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Outside Words Nov 2018
Munching, crunching on a bone,
The trolls of Langwood growl and moan.

Through feral mutterings and drivel,
They gulp and choke down last night's grizzle.

In their cave on rocky mountains high,
Their scaly skin cracks from air so dry.

Once human men poisoned by greed,
Transformed into ogres for their misdeeds.

They prayed on people of modest means,
Until our good sorceress intervened.

She protects our land and keeps us safe,
From warlords and bankers filled with hate.

Condemned to live long foul lives,
The trolls of Langwood miss their wives.

For they now resemble their truer selves,
Forever denied the beauty of men and elves.

© Outside Words
Esther Nov 2018
trapped in this world
kept on the ground
no way up
I want to leave
this organized chaos
swim in uncertainty
bathe in silence
wash away
the stress that clings
to my skin
free my mind
from the noise
which keeps me
from seeing

I want to fly
with the falling stars
count the colors
of the rainbow
help the sun
paint the sky
and I want to befriend
the stars
play games
forget that life is hard

but here I am
my feet stuck
to the ground
Crystal Freda Nov 2018
They flutter and fly
as they leave each branch.
They flutter together
like a butterfly avalanche.

The tree is their home
where they destined to be,
but they do roam around
readily and free.

Together they will stay
in their butterfly family.
This place will always
be their butterfly tree.
Arke Nov 2018
you photograph me
the parts I hate
my stomach and legs
the shutter clicks
zoom on my stretch marks
my jiggly bits and thighs
draped with see-through fabric
my skin for your eyes
to capture me
through your lens
raw and rose-coloured
we'll see what develops tonight
hot lights flash stars
my eyes are fixed on
your lips as they smirk
when you catch me
off-guard and too real
you're too close to my face
you're too close to my body
you're too close to my heart
and for a moment I'm scared
that your camera really does
capture all of me
all the parts I hate
my darkness and anger
the sad memories
the things I've done
the people I've hurt
I'm nervous you see me
but you whisper I'm beautiful
there's another click and flash
for a moment I believe you
and hope the camera captures
the me that you see
through your lens
Ran out of my own fantasies so decided to write about someone else's
Julian C Jaynes Nov 2018
If one wished to hear a story
Of love and glory,
They need look no further
Than the tale of the Dame.
This Dame’s story, however,
Appears to have never
Been read. Yes,the Dame has been tucked
Into a corner of a shelf in an aisle of a
Library called Memory.
Yes, the tale will be told no more
Of her many suitors gathered ‘round the village well
Each thinking themselves to be a whale
Of a catch. And oh, how their faces fell
When the Dame denied each one their dowry, her peals of laughter ringing like a bell
As they turned their tails
And shuffled away.
They’ll never find a page of that.

One will never speak of the Dame’s great deeds.
How innumerable men, in time of need
Fell prostrate before her, their pathetic pleas
Receiving none of her sympathy.
She arrived with one purpose, that
Purpose being to combat
The mighty Dragon
Who, swaggerin’ and braggin’,
Challenged, “No man dare approach me!”
Her answer? “Only a woman.”
Laughed the Dragon, “Oh really?”
Said she, “God is with me!”
And then from out the sea rose lightning
And struck, blinding all who could see.
The Dragon, disappeared.
The people, freed.

Her power will not be remembered.
For the world turns even ash
Into cinders.
Sumedh Nov 2018
I was flying in the air,
I was walking on the water,
I had overwhelming power,
I couldn't get any better.

All of a sudden I heard uncanny voice,
It looked like it was dragon,
It was burning down the city,
I couldn't leave him slacken.

I asked him to leave in peace,
He said "kid just stop the prattle",
I didn't really meant to hurt him,
But it was time for us to battle.

We used all of our powers,
And exchanged some 100 blows,
I was losing my conciousness,
As I felt my heart beat slows.

Suddenly it got lil weird,
Dragon pushed me to and fro,
He started yelling in a woman's voice,
I felt someone tickling my toe.

The voice got much more louder,
I saw my mom and brother,
With a frown I soon realised,
That it was all my dream none other.

I requested my mom,
I was feeling kinda nettled,
"Wake me up a bit later
I must go back to sleep",
Coz I had left a battle unsettled !
Everyone had their own silly fantasies as a child and vague dreams and thoughts....
That thought brought me to write these few stanzas... Happy Children's Day y'all !
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