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Nick Moser Dec 2017
Poetry, for me, is like ****.

I get to watch events unfolding in front of me on my computer.
I can imagine how something will play out.
My imagination can run wild while viewing it.

Poetry is like **** for me.
Something to enjoy on my screen.
Something to give me a thrill.

Poetry is like **** for me.
Something I like to dabble in alone.
Something I fill my phone and laptop with.
Something I consider intimate.

Poetry, for me, is like ****.
I like to imagine myself in a small part of both.

But in both situations,

I'm getting ******.
Hakiim Dec 2017
we journeyed through seven seas
love gave you sea sickness
you wouldn't grab my hand
yet you touched my skin
i let you fall
and you froze into the ocean behind me
you were never my Jack
you were the glacier that sank your own ship
the shot that missed your ear
I was the diver, and you, the shark outside my cage
wanting my blood
only to discard my bones
you had me
****** up
Seline Mui Dec 2017
I bring my own hopes up
Just to ***** myself over
my vicious demise

time and time again.
people scare me
with their ability to ensare me
in thoughts that they might be right
and sometimes no matter how much I fight,
i'm wrong
but i could never just belong
to fit in feels like a sin
how could one waste their lives
with haste for their distaste of
being different
to me it seems sad
the way you won't do
the things that make you glad
am i the only one with ****** up desires?
or am i just surrounded by gutless liars?
seize the day!
mold that **** like clay
its yours to do with what you want god ******
otherwise years from now these thoughts will haunt
till the end of your days
they will follow you to your grave
rearrange the status quo
show us what
you want us to know
Lexi Dec 2017
You can't have me in the good times and leave me when i need you the most.
I stood there by your side when you needed me.
I ****** you over one to many times Yes.
Leaving me isn't a big enough punishment.
That's saying goodbye forever.
Nothing but wasted love
tayarose Nov 2017
Everything started with me, As a human being
Every actions I did led up to this
But what you did shouldn't have been a guaranted
Why,Everything you were doing I was disagreeing, See
I can't understand why your not comprehending what I'm saying
I'll break it down, So you can understand
At the age 2 you started to abuse
Until I was eight, Stopped only because the state took me away
Even though that wasn't the worse
I still remember those bruises on my back,The belts you'd guys use,
And your hands that slapped ,
And how you never showed remorse  
But then I was saved when the state took me away
But not really cause a year later I went back
Cause I said I wanted to go home
Then live with a dad who I barley even knew
You have to remember I was only eight I didn't know what to say
I apologize for any of the confusion
The first year was great, Nothing went wrong
Just me, my mom, her husband, my brother

That was a mistake, I shouldn't have given in
The moment I let my guard down
That's the moment you intrude
I can't believe I trusted you
I didn't get the ******* clue
I didn't get the memo

The night she left me alone with you
That's the moment she messed up
You came into my room, You closed the door
I didn't have a choice but to follow along
You brought out a gun
But we weren't on the same team
Shots fired
But no, You left me with something worse then a wound
You left a memory that can never heal
A scar that can never be removed
See I tried to fight but you overpowered
You took my clothes off And pushed me on the bed
You took advantage
Of what you shouldn't have
You should be a ashamed
Cause this is no actions of a real man
Dolly Balou Oct 2017
She does not know who she is
Only who they are

She does not understand her own weaknesses
Yet knows theirs as if they were scrawled on her palm

The deepest of empathy felt for others
When asked how she felt, her response is invisible

How could a soul so caring become so lost?
She thought this was her journey all along

"They don't know any better" - that's what she will say
As her heart is crushed deep into the dirt again and again

She knows she's at risk of the clutches of addiction
She thought she was safe due to the lack of substance within

The addiction she has however is worse than any drug
And the lack of substance relates to a lack of oneself

She spends her whole life ensuring they are happy, safe and content
Yet she has no grasp on the needs of her own life, let alone wants

It is difficult to see what's infront of you for looking
For now all she can do is try her best at turning a blind eye to their lives

Life issues come in all shapes and sizes
But please remember that to fix other people, compassion is necessary

For yourself, then others.
joel jokonia Oct 2017
high, this chair
hie whose there
must be my shadows cause their not here
i fear
i lost my mind
these lights too bright
they shade light inside
um high....
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