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Daydreaming and Dissociating

Dissociation is a way of transcending one's own boundaries,

A feeling of weightlessness, of drifting in the viscosity of thoughts,

Daydreaming as a kind of state without space and time,

Lost in a Penrose triangle of emotions or feelings,

Nothing endures there, at the same time everything is there,

Like a library where the books only have empty pages,

A concert without music, without sounds, without lutes,

A meadow where no flowers grow or where flowers will never bloom,

A journey without a destination,

The body and mind reorganise, they change and adapt,

In essence, dissociating is a kind of daydreaming, only much less pleasant,

Daydreaming and dissociating fight for supremacy in me every day.
I was writing this when I was sitting in my favourite coffee store, while drinking a delicious coffee and experienced multiple dissociated moments.
The Sun sets at the end of each day,
In the cold, dark night, it's easy to lose your way.

Many Falling Stars shine through the night,
All of them burn up, they all lose their guiding light.

Move forward, even if you can't see,
Don't let yourself be stopped, not by land, air or sea.

Each night is followed by a sunrise,
The dark will fade, no matter how hard the Moon tries.

As promised, a sunrise is on the horizon,
A new Dawn, a new Hope is rising.
Grey 1d
I'm eccentric

An enigma

Very flappable

Stoical sometimes


Quiet to a fault

I've been told

I love all shades wrong

You can't pin me down to a particular category

Notoriety you could say

Beign lambasted comes with the title


But that had me covered in blotches

But I'm happier embracing that

Socially constricted

But my cycle love deeply in ways that is freeing to some

I'm exceptionally jumpy some days

Emotions ?lets say they are tasking

Let's say they are OK

I show them by helping out,reducing their burden

I know I'm strong physically

But I've learned recently

My mind is stronger

Being me is daunting

But no one else could play that role
Better than I do.
The power of being individual
When I got in the shower,
I noticed that you hung
your washcloth next to mine.
When I realized,
I stared at it for a minute,
feeling a relief that words
can't really assure.

Not exactly rocket science,
but it took me by surprise
to see it hanging there,
reaching over it to grab mine.
When I finished washing,
I rung mine out and hung
it back beside yours,
scooting it over to make sure
there was enough room
for both to hang.

The parts of ourselves
that we try to hide,
welcoming them both
back home.

A small gesture that made me
reconsider not just my day,
but you
softening the distance between us,
at least long enough to shower, dry off,
and see your face when I walk out
the bathroom.
You don't ask for more.
To be honest
It's not about the rags at all.
Just another thing that makes me
Think of you
You got in my fingertips
The nerve endings to be exact
I felt you for days after
Not sure
I think you are
Tifani 3d
Live your lie
with the f
but still remember
the truth you hold is no longer yours
spare the air as it hits your face
scar the trees that do no harm
cut the plants that give you life
eat the meat that makes you smile
no longer a lie
a truth untold
still a lump in your throat
until you let go
remember the f that you spare
Annie 4d
Six feet underneath
I know you can’t even see me

When I was there
I would sit and stare

You once asked
Why do I keep looking like that

Little do you know
I am longing for a show

When I am dead
And my eyes are shut instead

I’ld still be able to see you in my grave
Because I am saving this picture’s trace

So even when I am gone
I’ld have you with me forever

So even when the world will forget about me
I’ld still remember you

So even when I won’t be breathing
My eyes would still see
See you there with me
A heart that's whole brings joy;
But one that is hollow
can only bring sorrow.

Like a raging fire, my love burned,
It quickly outgrew its fireplace
When a single spark jumped out.
From a warm embrace, into a wildfire it turned.

At long last came the soothing rain,
But save the lands it did not do.
Gentle shower, then a downpour,
The fire's wrath was now replaced by the water's reign.

The Sun's smile dries up anything,
Matters not if it's tears or rain,
The lands are finally saved! But...
What about the fireplace? Did it lose everything?

A lone, tiny ember survived,
Hopped to safety just in time,
Weathered the storm in its shelter.
Into the fireplace it bounced, the fire was revived!

My heart is filled with joy,
I share this joy with you.
Love you not to survive,
But Love you because I choose to.
Immortality Feb 21
I sought truth,
pure white,
only to face,
a black lie.

"Why not believe?"
you said.

How can I
when you painted
everything grey?
A lil conversation between 'me' and 'my destiny.'

never knew that losing someone I love, could make me doubt my own existence.
funny, isn't it?
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