrics I'm working on with my band. This ones almost finished.
Cunning Linguist Mar 2015
Heed not what you perceive
Enthroned inside a hopeless dream
You won't see tomorrow
Oh the throes of woe that follow

Order and fear con-
tinual indoctrination conditioning the masses
minds exposed to so-
cietal disease and fiction, damnation
Order through fear per-
petual misinformation
Transitioning to madness
Minds explode to de-
monical seeds of destruction
The eye emblazoned

With a sonic boom
Fate spins her loom
Mushroom clouds in full bloom
They fill the room
Wrought with endless gloom

Spell a certain doom
Now they're entombed
All reduced to statues
No ones excused
Global destruction

Patience, save it, face it
You're under watch
Forbearance, inherent
Ignorance apparent through our existence

Fighting til my death
Masses rising, the
Angels sing-Angels sing
Fighting til my death
Senses fading (I'm done)
Angels sing-Angels sing

Descending into the mind of Chaos-
The semblance fades
Triumphant, turn the tables
Now wake up
Arch-angels blare your trumpets

The end is nigh
Ride pale horse, take me to the edge of celestial shores unknown
Ascending light
Ride pale horse, take me to the edge of celestial shores unknown
The debut single from my electronic/metal band "Subnuba"
Cunning Linguist Mar 2015
Humanity is tainted and now leaking everywhere
In a world where people jump out
airplanes after stacks of money
To a din of sirens blaring,
War drums thrumming
Funny you'll do nothing;
It's a racket designed to create the distraction

To the hidden monsters flying in the night sky
Ever secure, beneath a crux of watchful eyes
Masters of disguise bend your will to their lies
Subconsciously shapeshifting acquiescence in the absence of light

They operate in obscurity
Conglomerates of impunity
Urgency manifests necessity
With a propensity for depravity
Slaves lulled to a fake sense of security with false promise of luxury
Compulsively regurgitating propaganda in delusory quandary
Happy little sheep march willingly to the teeth of the Serpent machine

Ominous omniscience mixes with
Sensations of bodilessness
In a state of godlessness
Whenever my conscious surfaces in this clandestine system
I sell my soul to purchase debt and let repercussions fall upon my children
A paradigm; with no ethics the center is an idol,
and the world had forever idolized the god money, Belial

A carnival pageant, with parades of tyrants tirading
and masquerading on the world's stage as lavish savages

With overwhelming power in hand,
I'll bring an end to it all
If you gaze for long into the abyss
It will stare back into your soul

Pay homage to barrages of sacred false knowledge/unacknowledged
It lodges to your consciousness as it takes you hostage
You think you're open-minded but suffer from mental spillage
Then brain begins hemorrhaging like a glitch in the matrix

Global massacre is imminent
Our abandonment's no accident
Caricatures of government act as the Devil's advocates

Insane It's us against them
Zionist Superfriends deciding trends
designing and framing an outline of the endgame just for sh¡ts-n-gigs
Hands reach through the tapestry pulling you in and unrelenting,
Secretly from behind the scenes

Portraits of dishonesty
Stripping you of all life and liberty
Symphonies of screams
systematize in perfect symmetry
Enslaving and slaying humankind -
They've exacted brainwashing
to the science of chemistry
And mold your mind
with the subtlest alchemy

Media blackout;
Credits tapped out
Better act now
before the stock markets
collapse down

What's your plan when **** hits the fan,
will you follow The Man or fail condemned?
Now bow at the feet of the ministry of tyranny,
Head lowered in defeat *preparing for the guillotine
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
to get back in the water....

Have you noticed how
Freaking WEIRD
the media has become?


Dah dum. Dah dum...
Dah dum Dah dum Dah dum

Lately I saw the cover of
Bazaar Magazine.

A model in a **** gold lame'
Bathing suit... sexily draped
Inside the maw of Jaws.

What Is the nose of Jaws
Coming vertically out of the
Water reminiscent of?
A PYRAMID perhaps?

The pyramid is a symbol.
Of Freemasons and


I always thought a friend of mine
A bit touched. He told me that
The 1% are all in collusion.
That the Illuminati used SYMBOLS
and scenes on the TV and movies
(Pictures on the wall in the
background, etc) as subliminal
Messages for mind control. And
to indicate subtly what is going on
Behind the scenes. So they can get
Their jollies by "telling us", without
Really doing so, how we are headed
For destruction. And how it will
Take place. So they can

I don't know. I used to think
The guy a bit eccentric...

I've been looking at what is
Coming out of Madison avenue
And I look at background scenes
In movies... he is CORRECT.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Just on site a short time.
The last few days have been hectic
RW Dennen Dec 2014
They make their cases day by day
In genetic flesh, they hide within the souls of some
They know their days will soon be done
In rancid places within their hearts of hate
they stalk their prey of ignorance dumb
When you lay your wit to sleep,
you open doors whereas they creep
Cold hearted to the will of man,
of wars and lies of blackness be
of death, of cries for stolen liberty
They stalk to propagandize
through greedy men in sweet disguise
to control and bend you to their will
Knowledge is our only hope
to them knowledge it is their hanging rope

A revision
We will beat the political illuminati, cracks are appearing my friend for a better peaceful world. They know not what comes through their narrow eyes. Peace to all goodness
Kagey Sage Sep 2014
I stopped commenting on airy internet objects long ago
lest it be a needed praise of some starving artists’ work
or in response to a worded response of my own work

It’s just such a waste of time to tell a million view band
they “rock” or they “****”
All I will incite is defenders or refuters of my claim
who are just as petty as me

As an immature high schooler, that’s just what I wanted
The modern version of my dead grandfathers
with their white shirts, blue jeans, and duck *** hair
Driving from the city to hick school dances
just to pick fights

I once typed lines of **** talk on Elvis videos from the 1970s
just to see what would happen
- Nothing much
My grandfathers are dead and no one’s left to defend The King
I’m not so tough, but I felt scrappy then just the same

Now, with my lowly little job
my first world laptop and my glasses
Sipping coffee and mellowed out
I read some comments to see what people feel
about an article on my generation
How we’re more corporate than ever
bamboozled by a guise of fake uniqueness

Sure, I agree with the critique in the article
if you can even call it an article
People get paid for three lines of an opinion,
sometimes a link, and then the real entertainment's in the comments
Where can I get in line for this ******* job?
Not the commentors, their labor’s free
I mean the three lines guy, it sounds too easy

“Don’t ya get it yet, son”
My grandad chuckles
“His job’s just corralling all those comments,
inciting easy debate,
and getting advertising clicks”

He shook his head
went up through the roof
and his twenty-year-old jeans
ended in a wispy swirl
But I couldn't help noticing
they were name brand
Kagey Sage Aug 2014
Write everyday, too much
That's a commandment for a to do list
in hopes it will manifest into routine
I can store the text in the internet
It's safer that way, these days
Store it in a place that actually doesn't exist
How can it be lost?

There's too many spies making logs
and in the rare artful moment of an agent
maybe I'll get discovered

Not banking on it
I'm throwing all my eggs at random houses
and wearing the wicker basket as a helmet to protect from backlash
in hopes that, by then, my poet spirit could leap from treetop to treetop
to avoid hollow bullets
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