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Bhill Sep 2020
fires raged as the winds fueled their fervor
taking on anything in their path with incredible force
moving across the ground and leaping up to reach higher fuel
doing only what fires do...
moving with the wind and leaving a path of blackened surface
is this our new reality...?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 247
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
chighigher             er

it is what it is
Martin Mikelberg Aug 2020
many nights of reaching for my chi moment

brandychanning Jul 2020
that is what they come seeking.
yet, when I tell
them--pretending--Boy Scouts-to-be prepared!

for the burning,
they gulp saying ok,
but the higher heat of the
fear feted in their eyes, 
them instruments
that never lies,
so I send them home,
just enough that
they’ll never ask

I’m so easy to please.

on higher regions
of the tablelands this very night
snow flurries will fall
Sara May 2020
When a flower begins to grow,
do you hear it cry?
Does it fret about the water supply,
or the illogical odds of snow?
In spring does it wish for the summer,
or that rather it grew by the lake?
No- it blooms without worry, with grace,
and this is Man’s biggest mistake.
when we slow down, and reconnect with ourselves, we realise our inner capability and potential. Stress negates abundance, don’t sleep on your true self x
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
Some creatures seek higher power

I seek ascension myself
So as to become my own higher power

Some seek wealth
Material possessions

I seek strength
Sustain myself when I am without material possession

Others seek fame

I seek claim
Claim over my body
The actions it makes

I love how different goals and values are compared to everyone else

Maybe someday I will find myself reevaluating my definition of success
But I doubt it

Change this world maybe
Not myself

And end up all the things I wish to be
I don't believe in god so it's hard to find something to put faith in. So I just believe in myself. That's enough for now.
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