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Miki Feb 2015
Its taken me this long
To realize
To understand
That not every moment
Needs to be shared
To be great

But it might be better
If it were
Because great moments
Are still
Never as great

Im so independent
I dont need anyone
For anything
But i want someone
For everything.
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Life is pretty and wonderful ,but                                                                            It turns ugly                                                                                                              When we mess up with it anytime ...                                                                      What do you think about wars ?                                                                            There is nothing pretty                                                                                             Like peace ...                                                                                                             Love beats hate ?                                                                                                     We are guilty !                                                                                                          We are guilty !
M M M Feb 2015
Unannounced love seems to be the best
The gold of your earrings, the puff of your vest
Little things remind me of why you’re so special
Let me count the reasons, I know there’s several
Smart, kind, intellectual too
This sets you apart from the others I knew
When I say SMART-- I mean more than just books
Your knowledge is vast, you can even read looks,
Your KIND-- without needing acknowledgement
It’s just in your nature, passing no judgement
And don’t get me started on our INTELLECTUAL talks;
Your words touch my soul, they penetrate me
Parts of myself I never truly thought I’d see
You have an abundance of qualities I’ve come to admire
But how could I confess--  love has made me a liar
BUT-- we don’t speak of the past, we’ve moved on from it’s hold
Breaking our chains, for new lives we are told
Will make the best of you and me
I’ll never put you in a cage love
You’re perfectly free
just because...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Undoubtedly all great players know                                                                      Their roles accurately ...                                                                                           No one goes beyond                                                                                                 One's role anytime ...                                                                                               All roles are planned greatly                                                                                    To suit themselves ...                                                                                                 Any violation of one's role ,then                                                                              It will inevitably lead to one's end ...                                                                       Crossing red lines is not allowed anytime ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
All things ,                                                                                                                Good or bad , will happen                                                                                      Sooner or later ...                                                                                                      Everyone is going to be or to be not                                                                       Depending on what's going on ...                                                                           No one is exempted from                                                                                         Any headaches anytime ...                                                                                      We all tend to be rather than to be not                                                                   Simply because that's better for us ...                                                                     we Suffer on a daily basis                                                                                          Simply because that's like our bread                                                                 Which we eat everyday ...                                                                                  We are alive ,but                                                                                                   We're in reality semi-dead ...                                                                               We are cruel and                                                                                                  We have hearts made of stain-less steel ...                                                          ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
I can not distance myself from                                                                                Declaring that friends are like                                                                                 Chains connected to each other                                                                                Anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                                   As long as these chains or links                                                                                Are connected tightly to each other,                                                                       Then no worries at all in our life ...                                                                           If these chains or links got broke,                                                                              Then all these chains or links will  fall ...
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
On every other line of our current world ,                                                              I read greatly and wonderfully words or                                                                Names written with capital letters anytime ...                                                       Death tolls are increasing everyday on all                                                              Levels and in all directions ,good or bad ...                                                            Our world has turned into an alien world                                                              That can not recognize between what is                                                                 Good or what is bad anywhere and everywhere ...                                               We only reap pains and sufferings everywhere .
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
All olive trees are pretty ,great,and                                                                         Wonderful anywhere and everywhere ...                                                               We get green or black olives from that                                                                   That blessed tree anytime ...                                                                                    That long-lived tree symbolizes peace                                                                    And love ...                                                                                                                Deep-rooted olive-tree describes itself                                                                    By itself to us ...                                                                                                         Any olive-tree holds tightly in the ground                                                             Just to be only ....
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
Knowledge saves anyone  from falling                                                                                       From top to bottom                                                                                                 Simply because it lets anyone knows exactly                                                        What's going on around ...                                                                                      If you know a little bit ,then                                                                                    You can walk greatly ,but                                                                                       If you don't know anything ,then                                                                                             It's all a dead-end ...                                                                                                     To know is better than not to know ....
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
الامانة ليست كلمات براقة و جميلة فقط                                                                                    و لكنها                                                                                                                          فعل                                                                                                                               نشعر به و نعيش في عالمه الجميل ...                                                                                     الحياة بلا امانة                                                                                                                 وهم كبير ...                                                                                                                    Honesty is not just bright and pretty words ,but                                                   An act                                                                                                                        That we feel it and we live in its pretty world ...                                                   Life is a big illusion if                                   Lacks that honesty .
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