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blythe Feb 2015
The spring in your steps
And the spring in nature
Playing a match
That let me have a catch
Of a bit of happiness
In all my loneliness

In all my loneliness
This weather makes me
Light as a feather
Dreaming of us together

Dreaming of us together
In a fairyland
We claim as ours
Where a vast meadow
Filled with flowers
Dancing as the wind blows

Dancing as the wind blows
Taking away my woes
Sun rays kissing our skin
Let the light shine upon us
Another wonderful collaborative work :)

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© blythe
blythe Feb 2015
In this world, I travel
To the paths laid before me, I wander
In the midst of this valley, I walk
Not sure where these paths would take me.

The winds increase their speed
Arise then fall again, I traverse still
Past the lea the mountains
Are upwards sloped, the paths grow rough and steep.

I thought this was path
Plain, worn, and clearly visible to see
I have gone so far now,
The path is dark and steep I feel alone.

Feeling lost in track,
No trail to be found,
I started to venture on my own
Make a new route where no other goes.

I found nothing in venture,
No longer wasting time; but then I found
My heart along the way,
Which longed to be filled with the simplest things.
A collaborative work with one of the amazing poets I have known since I started here on HP :)

(( © blythe and
© Timothy
February 3 to 6, 2015 ))
Steele Feb 2015
I started smoking because you said it made me look ****;
the grey smoke, you said, brought out the green in my eyes.
We took a fireball with whiskey and called it sane,
you kissed smoke into my mouth and addiction into my veins,
but at the end of the night...
that was okay.
Because smoking made me look ****, at least in your eyes;
Because I was drunk anyway, on your lips and your thighs.

I told you take a puff because I wanted our hearts to entwine;
Does that make me such a bad girl? Is it such a terrible crime
to want to make you addicted to something... anything of mine.
You smiled reason back into my life and purpose into my mind;
but at the end of the night...
it wasn't enough.

Because your smile was too sad,
and I needed you to share in my tongue tied joy.
Because your reason was too mad,
and I wanted so bad for my own that naive green eyed boy.

So, I started smoking and drinking for a girl. Is that so wrong?
*So, I stopped him looking and thinking. Took his heart for a twirl.

Is that so wrong?
blythe Feb 2015
Oh,' be young or old, courageous or wise,
Whatever you do, whoever you are,
Beware of those souls whose words are the guise
Hiding a past marked with an ugly scar.

Their face may be benign hiding malus
With an altruistic front for a show;
Fragrance of a rose hides a soul callus
Envious heart wanting to take your glow.

Yet, your love and honesty guides your fate
No matter what others would say and do,
Love's the beacon to steer away from hate
Enjoy life and show the world the real you.

When deceptive people spin their charmed lies
*Let not their words fool you, learn to be wise.
Shakespearean sonnet style. Collab with my HP father - Chuck :)
Loved writing with him. <3
When I was still a newbie here on HP, he was the one who taught me different styles of poetry.
blythe Jan 2015
It felt like floating on the river with a wrinkly skin,
Akin to the corpse burying its sins deep within,
Life was like a gazebo in a dilapidated garden,
There will be reconstruction, if she let go off the burden.

It felt like being struck right deep into the soul
Suffocated and heated with a burning coal
Life has been like living in hell
Thinking she was already in heaven but she fell.

It felt tattered and drained out, limping every step towards life,
Appearing red stains and wounds by a knife,
Collecting the pieces haplessly, relieving the pain,
She wanted to feel the sunshine and kiss the rain.*

It felt like drowing in a vast ocean of depression
Heart suffering from lingering oppression
But her smile never fades away
Getting stronger day by day.
Another collab with another amazing poet :)

Bluestarfall in bold
Blythe in italics
Stuck to an icy
   history of thought,
   the habitual web caught
the Fly in its enticing
   display of verbs
      that match the pattern:
      language is the matter,
   betraying ourselves with words.
   A tongue to its Work tied
      might make the spider
      think twice before biting;
   those venomous lies
we tell our Selves about
   helplessness and somedays
   victimization and blame,
empowering our self-doubt;


Devouring our might as writers,
    we have nothing if not pride;
      We take flight to the deepest parts
        of the universe of literature.
Neither nihilistic nor cynical,
    our linguistic is made of visuals.
      Verily we write with studious care,
        veracity a common trait we share:
We are an orchestra,
    a symphony of synchronised melody.
      Epiphanies emphasize tragedies
        that consume us repeatedly --
We seek to
    link our verses
      and feel deep connections
        when engulfed by depression
Verse 1 - M.P.D.
Verse 2 - Jamie King
Jamie King Jan 2015
Fell in deep slumber
But my soul is wide awake;
Nights filled with horrendous dreams
Or are those my realities haunting
me ?
Falling in the abyss of thoughts
Ready to feel shattered
and lost

my soul weakens and breaks my emotions separate themselves
from each other
and exit from my husk of my body
no one around as I die
lonely starving for love
i wake up

Afraid that
the dreams
could become reality
or at least haunt me
for the rest of my life ,
leaving my soul
forever tainted

I'm taunted but At the edges of my fears for a moment,
Wisdom breaths courage
And  I  a m F r e e  
With each step
I can see a glimpse
of elation
enchanting my soul
awakaning my hope
replenishing the hole
in the mists of my heart lost
without love joy is found
and at long last I am whole.
This is another KING-Collab I did with three amazing poets.. pls comment and repost
1 Blythe
2 Cody Dale
3 Donna Jones and Gary Liles
4 Jamie King
Ember Evanescent Jan 2015
Dear The Boy Who Is Wasting My Time and Emotion,

I can do so much better than you.

no you can't

You are hurting me, every time you speak to me, you break me a little more.

Get over it Princess. You deserve it. God, you're pathetic.

Stop texting me when you have a girlfriend

but you want him to, secretly

I am going to find someone someday who is so much better than you.
Someone who will treat me right instead of treating me like I'm his
Plan B. I'm going to find someone who doesn't drink and get high to
work out his problems when he can't even legally drive yet. That's not
called "being complicated and deep" as you seem to think, it's
called "being an alcoholic and a druggie". I'm going to find someone
who reads, who likes the same books I do and won't make fun of the
series I love that saved me from myself when I wanted to **** myself.
I'm going to find someone with a good heart, who CARES about me,
who will not be Broken but will be okay with me being Broken. Who
will fix me. Not someone who just wants an ego boost like you do.

you will never find anyone like that. You will never do better than

You really aren't who you used to be

So? You should take what you can get, stupid girl. No boy has ever
liked you, and no boy ever will. No boy has even called you pretty
besides him.

You're bad for me.

You are not worth anything better

You say you are sorry and regret hurting me, but I don't believe you

believe him

I want to believe you. So badly

so then just believe him!

but I can't

you stupid ugly worthless *****...

And even if I did believe you, you don’t even like me. You haven’t
even spoken to me for a month. A MONTH you *******!

You’re not worth noticing or speaking to. Why would he care? Just
take it. Take how he treats you and deal with it. It’s what you deserve.
Get used to it, *****.

Even if we talked for a while, for a long while and you managed to
deceive me enough into getting close with you again, then if you asked
me out and we went back down the path we were on before you
dropped me so easily, I could never trust you. You text me flirty texts
while you’re WITH HER! You HAVE a girlfriend and NO girl deserves
to be treated like that. No girl deserves to have an unfaithful boy who
is in her life, but is not committed to her when he claims he is.

You deserve that.

Not even me.

Yes you do.

So I don’t deserve to be treated the way you treat me. I get a mini heart
attack every time you text me and I’d like you out of my life.

Don’t do that. You’ll regret it. You are so, so alone you stupid *****.
What are you thinking?

I can do better than you. I can find someone who likes me. Someone
who’s idea of a good time doesn’t involve ecstasy. Someone who
doesn’t need to be drunk to say something nice to me.

Oh please. You will never ever find anyone.

Please just stop now. I have bigger problems than a boy like you.

Your problems could be solved with a  boy like him though!

I told you that you didn’t hurt me. I am lying. I’m not going to let you
keep hurting me however.

But the pain is so addictive. Let him keep hurting you. It makes you
feel like maybe you’re worth something, if you have his approval. If he
tells you you’re pretty, it makes you wonder for a second if the mirror
is wrong. You will never be convinced, but it makes you wonder, for
just a split second. It hurts, but it’s a lovely split second. Listen to me!


Yeah. You’re right about that, at least. What kind of ******
consolation prize would you be? Who would want you? You’re not a consolation prize to him, you’re just a another girl for when he’s bored. That’s all you deserve to be. Take it, worthless. You’re ugly. Take what you can get.

Usually, this is where I’d say: I’m sorry. Goodbye. But I am not sorry
and I’ve apologized to you far too many times so far and I shouldn’t
have. I had nothing to be sorry about.

You always have something to be sorry about. Apologize that he has
to look at you and your ugly face. That you exist. That you are wasting
space on his phone with your picture and your contact and your texts.
Apologize for being so difficult and annoying and desperate and
pathetic and self-centered and self-deprecating and say you’re sorry
that you ever offended him by being so pompous as to believe for even
just half a second (or half a summer, as it were) that you could be
worthy of his interest. Because you are worth nothing. You are not
enough. You are inferior. You are a failure. A waste.

So goodbye.


You’ll regret it later. You will never find a boy as good as him. Ever.
You will never even find another guy. You don’t deserve him, let alone
anyone else. It was a fluke that he ever ended up with the misfortune
of knowing you. You will never do better than him.

Yes I will.

No you won’t, you stupid ugly worthless *****.

Yes. I will.
My dark side is in the bolded letters.

Well, there's your waste of time for the day: Me.

Sorry for being so annoyingly self-deprecating. I know, it's very pathetic. I just am so sick of this guy who keeps suddenly texting me out of the blue and throwing all my emotions way off.
They say that this world is a cruel place.
But, I'm sorry. I'd beg to differ.
Yes, the fast lane doesn't really appeal to me either.
For it is the slow lifestyle of a traveller that I prefer.
I am tunnelled to demand adventure.
Through mountains, forests & deserted lands.
For, through my vision I seek nothing but...
The embrace of warm welcomers with folded hands.
- Aks
Just a little something I wrote. It's part of a poem me and my friend am collaborating upon. Our topic mainly is - Travel
blythe Jan 2015
A luminous forest, a weeping evergreen, a tall waterfall that the breeze bounds o'er, a spring of dreams that doubles back and cycles - sky in endlessly they do: the wavelet course of the orbs or a calm stream, tearful eyes overflowing with heraldic thoughts thru the night, a singular occupancy in a surge or flood, crest followed by crest ' till they disguise all, a reign of emerald hue that has no decay, like the flapping wings in the unfolding sky. A gigantic mountain standing tall and strong, not showing how lonely it is to be alone. A calming sound of the river flowing, swiftly the current goes like the days passing by quickly along with each memory. A passage thru the valleys of our future days, and the sunless elegance of such sorrow takes this wealthiest of natures and turns it to industry, and the eventual joys within loving arms that seek out company and some necessary duty in vain at this time, for the day time moments are chipped away by other moments, for all this, I finally admit that I need your happiness to bring me back from this wasting away, because I desire the multiform pleasures that you could bring to me -and I to you.
My second collab :)

This time, it is with Jamie L Cantore :)
Hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing :)
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