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Maria Mitea Nov 2020
Love your children!
Love your children sincerely
And groom them with Godly love,

Don't punish them
When bread crumbs fall out
Of their mouths
On the polished floor,
Don't put your blame on them,
Do not  use small things
To beat them,
Don't steal their innocence,
And purity of Self,
Don't blame them,

Better pray!
Not for polished floors,
But for their fragile souls,
When they hid and cry
In the upstairs room,
Where the bird stoped
to build its nest,

To find their own  purpose
In the flow of life!
Love your children!

Love sincerely, without disguise
Encourage them with gentle words,
And guide them with good works,
Listen when your children speak!
Then you know what to ask,
Ask, what do they think, what do they want,
Don't impose your adult thoughts on them,
Raise your children in self-respect,
The greatest treasure of life,
Self-respect rests
In listening to your children
Dear Parents,

The child is a human like you

Be a parent with eyes and ears
Don't just think about what
You mean, and judge,
You are not the owner of the child,
You are the guide,

The  children are  humans like you,
They came here not for your will,
Not for you, for them, they know better,
And they feel better than you,
And they see better than you,
And don't laugh and shame them
When they speak the truth
And don't scold them
in front of strangers,
Learn from them too!

Ask them!
Ask them how do they feel,
Be the mirror of clear water,
The water where they can see
The brightness of their faces,
Don't force them to admire you
Only you,
Grow them in a clear light,
Give them love as a parent
And don't look to
See yourself in them,

Do not use the child!
Do not use the child!
To exalt yourself in glory,
Give them love as a parent,

Understand how it feels when you put
Your own expectations in them,
Don't ruin their dreams
With your own desires
Don't ruin their life and search
your dreams to come true,

Understand how do they feel
when you force them to think like you,

Children are the miracle of God,
Pure light in the stream of life,
God entrusted you
Grow them with love,
Let them think for themselves!
Let them be for themselves!
Encourage them to make
small decisions at an early age,
Give them space to practice
Self-being, self-respect,
Life fills them with its calls,
Be present with a hug,
Don't force them  to live your destiny,
As they have their own destiny to fulfill!

Cultivate self-respect!
Let them  fill their own  life
given by the will of God!

Children will lose themselves in us,
Who wants a lost child?
A lost child that will seek
Him/Herself/ Themselves for a lifetime,
No one!
Life doesn't want lost children,
Lost children from their own roots,

The time has come
Be kind to your children!
Dave Robertson Nov 2020
To Friday five I apologise,
to my profession and charges
I weaken and give mummers tales,
avoid holes of attention
that tired souls give in to

I love my responsibilities hotly
but there are ends to means,
so weekly turns have starts
which Mondays begin
Mansi Nov 2020
We need to stop
telling young children
that their worth comes
from the letters
on their report card

Too many children
are slowly
killing themselves
trying to measure up
to society's
unrealistic expectations
Eden Wheeler Nov 2020
Black skinny jeans holds her body
While I mold her brain
The seconds tick by
She wiggles her for
Concentration or anxiety?

// EW
Nick lupin Nov 2020
I’m not a robot

I'm not some cog in a machine

I’m not some faceless doll that does stuff on repeat

I’m not an A.I that remembers your every word

I am here to learn…

But instead of learning about real life

I learn an illusion that's forced into my mind

Pointless facts, dates, numbers

all these things I must remember

Only to do all over again

Over and over and over

Pointless facts more numbers

again  and again, this cycle goes

I repeat

I'm not a robot

I am not your slave

I am a human with a life outside of school days

But I feel as though that has been taken away…

….and for what?…
Pointless facts, dates, Quizzes!?

You say you’re making leaders yet you only tell us how to listen.

How do expect us to succeed with a youth full of machines?!

I am not a robot
I am a student
And expect you to treat me as such
Nick lupin Nov 2020
Sure, you're important
But how pretentious you say
That you are shaping the youth
A day at a day
But alas this is something You will never ever dare ponder
Because, you have a certain idea for what is proper
For What makes a student excel
Yet you can’t bear to comprehend
Why everyone doesn’t, so you expel
Expel your morals, beliefs, and ideas
onto the students that don’t even want them there
Yet this will never come to full fruition
because everybody needs something different in this **** institution
we all have strengths
we all have dreams
and things we enjoy
but these hardly line up with courses you employ

And yes, I know it is hard
We all want something else
But I have a right to miffed
when my education has gone south
my skills
My ambitions
My wants
This education seems to want anything but
I’m just tired of it all
Of my life being controlled by a number you install
Why is it you get to decide what’s important
Honestly, I find your lack of faith in me abhorrent
MyReflections Oct 2020
I go to school
To learn new things
And they taught me
"There is no place for curiosity."
I go to school for...
MyReflections Oct 2020
All my balloon
Rise so high
For finding their cloud
In this vast sky.
I admire the scene
With contented eyes
Seeing my balloons
Floating in sky

Ages later
When they reached there
They say it with sigh
That it was me
Who filled air inside
And brought them here
Releasing  thread of their
To let them fly.

For now,
With a smile
I say Goodbye
For I have more balloons
Waiting to fly.
In this poem, I refers to all the teachers who share their knowledge (air) with students (balloons) and let them fly in the Sky (world) to find their cloud (Dream)
Brewomble Oct 2020
Bones-Let’s let them be dry and ******
As if that be the way they were found
Let them crack and fracture and bruise, amongst the concrete ground
Let them have their space to break and wither away-
Let’s turn the other cheek-while behind us they quickly decay
And then let’s use their fossils for fuel, weapons or laddels in every size
As simply as to stir the ***, and smug at their great demise
If not ashes to dust, then what'll be of our bones we fast to give away-
Sewn better than not, twist an arm for play-

But simple pleasures wither too, bones we toddle but dare not fix
Let them wonder how we toyed our hearts- like a feverish game of pick-up-sticks.

-Bre Womble
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