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Mistico Mar 8
Talvez eu deva me esforçar,
Para que ao escrever, algo possa brotar.
Mas ainda prefiro viver momentos tão profundos,
Que minha mente transborda de mundos.

No papel, as palavras vêm e vão,
Frases, lugares, tempos da invisível criação,
Eu, eu mesmo, e ninguém mais,
Num jogo de "talvez" e "mas" sem iguais.

Ruiva ou loira, pouco importa o aspecto,
Quando olho para o nada e vejo o universo em meu reflexo.
O planeta, tão distante, se reflete em minha mente,
Onde palavras surgem sem sentido, mas com uma força latente.

Perfume forte, perfume fraco,
No final, ambos se tornam um só, sem o que era de fato.
A essência se transforma, em algo imenso,
A imperfeição se revela a mais bela no tempo imenso.

O caráter, verdadeiro e inquebrantável,
Prevalece onde a alma se torna admirável.
O futuro leva essa virtude com firmeza,
E a beleza reside na sinceridade, sem outra defesa.

Viver sozinho, talvez uma opção,
Mas a perfeição não se encontra na solidão.
Um abraço, um carinho, um beijo profundo,
São desejos que buscam ser compreendidos neste mundo.

A carne é efêmera, apenas carne,
Mas o espírito é eterno, algo além de qualquer arte.
Palavras ao vento, levadas pelo tempo,
Transformam-se em desejos, em crescimento.
Bede Sep 2019
You make all of my senses fail
In comprehending your beauty.
Soul and body, both pristine,
My life is changed by your love.
Mind work poetry
infer lower
court a
wall with
DACA while
Mrs. Pelosi
shares liberal
concern i.e.,
morals with
crossovers like
her minority
leader while
McConnell gasps
with Ross
while Mathew
is ninth
circuit in
Hot 'Lanta
is Charlie Carlos dead?
Joshua Carter Dec 2016

Beautiful souls build beautiful minds..
one in the same time..
lovely rose that grew from the inception of two blind..
creating fire and water that would bring divinity throughout destiny lies..
the beauty in knowledge that makes you think for yourself..
the world on its shoulders..
get that dirt off..
Matter of fact .. I'll help..
but who am I myself?
Empath ..
that may never heal myself..
Cecil Miller Feb 2016
You wouldn't welsh on a bet with your ******,
And you wouldn't go to bed with the mob.
You wouldn't mess with a street gang ****,
No matter if he's crab, or slob.

You wouldn't backstab a man on death row,
Cause you know he just might **** ya.
If you've got the gumption.
You wouldn't have it long,
If you cross Evil Nurse Sheila.

You shouldn't be like the fool who tried
To play games with her heart.
She left him a crushed, empty man.
Well, he was doomed from the start.

Sheila isn't a ******,
And you'd better not let her hear
You snickering about her at the social club.
You might not have time to fear.

Sheila's makes the headlines
Each time she tries to settle down.
She plans to live a carefree life,
But soon she has to leave town.

Everything she does
Is warped, but in the name of love.
Except when she hates your guts,
When it's Sheila you've run afoul of.

If you've never heard her story.
You'd best take this advise.
If you cross her path just keep walking,
You best not look back twice.

Evil Nurse Sheila's got a heart of stone
That looks like a heart of gold.
If you are responsible for it's tarnish,
There's no hope to which you can hold.

Sheila takes no prisoners.
She don't take any guff.
If she thinks to give you a warning,
You'd better not call her bluff.

You wouldn't want to rouse her wrath,
Because her fury won't be tamed.
She's restless, bold and beautiful.
She cannot be contained.

It seems things have been quiet.
She's been off the grid some time.
If she thinks that you might suspect her,
You may be her next crime.
Sheila Carter was a soap opera villianess played by Kimberlin Beown on the sister soaps The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful.
I am extremely pleased that my favorite soap actress, Kimberlin Brown, liked this poem after I shared this link to her facebook page.

fans know Sheila has been featured in the Bold and Beautiful episodes a lot in the last couple of months.
Tark Wain Jul 2015
Do you realize how badly I want to be you
how I would **** to be in your position?
to have the responsibilities
that you are so quick to ignore
you are destined, you are divine
you are the chosen one!
a prophecy passed down for centuries
proclaims you to be a demi-god
and you want to **** that all away
you want to run from all of that
and why? because you think you're not good enough?
i'll say it
but here you have a chance to do something
something great and necessary.

I would **** to be you.
Tark Wain Jul 2015
There is no God
I abandoned that idea that when he let my ancestors drown in fire
nothing you believe will change that in me
say what you will, just know
there is no god, there is no heaven, there are no angels
there are no prophecies
there are only survivors
and I plan on being one of them
Casey Carter Feb 2015
Grand mamma always told me
Hold your head up proud
And never accept to blend in with the crowd-
Kinna strange the way
I'm parting rivers right now
And how if sitting silent
I'm truly speaking out loud

Long ago and swiftly
Juggling dozens of eggs
Though trying not to split 'em
I tripped up on some pegs
The yoke leaked out
Mixed with the blood
From my head
I didn't whimper yet I knew
My beauty was dead-
But that's how it grows
All you Elaine's and Ed's
Through brazen heat
And tempest sleet
Chewing on led

While inspires cry
And empires fry
That sandstone shifts
And driftwood drifts
Alone I merrily roam
With my for sure's and if's
Never dissuading
The hemispheres
Of my bliss
Woods By Day Bars By Night © 2012, Casey Carter
Casey Carter Feb 2015
I've given birth to many things
Cloudy nights, slanted rays
Set ways, uneven days-
Wet it, let it
Permeate its hues-
Like rock 'n' roll
from the womb of the blues

I got a whiskey-drinkin' woman
She waits for me around the bend
Starts harvesting the plants
Now, whenever I drop in
We both play mute, 'cause we know
Where glowing fingers of the fire
play blown wood, like a piano

I've given birth
to birds and snails
Solar systems
that have failed
Let it pour, let it roar
and pay its dues
Like rock 'n' roll
from the fertile
womb of the blues
Currents © 2013, Casey Carter
Casey Carter Feb 2015
Like love
Is indifferent
To race, color or age

I see upright monkeys
With honed, lunatic, pestilent
Around endless corners
living out-
and hosing down somberly-
Frequency dreams
Battery life sputter drains
that whip with sardonic torment-
Beat with blood-bathed smiles
Laughing to slow vertiginous rhythm
in captivating faces

Take, take, take-
To receive such
an empty promise

And I've lost interest
in this silent war
We've constructed
so dizzily
Currents © 2009, Casey Carter
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