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Bhawna May 2019
Everytime I make my mind
To talk to you
But then those days
those faces rewind
I had a lot to tell
But there wasn't a word I spell
I couldn't ,just couldn't
Neither to you nor to myself
I blamed my hormones
Everytime for everything
Trying to ignore you
With every blink
I feared just a thing
What other's ll think
And even now I do
Coz, they'll judge me
Without being in my shoe
I just wanna let you know
That it was just amazing
To ignore you with eyes open
And think of you with closed

Well I know
I'm the only egoistic
In your fb friend list
But today I wanna tell you
Something which was only for you
I liked you
It took me really long to know what was going on in real with me
Farhan Ahmed May 2019
I know I can't race with Light
But I wanna take a shot at the wind
I wouldn’t go down without a fight
But the fact that I can't win

I know I cant race against time
But I wanna take a shot at the tide
I may drown swimming, but thats fine
The battle is the bright side

I know I cant be forever
But I need to continue to be
Piling up sins and deeds
But ask Lord to spare me

I know I cant be two but one
But I wanna take a shot at a legacy
Surviving in a few memories
Superhero... to some fantasy
Fight even though we know what is going to happen. Exactly what was planned in the plot
Thomas Bodoh May 2019
A brew’r of hearts once offered me a phial,
Her fragile workings wrought with glass-tipped hands,
Brimming gold and glinting simmering smile;
It wafted cooling springs and lotuslands.
Her gentle fingers crushed our fateful flowers,
Enchanting them, and seven years surged back
In bottled blooms. Undo, O nightly hours!
You saw my tainted tongue poison it black.
But ere the deadly draught near stopped my heart,
A foggéd dream collects within my sight:
The far ’way face that Time has locked apart,
Her unblack tresses matching moonless height.
Hear, sweet witch, my soul’s lamenting plea
And fashion me the flask of saving remedy.
Little Bit Mar 2017
buried among
other favorites
you sing to me
about the girl
I used to be
preoccupied with
my own
pain or gain
so naive

I dreamed then
I was naked
I dream now
I'm behind the
steering wheel
but the car's
driving me
out of control
out to sea

I hear your voice
and I want you
to come over
and wrap your
arms around me
I've grown older now
I'd never let you down

but then, too soon
the music changes
**** ******* jagger
reminds me
I've already
found what
I need

but instead of
being comforting
the choir, that chorus
it mocks me
it taunts me

maybe I will blow
a 50-amp fuse
I'm tired of
the self-abuse

I already have
what I need
but I think
you're what
I want

you're what
I feel
but it's
not real
written 3/22/17
April May 2019
If you were ten years younger, and I were fifteen years older.

I would have my glass of champagne clinked your beer bottle
and whisper to you: “The Tigers will win the next game, don’t worry”.

I would put the carrot cupcake on which I’d had a bite already
on your plate and say: “I want to trade it for the popsicle in your hand.”

I would point at the dazzling lights in the darkness while leaning on the railing
and ask:  “Can your house be seen from the roof?”

I would invite you to an eight-ball when I was tipsy
so you could see my rapt expression and bent-over body
then come next to me and say: "Let me show you how to hold the cue stick."
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