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A knight pretending he
Is imperfect,
Surrendering the bind
For softeness and
Passing his earthly
Emptiness to the
Sleepy sea.

A surreal muse for
This rejected girl;
Emotionally abandoned
And feeling discarded.
A knight armed
With charm
Was gifted to me.
For “R” series
The Awkward Bard Sep 2019
A truth told with charm
Gets better heard, than one yelled
Out often and loud.
Ipsita Jul 2019
He tore me apart
Took my heart
Went on a walk
Became casual over a talk
Life made us split
He broke my heart
Why did he do that?
Just made me slog
Missing love was a mistake
Bliss spils over the place
Each human seems hollow

Today or day after
Someone just ends a story
Someone keeps hoping to start a new one

It can just be terrible to walk into another untold verse. Hoping to stick just another broken word.
Life maybe cruel at times, yet sticking to it is what we should all do.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
You came in my life
with the words “I love you at first sight”
I should’ve known better for you had a hidden bowie knife.
Would you blame me if I believed in fairytales?
For I was so young and naive.

I did not reciprocate those feelings back,
Did you take it to your ego,
and decided to play that game?
or was that your intention all along?
Because you wore me down with kindness and care,
till I was soft and vulnerable.

Weaving your beautiful lies,
you got me to entrust my heart and soul.
Glamouring my vision over the months,
you wore down the walls
and got past the borders and guards.

You decided to take of the mask
and drop the truth like a bomb,
when I was defenseless, weak and unarmed.
For the caring and affectionate person I knew was all a facade
under which laid a deplorable and cynical soul.

Wearing me down till I was unfortified,
was a part of your maneuvering all along.
You reeled me in with care,
just so you can hurt me with a smite.

You broke my vision of what is all good in this world;
where kindness and care isn’t always itself,
but a way to get past the walls.
You made me taste the bitter after taste of those sweet words.
and scarred my innocent soul.

You broke her,
for she no longer sees kindness and care the same,
but fear the ones who show her kindness,
will do the same.
This is to the person who was never a lover but had his own motives to hurt. To the person who brought to light that words and actions aren’t always true. To the one who glamoured my vision, broke it sending a rushing aching pain through my nerves and veins. To the person who tore the petals of innocence and made me believe life isn’t always beautiful and honest. To the first person who made me taste bitterness, betrayal and pain to the core.
SøułSurvivør Jul 2019
Of chancellery
Egyptian charm
Rosetta stone
Within his arms
He never thought
He'd do her harm
He kept her safe
His special cairn.

Upon his altar she was set
Phylactery, his amulet
Tears of gratitude he wept
For such a prize
As what he kept

But though she had
The center stage
All the time
She fumed with rage
He was a fool
She was a sage
So he kept her
In a cage.

Then one day
Whilst fool was sleeping
At her feet while
She was weeping
She spied a weapon
He was keeping
He had sowed...
... now he was reaping!

A candlestick
Of leaded weight
She reached out
Of the cage's gate
Though she was
In prisoner's state
She knocked it off
And sealed his fate!

This was not wisdom
To break his bone.
For she was then
Quite well alone
Yes... she'd put him
In his tomb
But, caged, she had then

Sealed her own
Be careful what you make an idol...

Sorry I haven't been around. I don't write poetry so much anymore. I'm working as an artist now. Thanks for understanding.
Cardboard-Jones Jun 2019
It’s 12 a.m. Tuesday night
And something in me doesn't feel right.

Guess I was thinking of you, I want to call
Just to hear your voice.

I wanna ask if you had a good day.
I wanna see if everything’s okay.

But I roll over again, I feel dead
And I can’t get out of my head.

I miss you.
I wish you could know that.

How do you like your new zip code?
Is it everything that you were told?
Do you smile and smile?
That’s more your style, I haven’t seen that in a while.
I’m kinda hating everything here.
Don’t think I can handle another year
Of you inside my head,
Just come back to bed
So I can see that smile again.

I miss you.
I wish you could know that
I sat with myself in the middle of the night for awhile
And I’m so stupid
To not see you were the best thing for me by a mile.
And let’s be honest
You’re my favorite thing about this little town.
You’re my favorite thing about me.
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