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Belladonna Mar 2014
Feelings are strange.
As I explore deep in this world.
I face difference at every step.
Every feeling.. every thought, newly mould and presented.
Every experience unique to it's own kind.
Every person serving a platter of the unknown.
Every place a mix of queer memories and feelings.
Oh these feelings.. like a vast sea of inumerous drops.
Equal yet different.. each one significant.. each one needed.
No you don't see them, no you can't touch them.
No they do not exist.
Yet they make a man.
Change the world with just one swift wave of them.
One feeling, million human minds.
Yet decisions are never the same.
They surround you, they touch you, they go away soon, but leave their mark on your lives.
They make you take different routes.
They make you change your lives.
Asim Javid Jun 2015
There are times when
you are not yourself.
You blend into something
unwantedly & unwillingly.
Something that is
too distant from your
psyche & guise.
The transfiguration makes
you a whole another person,
one beyond your bridle.
But you always hit back to
your archetypal persona.
The endeavor to recrudescence
is always tenacious,
summating unscrupulous inscriptions to your crasis.
People will judge you
on this substructure of your psyche.
But this is not who you are
& what you are!
It is mere an icky phase.
Your elucidation lies beyond
this transfigured self.
Never relinquish your
pristine pneuma.
We all face a transfiguration sometime.
Charlie's Web Apr 2015
i am no poet. i am no writer.
I am an aspiring intellectual

But not in the "educational" sense.
I just want to find a way to
Express these thoughts that
Slip through the moments are memories

so do they really exist?

Are my insights just grasps for straws
To explain the logical
Pain from memories
that don't exist?

Or do they design new rules
becoming predisposed tools to advance
because we don't always have to get the short stick
Gul e Dawoodi Jan 2015
A Common man with wisdom,
A  rich man with luxuries,
An intelligent student with extra knowledge,
A girl with beauty,
And a boy with looks,
Are all hated secretly
By those who flatter.
Derekis Jan 2015
At the edge of tomorrow,
we can see the end of an empire.
Past the line of the gunfire..
all that's left is deep sorrow.

All creation ends in destruction.
Becoming dust after the hellfire,
after avarice's greedy seduction.
Burned in a cruel selfish desire,
following a small mind's instruction.

In the death of a lifetime,
the system begins to unfold.
Shifting humanity's lifeline,
war begins to be retold.

Kingdoms rise and fall.
No beginning without an end.
Death triumphs over all.
Victor's history penned.

A crumbling nation of one.
We cant escape power's misfire.
Through society's expecting gun,
it's the end of our empire.
Tuesday Pixie Jan 2015
Pt. 1
I am a clumsy giant
Oblivious to worlds below.

Outside, outside is so nice!
Awake, rejuvinate me!
Oh! The beauty!
Even the air is greener,
On the other side here
Oh living our lives indoors
Was an unhappy accident of genius
Oh to spend days with trees and grass!

-- A sudden stab. A pause.
Lifted leg reveals
Buried, ensnared in foot
Handsome bee,
Buzzing for escape
One more wriggle
And it's gone. To die.

Oh! Back we go we go!
To hide from the cruel world!
Away from bees
And wasps and stings
Such mildly inconvenient things.
- And off the bee went to die.

Pt. 2*
Such short lived pain for me
Is death for one of the hive

This wound I lament
Will heal so shortly
Yet its cause
Will surely die

The life the cost
A life is lost!
Yet my pain is all I can see

Hives collapse
Honey ramsacked!
They're fed with sugar tea

Pesticidal pollen
Oh ain't disease rotten!
The strife of the honey bee.

I am a clumsy giant...
Thinking of experimenting this into an artsy song...
tee2emm Dec 2014
I am human
Yes I am
I don't mean it in a demeaning sense
Being human is the greatest gift I've received.
I am just trying to admit my flaws
I fault now and then, so just in case I have but a straw
Just know I love you too much
So much that On this thought I stucked
"What will become of me should I lose you?"

In this certainty
Doubts beclouds me
Not doubts whether I love you or not
But doubts of what if I go wrong
The human in me assures I surely would
Should I do,
I never meant to.

Just in case
In my flaws
I go wrong
I mean these words
I pray you not to get weary

My flaws are but a stream
Flowing side by side my love for thee
Both of which collects into an ocean
An endless ocean of love affection and adoration.

Just in case I go wrong
This you must before hand know
If life was easy everyone would be doing it.
It happens at everyone's expense;
without recompense.
We all try to coexist with our backs against the fence.
Because we're incapable of trust;
but perfectly capable of lust.
Greed; gluttony, sins of the American company,
hoping for a righteous man to accompany
this wrath and pride,
enveloping society in the high tide
of human nature.

But maybe; just maybe,
there's nowhere safer.
I can sit and smile, talk with a friend
and build a bond that not even time can bend.
Because our innate ability to love unconditionally;
is what I have chosen to defend.
Sierra Nov 2014

That's all anyone ever cares about
No I'm not mad..I think I've accepted
That it is human nature

So excuse me
While I go comfort my friends
As I myself fall apart

I don't know how much longer
I can care

I don't even care about myself

And all they care about is


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