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Crystal Freda Jan 2019
She lays on a canoe
whirling gently on the stream.
Her red dress shimmers
as the sun gives a great beam.

She smiles at the sky
with its radiant blue,
and porcelain clouds
and air fresh and new.

She enjoys the sounds
of the bustling, rippling waves.
Towards to a land
and the path it paves.
LearnfromBOBD Dec 2018
OluwaFisayomi my inamorata
If ever two were one, then surely we are.
If ever I love you dreamboat, yes I am’
I prized my love more than the whole mines of gold,
And all the wealth that the rich does hold’
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor like a recommended lens’
Our love for each other is clear, that no man can repay.
The heavens reward our truthfulness, I pray.
Then while we live in love let’s serve God,
That when we live no more, we live forever up’
Where are the stars that show us to our love, And we gon’ live our whole young old lives away In the joys of a living God’
Your body and soul are divine,
With a lovely fragrant with heavenly wine’
So kiss me Temi with your cold dry lips,
So I can hold you tight and sing you hymns’ Not what you think, but give me the love that so free please’
To my one and honey dreamboat
My life
K Balachandran Dec 2018
Night is a river,
The moon sails on her dream boat;
-Shambolic waters!
J Watson Dec 2018
I want to love the waters
when the sunset glints
and it turns a quantum
I want to love the sea
when its waves toss
my little rowboat and
split its side. I turn overboard.
Can't  I love these waters
Can't I love this sea
When the ocean is my life
And the victim is me?
~ J. W.
Star BG Nov 2018
And as I move gracefully in boat of a poets dream,
waves become peaks of phases that dance daintily.
Oars become pen to mirror rivers sounds.
Heart turns into sun showering with rays of creativity.

Yes I do drift in realm of no time,
where birds sing and peacocks dance.
Destination... an island,
where I do sit at golden shore
writing a sonnet in harmony.
Inspired by Kikodinho E Alexandros  Thanks
my wriggling
dory in
nautical wine
that attested
my craw
with my
line high
now artistry
win a
bite-sized cling
that naturally
could sing
and dance
with the
air and
rhythm of
its strand
B E Cults Nov 2018
On a scale of 1 to Lord of All,
how important is your
opinion of what others create?

I see you, through these sigils,
pretending every breath you took
is a doctorate.

Did you know you dont have to choose between being the brush or the brush stroke?
You could build boats,
hunt ghosts with broken radios,
climb mountains to commune with the dead,
stare at the stars and make
your own constellations,
or play ukulele alone with a head full of acid.

All I am saying is
there are far better plotlines
than playing sovereign king of the
swamp that swallows you
and believing it be noble.
Letters from Lia Oct 2018
Your love for your man was like an ocean
Its getting deeper
Every time you sail to see his wonders
You thought you were safe
You thought you could swim
Until the storm came
The waves came running
Thunders rumbling
It destroyed your boat
You fell
And again you thought you were safe
You thought "I trust him, I will not drown"
But slowly, bit by bit
You didn't know
You were devoured by this love
You thought it was beautiful
You thought there were beautiful corals
You thought there were colorful fishes
But all you saw was thick muds
On the ocean floor
You reached the abyss
Dark crevices hovered around you
You got scared
You swam back
Trying to reach the surface
You swam back
Wishing to breathe again
But his gravity pushed you down
Your body became numb
You can't swim anymore
Your prescence disappeared
Your soul turned into words—"My love, I fought. I tried. But I'm weak and I drowned"
—dedicated to broken hearts
Olivia Nery Oct 2018
i really thought that you would notice
but you didn't know this
how could you

i guess i thought i didn't show it
maybe just a little bit
but i was wrong

i never thought that i would let you go
but i just had to let you know
that i could

but now
it seems i've lost my anchor
it seems i've lost my boat
i cannot see my future
and i cannot stay afloat

it seems i've lost my anchor
it seems i've lost my boat
i cannot find a shelter
and i cannot stay afloat
Jo Swan Oct 2018
Alone I sail across the formidable sea,
Many men have drowned in this stormy weather!
Will the waves devour me to my death?
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

My mind is fatigued by feeling of doubts
As my body has fought many hours to survive
And navigate the dinghy in search of land-
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

Shivering silently in the darkness
My spirit crushed by the ravenous rain!
Should I surrender to the sea of pain?
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

In the brink of suffering and strife,
I realise I am powerless against nature-
Only heaven can bless me with the breath of life.
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

In the chaos, I made a personal prayer
And felt my soul submit to a serene state
As I ask the Lord to decide my fate-
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

For the first time in my vulnerable state-
I felt the love of the Lord embrace my spirit
And all the fears and doubts dissipate –
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?

I realise life should move in a motion
Where love tames the wild weather of life
And relinquish all dark emotions-
So the force of the Wind of Destiny can awake!

With this new knowledge,
My spirit renews with vibrant vigour
As the truth of life finally been acknowledge
The force of the Wind of Destiny has awaken!

The sun wakes up from her sleep
The waves gently rocks the sail boat
The cloud calms down from her weep.
The force of the Wind of Destiny has awaken!

I feel my spirit soar
Like seagulls roaming across the sky
For I finally tasted the joy of God’s grace.
The force of the Wind of Destiny has awaken!

What lands shall be discovered?
I do not know what tomorrow will behold
Only courage and determination it will be uncovered
The force of the Wind of Destiny has awaken!

Staring sentimentally at the Sunrise
I feel the fiery breaths of the wind
Blowing my sail boat across the vast ocean.
Where will the Wind of Destiny lead me?
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