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Peasant The Poet Jun 2020
Wandered a whiff,
trailing a breeze;
an inkling waft,
a tickling tease.
Faintly familiar...
Fragrant with ease.
Perfume of past,
present to please.
scent memory
SEN May 2020
Two unknown persons
They began their trek slowly
ever so slowly
step after step over pebbles,
foot after foot left sand prints
small pools of  little starfish.

The lady turned and spoke to the stranger
“ I don't need my eyes now , there's no sound just the silence"

The beach stretched on and on
the shoreline is never ending.

The stranger turned and said
" are we not drawn onward, two of us, onward towards a new era "

They continue to walk
Hope in both hearts.
1st poem submitted
Eva B May 2020
What is it about attraction to other bodies and souls?

What kind of madness is this game of want and no?
i don't want to get too close
you seem almost
you like when i kiss your neck
why do i almost feel nothing
should i tell you i'm not emotionally available?
because to be honest
i'm emotionally exhausted
from him
and him
and him
and him.
will you be like them?
dissociating again.
once again.
but this should be a happy moment
at brusters ice cream.
you're so heckin cute.
you like thrifting too?
and to think..
i almost blew you off completely..
because online you seemed
just like an average guy.
but heck;
im an average girl
aren't i?
but we can't stop talking.
we giggle during what would be
awkward silences.
and Aquarius;
just the thought of you is..
well here i am,
kissing you goodbye,
outside ulta
at 12:30
he said
another message
you're the only one i like
please can i take you out
i guess
my plan for validation
was successful
I met a guy,
named Jack.
He's gorgeous.
He's sweet.
He makes me think..
about all the things i've done in my life;
Why am i here?
He's beautiful.
He's nice.
He has the most **** body;
one that I want..
He's amazing.
He's smart.
I think someone is perfect.
He's picky.
He's cute,
and I like him a lot.
His name is Jack.
Kat Schaefer May 2020
If you’re Jim Jones, then I’m the drinker of the Kool-Aid
I will nod my head in submission and act unafraid
I shall follow in your footsteps and bow before your feet
For I am but a troubled girl who lacks a self-esteem

If you’re Charles Manson, then I’m your ardent devotee
My life, a mere sacrifice, for the desires of thee
Your love and approval is my only mode of existence
For I know nothing else, but am fearful of your distance

If you’re Marshall Applewhite, then I’m your Bonnie Lu
This world is blinded by sacrilege and doesn’t know the truth
So as the comet passes, and we are greeted by our deaths
I will kiss your cheek and say “you were worth my final breaths”

If you’re my spontaneous soulmate, then I am but a victim
For your sudden interest leads to a dangerous addiction
In a few weeks you will disappear and I will question why
While you tell your friends that you’re a "really nice guy”

And I will sit and wonder why you quickly lost interest
When I was unaware of your feelings of belligerence
After weeks of contemplation I will come to realize
That I too was but a sheep, that was herded on your lies
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