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YieShawn Scutt Apr 2016
I'm trying to keep my promise to her
I'm balancing on a wire and my legs are chained because I am hell bound
I wanna give in and let het her down
but I'll drop myself back In the hole I spent years crawling out of up until now
And never did I make a sound
So Never did word get around
That I was drowned
Never to be found
Had to naw at the shackles till they gave lee
Still running way to the north will I make it baby we'll see
And hopefully if I do youll be standing Right there next to me
These fakes stay flexing to me
But you
Your different
you help me find the light
your wrestling with me
I set that up wrong it's not as it seems
We stand here steady fighting
And we're on the same team
But now that I am halfway out of this hole
I seemed to forget that making you happy was my original goal
And I'm sorry
I really am
It pains me in my soul
But lately I feel like my hearts been burning  like coal
Preventing me from continuing my goal and so what I want to tell you is that I am sorry
I WILL do better
You don't have to accept my apology
Just reread this letter
And know that I love you forever
This is a poem that I wrote for my best friend to apologize because I've really just been going through life's hardships and I shut her out and she thought that I was just ignoring her for no reason. In the end we're still bf because we love each other and I hope everyone can find a true friend like mine ❤️
Hank Helman Jan 2016
Bright, burn and crackle,
Snap, burst and flame,
A wet log tossed upon,
Sparks a firefly game.

Marshmallow torches
Sticky finger's taste,
Butter kisses sugar sweet,
Slows the summer’s haste

Sing songs and hum a longs,
Lovers search for clues,
Naming constellations naked,
Each dark a rendezvous.

Last late night, the waves, the stars,
At dawn the sun is shy,
Salty teardrop promises,
Heart's hope, hands held, a sigh.
Just thinking of early love and summer flings.
Nirvana Jan 2016
sorry if I caused you hiccups
but I'm missing you so much!!!
Lu Nov 2015
Hiccups in my throat
Hiccups in my mouth
Hiccups in my life
Hiccups coming out.

I was my parents Hiccup.
One of many mistakes,
My whole life is one big Hiccup,
And mine that I shall take.
Sophie Apr 2015
Today we learn.
Tomorrow we remember.
Past few moment we shared.
Always expect the unexpected
But when it did
We never ready anyway.

Life must go on,
It's just a hiccup in life my love.
Hunter K Oct 2014
He tried so hard to fulfill,
Something that was not his to build,
But now his blood has been spilled,
and he is not the only one who was killed.
I do not say, he was brave.
I do not say he had it made.
But I say this, as my final words,
*Thy who remained unheard,
The unseen sibling of Hiccup the Third,
I wish I could have conferred,
the death of his old vicious herd.
Kate Lion Feb 2013
If you can escape me in little thought bubbles
Like I am a bottle of carbonated soda
((And you are the hiss that escapes me when I'm too shaken up to remember
We should have digested our feelings by now))
Then perhaps I should shovel my fist deeper into my mouth
To keep all of these words from dribbling out
Tanaka Mupinga May 2014
I have come to conclusion
My mind has eluded
I am cursed with incurable hiccups

I constantly wait
For that feeling I hate
Random movement too close to my core

I am constantly scared
Given water not air
I am tired of holding my breath
You can't always "hold on"

— The End —