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Monsters crawl in the dark crevices in my brain.
Let me go! Leave!
I'm so tired!
Do you know what it's like reader?
Your eyes scan these words but do you understand?
Young girl, boy, old woman, man, do you?
I wish I knew if you could relate.
Do you know what it's like to exist in a world that doesn't exist.
The real world is just outside but I can't escape my own.
Monsters are everywhere.
Seeping in, scratching at my door.
I let them in every time.
They simply tell me to.
I can't escape..
I want all thoughts to leave my mind and let me be.
I want to go back and not be so alone.
I felt so alone.
That is why I created the monsters.
Only to keep me company.
I was a lonely child.
Everyday I would wake alone.
Every night I would sleep alone.
I was alone.
I was a lonely child.
Loneliness in turn raised me.
It nurtured the monsters.
The monsters shaped me.
I wish I could go back and not be alone.
Loneliness is deadly.
I was lonely for too long.
I was lonely for too long.
This poem is about what it feels like to have maladaptive daydreaming disorder.
Kur Oct 2014
She fills her head with tales of love and tragedy,
In war-torn cities and rival families to ancient melody,
Tossing and turning, on her bed
She lives the lives of lovers so young and foolish and sweet.

She dreams of Orpheus, his melancholy and his music.
Of Seigfried and his journey to the damsel he seeks.
Then Samson who fell twice in the hands of a woman.
And Romeo who no longer felt the need to run.

Now,the morning light urges her to wake up.
The dreams disappear and the longing suddenly stops
For she knows that though tragedies may happen,
She still looks forward to that day she will meet him.
Elli Apr 2014
Wake up, wake up!
It's time to get your head
out of the clouds

Wake up you whimsical dreamer
and move to where you want

Wake up, wake up!
you sleepy head,
don't dread time
but rather dread death

Life doesn't move
if you just live with constant fear

Wake up, wake up!
daydreamer you are running out of breaths

Wake up and tell her
Tell her!
tell her you love her

Stop her!
stop her
she's waiting

Draw her a picture,
write her a song,

the more breaths you waste,
the farther she goes

Wake up, wake up!
daydreamer she's gone,
what will you do now?

You let her go,
even when I told you
to hold onto that balloon

You lived in constant fear
now your nightmares came true

Wake up, Wake up!
maybe it's not too late
tell her you love her
tell her what she means to you

Don't just stand there,
for people who live in constant fear of rejection, i think it's better to let that person know how you actually feel instead of just "dreaming", in the end at least you tried. (Happy Easter! say no to bunny abuse)
Lajah Apr 2014
Calling all day dreamers,
Keep your eyes shut
Don’t ever open them to this brainwashed society
Grip onto your soul before they come to take it away
Hide all your thoughts for they are quite possessive
Remind yourself that to be different in a world full of copies
Is to be a diamond in a pond full of rocks
Hold onto your heart as they come around with a hammer
Picture a daisy instead of the trash they all left behind
Imagine it is all just a fiction to numb the pain
Pretend the hurt in the world can all be cured with a band aid
Attempt to smile even when there is nothing worth smiling
Stay dreaming in this beautiful nightmare
Find the good hidden beneath these restless souls
Wear your crown of flowers although you are nothing but a peasant
Dance until the judgement is felt around the room
Calling all day dreamers,
Don’t ever wake up.
Don't open your eyes.

— The End —