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Wesley West Nov 2018
The day my lover died,
the room painted in red.
What was once love; love-deprived.
Colorful memories broken into fragments of red.

Gun pointing at me, emotions freed
My lips; sing the song we once sang.
Nerves twitched and muscles spreed.
Silence responded after a loud bang.

You died in my heart the day you walked away.
And I've never believe in reincarnation
So don't come back saying 'I am sorry'
The day my love died; memories now imagination.

The day my lover died.
What was once love; love-deprived.

- Wesley West
My poems reminds me of my pain. But those are past long ago now. What remains are these carvings.
claire green Sep 2018
The ghost of you is seen
It’s seen in the toothbrush you left
In your hurry to leave me
It’s seen in the flowers you picked
Just two days ago
When you said you loved me
And forever would be ours
The book you left on the coffee table
And the little bookmark inside
With your doodles on it
The ghost of your hand
On my palm
Your shampoo lingers on the pillow
In the bed we shared
I see you everywhere
In almost everything
It’s painful to know
That you’re still here
Yet not in any way
That has anything to do
With me.
Pure Bliss May 2018
The time has come,
That happiness has ran its course,
And now depression has come back to me,
But what she can’t see,
Is that the darkness in me is to deep
And too steep,
I can’t understand why my love is to strong,
Why it hurts for me to love
Between the beautiful dove,
The dove that drove us
Through hell and all,
Can we roll the ball once more,
Can you give me another chance,
Yes being your friend is nice and all,
But the pain that you cured,
It helped me to stir the happiness with in,
I know you don’t understand what I do,
I know you don’t realize that all I want is your love,
All I want is you.
lu Apr 2018
today is your birthday.
a year ago today we were on the phone,
at this exact time.
we had been talking since 9pm,
but time flies when you're having fun,
or in my case,
when you're in love.
i remember exactly what we talked about.
how much my parents loved you,
and how much your mom loved me.
how badly we wanted to have our families meet.
and how bad we had always wanted to go to florida.
or go to universal studios
and take pictures in front of hogwarts.

yesterday i watched your instagram story.
and guess where you were?
in front of the hogwarts castle.
i know i can't be mad
or shocked that i wasn't invited.
you're touring with your new best friends.
meeting more people.
more girls.
prettier than me.
better than me.

however, we exchanged our first words in months.
i snapchatted you to say
happy birthday. a civil thing.
i didn't think you would answer,
so it nearly gave me a heart attack when your name popped up.

"thank you so much, lex. miss you."
that's all you said,
followed by a yellow heart.

i know you don't miss me,
and that was all out of pity.
maybe you want to feel better about leaving me behind.
maybe you know how badly i'm hurting.
maybe you might actually miss me too.
i doubt it though.

boys like you don't love
girls like me.

boys like you don't kiss
girls like me.
not anymore at least.
i should have said i missed him too.
theabstrusepoet Jul 2017
The feeling of despair lingers
I rest my mind from time to time
Only to find it's still in the air
This feeling of despair
I turn to her for comfort
But what can she give me?
Will her words alleviate what burns inside
What hurts inside and causes strife
Within me and within this life?
I turned to her for comfort
Yet this feeling of despair is still there
Grace Karemi Jun 2017
Love broke me into a million pieces,
Love left my heart shattered,
Love is no longer apart of me
erik diskin Mar 2017
this is a page about how you broke her bones brutally.
blinding her days into the darkness she couldn’t settle for a stand.
“this is your sin.”
love was great,
love was strong.
she felt small and very alone.
she has been good with broken things.
she is a big bang of catastrophe, an eruption of God’s tears.
if you just didn’t promise, she was whole without your shadow.
a promise is a sin.
and there is a sea of promises bare of thunderstorm needs to be nurtured because she has been damaged with your bona fide lies.
a dudgeon.
her voice is hoarse, a singer of your sobriquet name.
nights are no absolution and her cries are getting softer.
she wanders aimlessly to the 12 am's.
for her, this is exactly what death looks like.
a midnight snack and frozen story with her bedroom’s wall.
she locked herself in a funeral she called a slumber.
your love was a fanciful story, but one night away from the present time.
“this is your sin, and now she’s a sinner.”
she has been fragile and your love was boastfulness.
she was a rose and you brought her wrong.
this time, it’s her period of middlescence.
maybe you love her but your goodbye was more intimate on her guessing mind.
she was no longer a human, nor ghost in your grasp.
she is a belle of disaster.
but a million miles away,
you will beg her to come back home.
and missing her will be the only thing you need to shrive.
she has struggled to pluck your name and deep in the ground up you know she will.
and you expect her to be whole for your bathos tub.
the riot forms within your lungs,
and you had enjoyed as a fabulist to her.
she was your joke and games.
she's altering your lies into poetry.
her dictums soon to be as soft as the dusk teaches her tenderness.
to tame the seas inside her,
you have to tame her kingdom with thousands of armor.
and her Lord listens to her prayer.
when i write about things, i imagine first to be the most destructive thing. and i pour all my honest feelings about the thing. and writing for me isn't always about being me, or you, but about taking place to be something you never was. i hope you like it, and let's push each other to inspire.
Samuel Fox Feb 2017
Should wedding bells chime in a dream you have, I pray the man,   miming affection     near the altar is not me. I am ragamuffin; a butcher with no cleaver     in his shadow,
instead a bouquet: Clenched in my silhouetted hand flowers turn into torch. I burn     as a filament in a bulb half-expired. I have smoked through my pocket money    in order
to scatter cremated angels from my throat.    I am cloaked by anguish      my grief    poorly sheathed   a tattered nerve. I have only learned        how to praise darkness.

Light is painful as it shimmers against frost: grass gleams in steady growth    discolored
scars healing. Here I am letting out a blood-letter addressed to you, wondering    if I send   a snip     of my own vein will it remind you how     one missing piece    from a whole            can forfeit the future. All any future is:      a motion into the next moment,  its pending indecision none can envision.      We can’t help but revise malleable pasts. Memories flux     rippling water and enough light changes it’s refraction with each new  ripple.        I cannot be a lover if love is not static    humming at least from its hymnal.  

I   write this letter in calligraphy mourning,    like most poets do – rending heart  rendering  this broken universe – with bone and feathered quill. This feather is from my wing, the pair fallible love clipped         the first chance you took to kiss my darkness.

I’m charting learning a path to winter in an opposite sky:
one only I can fly.
Your love ascended on me fearlessly.
I had no choice but to fall in love with your voice.
And all the loudness in my thoughts
your voice was the only one I sought.

Your love descended from me after a while.
rare connections separated.
all the times I meditated, hoping you come back down
my biggest fear awaits...your nowhere to be found.

Now your love is teaching me how to heal and be free.
There's no need to fear I'm always right here.
so I went with my instinct and let you be.
Trusting with all my soul that you'd make it back home
but you got lost and I must let you go. Go back to where you
came... I learned my lesson anyways.
Jenna James Apr 2016
You lead me down an aisle of roses.
Leading was always your favourite game.
Deceiving me with your candy mouth,
You lead me down an aisle of shame.
Simple times breed simple thoughts,
Like it was all in my head
And the answers will be questioned in your bed

And i hope she doesn't love you back.
I hope she doesn't love you back.
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