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Jonny May 2016
I love you,
I love you, from the bottom of my heart,

I'll whisper that,
In your ears,
When we're no longer apart.
(I bet it gives you chills)

You did the same to me,
All those nights really late,
I'd ride my bike to you,
And I'd hop over those gates,
Then in through the window,
Where you would be awake,
(a few times you weren't)

That mile and a half,
Riding in the dark,
Sometimes it was foggy,
But there were always sparks,

I've tried living without you,
It's been nothin but a mess,
If I have to live without you,
I'll be miserable at best.

So I say again my beautiful girl
I love you
I love you, from the bottom of my heart.
Lost May 2016
Do you think Mark is okay? I'm scared. He's all alone and he has no one there for him and to hold and tell him that he's going to be okay. I'm so scared, Sean. People who've gotten the chance to see him out say that he looks terrible and like a zombie. He has literally no one. I hate not being able to do anything...

I'm so sorry, Button. I know you're hurting but...I don't know how to help you. The situation is beyond both of your controls at this point. Just stay strong. If not for yourself, for him. What was the last thing he said to you?


Okay....what was the last thing he SAID to you?

"I love you, Victoria."

Then have faith in that. Believe that he loves you.

But he doesn't.

He does.

You don't know that.

But I do. He loved you then and he loves you now. Don't give up on him. There's still a chance.


So what else happened today?
"I love you too, Mark."
Alanna Hoeveler May 2016
he said he was scared of commitment
but he had tattoos all over his skin,
i guess he didn't see me as a work of art
or maybe he didn't think the pain was worth it
Nestoria LR May 2016
i often hear holding things dear,
ive never been sure why "forever"
felt as suffocating as this deal im making
with the devil,
this life im faking, lives ive been taking

why is forever, a wide eyed believer?
greener than greed, darker than lust
poison ivy climbing from out of my eyes
just to remind me
that forever
will always stay longer
than you ever would.
you know i'd never forget it, not again
The world has made you feel like an abandoned church but in my eyes you’ll always be a cathedral.
Don’t leave me sitting here alone because no amount of ***** or morphine will ease the pain.
I stood in the rain patiently awaiting your arrival but then I eventually realised that you were the rain.
Your darkness balances out my light, and that’s one of the things that I love about you.
The ocean in your eyes reminds me of the colour of the sky and how I want to dive into the depths of you.
Let me romance you all over again so that you can feel the moment you first fell in love with me.
I want to write poems for you again so that you remember the feeling of losing your breath at the emotions they brought.
I know you miss the smile you once held while falling asleep and the sense of hope and love I brought to your world of loneliness.

You cannot seem to remember how you got to loving me, it all seems to be a distant memory.
What you feel is real but there once came a point in your life where detachment became the only way to cope.
Now I’m standing in front of you with the purpose of providing love and hope.
I know you miss the smile you once held while falling asleep to beautiful poems and peaceful dreams.
Don’t leave me behind because love like yours is hard to find and my words can attest to this.
I once said that you seem to ruin anything good going for you but that’s a lie.
Chances have already been given so let’s both start over because my heart says that you’re the one.
I was yours already way before you asked, "Be mine perhaps?".
And so, I never knew anything of good times
or for that matter bad times too
and I never knew anything
of hope or forgiveness
or want or commitment
or a woman
until I found you
Glasgow Girl G1 Apr 2016
Amy is a clever girl
So confident and bright
Her work is always in on time
She always gets it right!

And if it's not she takes advice
Corrections quickly made
Performance wise, what can I say?
She's brilliant on the stage!

So, farewell pretty girl
Good luck, you will go far
I know that in the coming years
You'll shine and be a star!

To Amy Love an exceptional example of excellence!
Kes Long Apr 2016
To my dear wife,

I promise to love you,
to care for you,
to protect you from all harm,
to dote on you,
to cherish you,
to always be here for you.
To cuddle you,
To keep you warm.
To keep you safe throughout the nights.
To come home each day and give you the same amount of love as the day we first got together.
To hold your hand and walk with you.
To always remind you the reasons you are perfect to me.
To never take for granted the depth of love you have for me.
Until we both grow old and laugh with our wrinkly faces as we look back at the life we have had.
I love you so much for you are my wife.
Dhaye Margaux Apr 2016

I am a woman
And my soul breaths all
The love that I feel
And I shall I live
In every single word
In every little thing
In every harmonic sound
That is coming from you
I am the one who dreams
To see your smile
To hear your laughter
To wipe your tears
To help you carry your loads

I am a woman
And my spirit longs
To be united to yours
Like a twin flame
I could see us rise
And together we will soar high
To love's eternity
I can only promise you
A love  that will never die
But grows and grows more
As the time goes by

I am a woman
And my body craves
To be owned by you
A sacred gift of love
A priceless jewel I kept
To adorn you one day
A garland of sweet kisses
A blanket of  warm embrace
A strong shelter of love

Yes, a woman that I am
Only for you, my love
You own me, all of me
Take my all
Every inch of me
Because I am yours
A woman only for you.

For all the women who truly love.
Cynthia Jean Apr 2016
I am slowly
to realize
that to love
can be easy,
but also very
It can be
and sometimes
it must be learned.
It can be
as a well-mothered
and also
be orphaned.
It can be oppressed,
and it can be
It can be hoped for,
and its flame
can also be
with doubt.
you have the strength
and courage
you may
in its donor,
even as a small child
blindly puts its
and hope
into the hands of a
kindly stranger.
Initially, it is
seed like,
and how it is nurtured
on you...
whether you wish it
to reach
its maturity
in the form of
a dandelion....
a rose....

cj 1971
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