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Only when I am with you
Does my shattered heart feel
Beautifully whole again.
You make me feel complete.
Lizzie Bevis Feb 12
Your voice shapes my name
like a prism of light,
your laughter warms me
through my core.
Each part of you looks
so right to me,
and every second
makes me yearn for more.

You are the caress
of a warming breeze,  
your touch ignites
the sky above,
and in the quiet moments
we dare to dream,  
as two souls,
completely in love.

I bask in the gentleness
of your smile,
I treasure every part
of you I see
and though life's storms
may rage sometimes,
you'll always find
your sanctuary in me.

©️Lizzie Bevis
You are the sun
That peeks
Through the window,
Letting me know that
It's time to get the day

You are the roots,
Cut and carved from the trees
That provide shelter,
A place to live,
A place to grow.
A foundation built
From strong roots,
That stretch and wrap around me.

You are the air that circulates
Through my lungs,
The air that, if I think about too long,
I'll mess up how much
You've changed my life.

When I am in you,
I am not in some house,
Nor am I in just any old room.
I realize that I am home,
That I have everything I need.

When I close my eyes,
The first thing I see
Is you,
And how the first thing
I want to do is come back
To you
I love sitting with you,
regardless of what's going on,
or where we are.
Nothing happens.
Everything is at peace.
No anxiety. No weight.
No rush
to be or to do.

Our eyes are free to rest,
our bodies free from tension.
Of all the things I could say,
all the invitations of where we could go,
when I sit with you,
time is irrelevant.
It doesn’t even come ankle high.
It too continues to walk past us,
probably hungry,
looking for something to do,
until we decide to do something
more than sit
and enjoy each other’s time.

The truth is in the way we breathe.
I can say that it’s nothing,
but a piece of me
finds its way into you.
You handed over the pieces
of your life without hesitation
your breath, your time,
your love,
because that’s what you thought love was.
Not once did you think to keep
anything for yourself.
You reached in and revealed
these pieces of yourself over time,
wrapping them in your skin,
your time, your love.

I didn’t need all the pieces
that you gave me
those you gave because you thought it was love.
I won’t let you do it.
I cannot.
Regardless of how much you give,
if I am hungry, I will not take
without replenishing what is given.
If I am thirsty, I will not bathe
in what is excess.

I, too, will hand over the pieces
of my life,
because, as hard as it is to accept,
the truth is we do not truly own anything.
just enough to feel the space
where the years seem to fly by.
Something that connects us both.
You handed over the pieces
of your life,
and I promise to care for and love them,
because I believe it’s something you just do.
Just as I believe in welcoming you
to live and breathe in the pieces of my life.
I too will live, breathe, and drown
in you
"Love is a decision , you do not date someone because you have feelings. Feelings is like smoke soon it will disappear within air "

I know my love sees
I will know if I genuinely love someone
I will also know if my heart isn't driven by lust
I hope my heart won't mislead me
How many times,
Do I have to say,
I want to love you,
Before you hear me bae?
Sick days are just another day away from her.
Immortality Jan 7
Even though I try to be the best sister and daughter,
I feel like I fail.
Even though I say I hate you both,
I don’t.
Even though I say I don’t care,
I can’t stand to see you in pain.
Even though I may not always mean my words,
I mean it with all my heart.
Sometimes, we try our best but still fail.
Don't worry...
Take a deep breath—it's all okay. <3
One day,
there won't be a knock
or a call to announce where I am.
I'll walk across your ribs,
towards the light of your heart,
to a door that swings wide open
to a place where I am welcome,
a place that I've earned the right to be.

It takes courage to open your home
to someone.
Each room held up by boards
of trust.
your head, your mouth,
an attic filled with old memories,
fondled by silence,
as patient as you are.
I would never evoke your wrath.
As sturdy as those boards are,
I know they still creak,
eager to lash out.
Not in vain, but out of protection.

If one day that is the case,
I will accept it,
for it is not just your heart
but all of you that is my home.
And if something is broken,
we'll work to fix and repair
what is torn apart.

Here, in you, I am home.
And I will take care of every part
of you.
One day,
there won't be a knock
or a call to announce where I am,
because you'll already know.
I wouldn't accept your key
if I weren't absolutely sure
that I wanted to call you home
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