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billiondays Jul 2014
I have this bad habit of
getting close to people and
thinking that they're always
going to be by my side; but
eventually they always leave

I have this bad habit of
loving people too much when
they don't even love me back;
and when they leave me,
my heart feels it's been stabbed

I have this bad habit of*
caring for people, when
they don't care about me at all.
If they see it through my eyes,
they'll see the scars I have
deep down inside

– billiondays
billiondays Nov 2014
The sea, endless, magnificent blue
Reminds me of your deep swirling eyes
Looking at me with mischievous love
Reflecting the big, open skies

The stars of the dark night
Remind me of the scars dotted on your skin
Painting your body in loose touches
Polaroids of everywhere you've been

The Sun, in its bright glory
Reminds me of your smile
Radiating, powerful, from cheek to cheek
Sadly, I haven't seen it in a while.

And finally, I must say, my love
I realize, as I finish this verse
Before, I saw the universe in you
Now, I see you in the universe

– billiondays
Sorry I was long gone, I hadn't had the chance to open my account but basically I've written all my poems in a notebook.
billiondays Dec 2015
If only I knew your deepest fears,
your goals, your dreams, your closest peers,
I'd love you for the rest of my years,
If only I knew.

If only I knew what made you sad,
the good, the great, the worst, the bad,
I'd love you as the best I've had,
If only I knew.

If only I knew how to make you stay,
my troubling heart will no more astray,
I'd love you until my very last day,
If only I knew.

– billiondays
I'm feeling a little blue.
billiondays Jun 2016
I don't really understand why
I fell in love with you in the first place
You were not the most beautiful creature
nor the brightest on our dearly Earth

But we've known each other for four years
yet barely even talked before because
I thought I might bother you and
you seemed a bit aloof and cold

Your eyes, they shone so bright
as I talked about my life and then yours
and we talked and we talked
until there's nothing left to talk about

Eights months have gone by and we
missed Winter and Spring and
it'll be Summer in a meantime
and you seem to forget me at all

I don't mind if we never
talked to each other anymore
because I know nothing lasts forever
even the seasons change so quickly

I just can't help it if I begin
to lose you all over again because
I realize you were never mine
and I was never yours

– billiondays
Found this old fella on my notebook... Posting it on hellopoetry :)
billiondays Sep 2016
I love you
for who you truly are
I love you
for you are worthy of love
I love you
for you are always there for me
I love you
even if we believe in different Gods
I love you
even if it hurts sometimes
I love you
I love you
I love you
and you are so aware of it
I love you
and you love me too
I love you
but we can't be together

– billiondays
billiondays Oct 2016
last week you were screaming love
to me
but i wasn't sure yet
and today you're screaming love
to her
and i'm falling apart

a vile little thing time is;
last week you were here
today you are there
last week you and i talked
today you and i keep quiet
last week you and i went out
today you go out with her
last week you told me
"you are my home"
today you probably tell her too

last week you loved me
today you love her
is it the bad timing or
you just didn't love me?

– billiondays
**** this **** i'm out
billiondays Nov 2016
Everything happens for a reason;

When he breaks your heart
it is for a reason
you may not know but
he knows and God knows

When your grades are failing
it is for a reason
maybe you didn't study enough
or you underestimated it
only you know and God knows

When your friendship falls apart
it is for a reason
maybe you didn't reach out or
you've found another friends, better
only you know and God knows

And when life hits you so hard
it is for a reason
to give you lessons or
to give you a burden
you decide

It's your choice
whether you want to look
at the good things or the bad things
only you know and God knows

and all those things that
happen to you in life
they happen for a reason;
your family, your friends,
your ex-lovers, your 'almost',
your downfall, your glory days,
your actions, your instincts

They make you who you are today
so be grateful for each day
as everything happens for a reason

– billiondays
billiondays Mar 2017
When the time is right,
you will find the one,
and she won't mind
with the way that you treat her,
or the way you already are.

When the time is right,
everything will fall
into the right places again
so you'll be alright and
nothing will hurt you anymore.

When the time is right,
you know you will accept
the love you deserve.
You will never have to force
anything that's truly meant to be.

When the time is right,
you will love her,
and she will love you too.
Truly, deeply, faithfully.

– billiondays
It's only about the perfect timing.
billiondays Mar 2017
sometimes —
home isn't four walls;
it has eyes and heartbeats,
and pairs of arms to
welcome you gently.

sometimes —
home isn't just roof
over our heads;
it's the place where
we feel loved and
where we belong.

sometimes —
home isn't a place,
it's a feeling;
and we are

– billiondays
billiondays May 2017
don't fall in love with me
unless you are ready to face
my unpredictable murmurs
of nonsense things about
politics, religion, death,
***, or even about life.

don't fall in love with me
unless you don't mind
coping with my mental
instability and deadly
mood swings.

don't fall in love with me;
i will take you to museums,
and beautiful places, so
you could taste me every time
you visit those places again.

don't fall in love with me;
i break hearts of people
i love and let down
tons of people who have
their hopes on me.

don't fall in love with me
unless you don't mind
listening non-stop to my
voice when singing to
every song on the radio
on every car rides.

don't fall in love with me
if you want sweet talks
and cheesy chats during
relationships, because i
would most likely cringe.

don't fall in love with me
unless you don't mind me
laughing even from the
slightest jokes or crying
even from the silliest things.

don't fall in love with me;
i like to write, and sing,
sometimes draw, and i
would most probably make
masterpieces out of you;
the worst or the best.

don't fall in love with me;
i'm a mountain, a hurricane,
a living disaster, i'm full of chaos,
i'm made up of gigantic question marks.
so, don't fall in love with me.

– billiondays
don't fall in love with me
written by billiondays on 16th of may 2017
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