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Sabila Siddiqui Oct 2018
Your language is empathy
Your power is vehemence.
You have a searing pursuit of understanding
and the ability arouse curiosity.

Conversing with you is like
naming stars,
creating constellation with them
It is observing the intricacy, profundity and complexity of this world;
Delving deeper into the ocean
and a black hole of unexplored matter
as you paint extravagant pictures with words.

You made me feel heard
the days I was mute
the days I was invisible.

Thank you for asking me what I thought,
for making me feel it mattered.
Thank you for reaching out,
when I needed it the most.
Thank you for inspiring me
to be vocal about my thoughts and passions.
Thank you for being an integral
part of the person I am today.
Thank you for brewing the oceanic-galactic tea.
waffle Oct 2018
for a time you were all in my life,
i thought of you all as stars
who will light up the darkness out of me.

but you all just seem to make
a constellation out of my life.
and just like stars,
who leave the sky when it’s already bright.
i hate the feeling
Luna D Oct 2018
I’ve been sitting here
Sitting here on this distant planet
For what seems like years
I ran away to get away from the dark.
Away from a broken heart
I’ve sat
And I’ve stared at the little dot every night
That little dot that I had once called Home
That no longer was Home in my heart
Then you appeared
A cluster of stars
Peeking out from behind the clouds
I wanted you
in that very moment
I needed you
This distant planet I sat upon knew
It Knew you were the one.
The one I needed to call Home
so it sent me off.
And I took flight once more
Soaring through the galaxies
Past the planets who nodded at me
They too knew
Knew that I was headed towards you
The cluster of stars.
When I arrived
It was unlike anything I had ever seen before
Your stars,
no longer a random cluster
they had a place
they had purpose
they had me mesmerized
when I met you I was reborn
reborn into a star
a star who’s only purpose was to be with you
to complete the cluster
the constellation
you became my favorite constellation
you ARE my favorite constellation
Are my favorite constellation.
Sara Svensson Sep 2018
Your face has been splattered with freckles all over.
I look at you and I'm staring up at a star filled sky, yet to be mapped out.
I give a name to the constellation on the bridge of your nose.
I give a name to the cluster of freckles on your eyelid.
I map the sky out and give everything names and I name them all after me.
carminayasmin Sep 2018
the moon is in retrograde
with you tonight.

because you have my head spinning and

I just looked out
to find the stars have spilled out into your name.
1 September, midnight
I love you
Brandon Conway Aug 2018
Pearl white floral treat
entwined in the vines of hair
sundress draped a frame petite  
skin so smooth and fair

Calm oceans happily gaze
glass of wine we share
tropical blue I'll sail for days
lost in the waves serene care

Lift the glass to those lush lips
we'll share some little laughs
for the first time this seedy ship
doesn't mind posing photographs

Beacon of moonlight
how you so guide
a lost star back to night
where it will find its stride

My enchanting little carnation
oh how you so complete
this lost dull constellation
giving meaning to its heartbeat
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