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Please take me
Bury me
Hurt me
Nothing can save me now

Lit to me
Play with me
Stay awake with me
Nothing can save me now
Stella Mar 2018
Your words hurt me
The way you ridicule me for something I can’t help
I don’t deserve it
What have I done to you?
It hurt
The things you said
“Were you abandoned?”
“Were you just unwanted?”
And I don’t want to think of that anymore
You saying that just brings old
Memories back
You ask
“Did they just not want you?”
The answer is yes.
I can’t make it anymore obvious I don’t want to talk about this
Your words didn’t just hurt me though
If that happened I would have been fine
But no,
You hurt my friend with your heartless words
And I will defend them from anything
You need to know the impact of what you said
You made me feel worthless
Like I am not wanted
Do you know how that feels?
You don’t.
But that how you made me and my friend feel
As if we were nothing
Yeah, this really happened. An almost stranger made me want to die, and beat the living hell out of them. Oh, well. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.
alena Dec 2014
Warm coffee
Cold days wrapped in your arms
feel you wheeze
when you breathe like the leaky pipes in my apartment

Cold coffee
sunny days
do you love me
Waking up barefoot,
tiptoeing on my creaky bones
Just like I walk on old wood floors

Im not a home
Cause you don't love me
Perhaps because i cant hear my pipes or floorboards
coffee- sylvan esso
Why, why me? But
I slept, ate and swam
Eight months. Make it nine
In your extremely ****** up
*****. The hell, you said
I could be sold, for cash.
He said no, then why did he
Go around. No business
******* people, with a family
Back waiting. My loss
They say. But still I'm considered
Lucky, now with them.
I want to say, sure as hell
You never know. There ain't
No difference.  No
Ain't an ounce.
WickedHope Jan 2015
Don't be mad at me when I lie to you
Tell you I'm okay
The days that are bad are the days that I'm smiling
******* laughing at my blood
Stab me, stop being kind
Only spend time with people who hurt me
Use me, hit me, pick me apart, crush me
Don't ask me what I ate or if I drank
Don't be mad at me when I lie to you
Laugh you off, flip my hair
Don't let the pretty colors fool you
I'm not the church girl you think I am
Don't let the brains fool you
I'm not the try hard you think I am
Don't let the smiles fool you
I don't have a cure
Don't be mad at me when I lie to you
And tell you I'm fine
You don't care, you can't care, I'll hurt you, just forget about me, you know it's easy, I always fade away from memory, it's one of my few ****** up talents.
For a friend who was concerned today; don't be.
I'm fine, after all, that's all you need know.

— The End —