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Kalliope Dec 2024
I don't want to be weak,
Can't let you know I need you.
'Cause I've never needed,
Only provided.
And the power you hold?
Keeps my brain and heart divided.
He's just a man
That's all he is
But when he laughs
I want to be his
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2024
1706 published / 43 drafts / 14 hidden

no matter how much spillage of
inspired words are perspired
into poetic
new ideas push themselves
to the top of the line,
with every eyelash
flutter to falling,
so there seems
always a restless but consistent cohort of
43 draftees
in my lipstadt persona
(one among so many)
like a dentist happiest
when commencing to
drill you in to submission
but smiling since
the novocaine
hasn’t fully…

that when
a poem,
even a  new tooth
is c r e a t ed
in the gum of you,
seed~ed but not fully form~ed,
a new title is
whisked into
a never cold cup of
“what’s next.”
a laundry line
of the great
but needy
for drying out,
not yet ready
for prime time

thus this
never endingness
is one more
perpetual eternal,
a cousin to

a direct order to be
only to be sent away
with a firm loving
no word of

(and not forgetting
to mention the thousand
of half breeds,
started, left
writ incomplete,
in my official
my actual draft file)
all true

Kalliope Dec 2024
I'll fight you to the death
Over every trivial detail
About things we can't unsay
Moments years have passed

I'll fight you till I bleed
If it means you won't leave

I'll fight you every day
For the months yet to come
Even tho you'll never be my home again

Its still contact
No matter where it lands
And bleed I did, all over your floor
But I've cleaned it up, I'm not your problem anymore
I love you like the sun loves the day

I love you the way morning meets my windows
and then my face

The way the stars stay faithful to the night sky

How the spring greets the summer and bleeds to fall

Like the breeze that passes through trees
Caressing gently the autumn leaves

Springs polite decline to winters invite
A harmonic fight

I love you like the way the darkness is pierced by the light

Every time you smile my heart takes flight

Love like a movie
Black and white

Bursts of colour
Soundtrack to my life

I love you every time my heart beats

Constantly, consistently, fiercely, calmly, bravely, quietly… with every adjective and all their synonyms

With every vessel and part of me

I love you every time my heart beats.
Love like a symphony
I hear it every time you breathe
You’re the conductor
Pulling on my heartstrings

The sound of your heartbeat
My loves lifeline
Till the end of time

Because I love you.
I love you every time my heart beats.

© Raffi
Zoe Mae May 2021
I am a comedy
A walking calamity
Just miscellaneously here

I have a tragedy
Living inside of me
Always in paralyzing fear

I am a mystery
Already history
And I just want out of here
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Ever closer your cooties approach my fabric, multiplying like maggots.

Can I even muster the courage
to peek under the sheets?


Too afraid of what I'll see...
Perhaps a mushroom shaped like me?

Nowadays your dead skin cells are my pillow.


You're warmer dead than alive,
and your cooties still thrive.
Zoe Mae Aug 2021
Can I chop off your head so I can pick your brain?
You look kind of inspired and somewhat sane
Perhaps you have something clever to say?
An original metaphor that isn't cliche
Some snappy line that ropes people in
And gets them to scroll all the way to the end?
If you're reading this, we must have succeeded
Sorry everyone for feeling cheated
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