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nick armbrister Jan 2020
They said do not change seats on the plane

For we know your name and where you are sat

I am called Fred and I was sat in the aisle seat

I wanted to sit by the window and see the view

Especially as the big Boeing flying boat took off

The water looked so blue and lovely as we sped along

We took off and it was worth changing seats

The elderly man understood and changed

The view was awesome and to die for

The big engines pulling us along to the sky

When we arrived in New York I’d tell my mum

It was Christmas and I had been staying with my aunt

The trip was six hours and I got to look out the window

I would get into trouble if the airline clerks found out

If we crashed and burned or eaten by fish

They would go off our name and seat number

Matching it up to our ticket and passport

I was too young to have a passport

But that was fine for we were safe in the plane

Boeing built big safe planes especially water ones

Just wait till I told my mum about the view

From our big beautiful Boeing flying boat...
from an old film
Travis Kroeker Dec 2019
Like the licking of an old dog that insists you take her
for a walk
the insistent swell
laps your legs.

Off port, headlamps
slip by in an unending current
supplying the illusion of your
inevitable progress forward,

and little certainty you had ever been moored at all.
Water, as
silk upon
my mind,
is the
river I float
upon in
my small
boat, I
the flowers
to the
of mine
I only
to soar
with my
bare feet,
and forget
how I was
once the
one who
fell to
I sought
to dream,
and still,
I shall,
I row my
boat, & the
milky waves
of the dark,
in their
return the
of being
under wool
being under
the music of
the moonlit
rain outside,
still warm from
tea, as the
my hair to
roam in the
fields of
as slivers of
light in the
stream of
painted thoughts
shifting as clouds,
I yearn to hold
those embraces
of solace, I roam
forever in the night
sea, I rested my eyes,
when I was once
in your arms,
seeking to
Nylee Nov 2019
To prove that you are right
Don't do something wrong.
TS Ray Oct 2019
Starry starry night
Just when I look up the sky
Just when I peer into your eyes
Why do you make me blush all blue?
Is it cos of my heart so true?
When it’s melting you have no clue
Got to ride the boat through the dew
Onto the horizon until I see you.
First One
Pagan Paul Sep 2019
Do you remember the time
that we built a boat to sail?
I taught you to use tools,
chisels, mallet, plane, knives.
Moving your wrists, touching hands,
guiding your fingers to feel.
We joked and laughed together
as we gouged out the trunk.
We were going to make a canoe
but you wanted a sail boat,
so we worked on the shape
carving the bow to a point.
You taught me how to sew
and I had lots the scars,
little white dots on my fingers,
but we stitched that cloth together.
And when we had made our sail boat
we looked around for the water.
But found we were stood in a desert.
Do you remember the time
that we built a boat to sail?
Do you remember?
Do you?

© Pagan Paul (19/09/19)
Max Sep 2019
Apparently I'm a boy on a boat,
With high waves and an angry sea.
And on the lower deck people float.
They have been taken en have been brought back.
With high waves and an angry sea.

But at least I'm your boy on a boat.
Based on a dream of someone special
Butterfly Aug 2019
The feeling of the saltwater getting through my hair, is amazing to.

The balance you make while standing on your board, like you're finally completed.
Like my heart is on the right place.
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