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Nikitaa Sep 2020
My eyes become windows
Words the door
My lips devour his
So does his soul

My tears splashing
His an agony of pain
My scars cut his inside
Screams of my blood rain

My vision screams death
Aflame by his eyes
My blood drips away
His teeth nibble my skin alive

My nose built of sequins
Estranged against his snout
My cries build up ballet
His just vain around

**** my soul dead enough
Grave my wounds raw
Nail me to the desolate
Love yours ,  I don't crave!
Lorena Mar 2020
i’ve used three poems worth of words trying to describe you
to capture you
cos that’s what i do
try to capture things...
feelings, emotions, memories
chasing little things on the wind

and actually i think it is a good thing that i can’t write you down
because the things that i capture -
they’re pretty. but they’re pinned down
and there’s something ironic about a butterfly in a glass case

you’ve used up three poems worth of words in me
and i’ve tried writing about literally everything else but
all trains of thought go back to back and wind their way to you
like roads to Rome

i like the ache of knowing for sure that i’ll lose you
and that we will only cross paths for a short while
whether they’re pavements or cobbled streets or the side of the motorway
they only touch. and then move away

you’ve drawn three poems worth of words from me
and i have ten more waiting in the wings like 13 year old ballet dancers
stepping on each other’s toes
whispering in each other’s ears
all contrived and all unique
like you and i

So I’ve wrote another poem to describe you
But it’s impossible to describe the way you feel
Is this what love is like? Trying endlessly to write on sand before the waves arrive
Before the sea comes, you leave and the beach is smooth again.
Gem Palomar Dec 2019
They say "It takes two to tango"
But I can dance alone
Like a graceful ballerina
With aching ankles
And broken bones
I'll gracefully show you
How beautifully broken I am
Jack Jenkins Dec 2019
She danced on the rooftops with the moon to her back
Proud and shining on her elegant ballet
Whisps of fog entwined her shadowed figure
As she glided backwards with her final bourree, into the night
A secluded heart now followed her everglow light
//On love//

Bourree is that very quick tiptoe ballet move.
Anaïs Nov 2019
Sharp turns,
Bright smile,
Pointed feet,
Beautiful face,
Tall posture,
Straight arms,

"It's all about the technique."
They said.
Constantly. Screams in my
Doubts of skill,
of capabilities.

"Hair up, watch the posture!"
Whispers in the corner.
Judges, teachers,
watching my every skin.
Old shoes,
grey in colour,
Two injuries to the leg,
A forced smile,
A lust for sunsets.

Wrapped the shoes in
for the grand

Carried by the wind,
two strong arms, brown in
colour, defined.
Up, and up I go.
Look up, chin up, fingers up.
Like an angel.
"Move the hands sharply.
With the music.
Relaxed, yet strong."
Down I go, back to the chest.
A face, two eyes, brown lips.

Tall posture, hands meet,
Pirouettes, Assemblé, Plié.
Turn to look,
fall in love.
Grande Jeté. Tour en l'air.
A Pas de deux. In perfect sync.
He looks past me. Past my eyes,
past my soul.

I stare at him. Directly. Entering his
very orbit. Exploring the chocolate of
his orbs.
Relishing his scent, the drops of sweat
dripping from his brow.
Back down I fall.
A final Panché.
Staring up, leaning
towards him.
Him. Staring at another.
In a closet, while I,
savour the bitterness
of a Pas de deux.
Broken shadows cut
against the corridors

A hand extends up
poetic, delicate, curved

She is leaning against
rigidity, structure, ancient

history, poised like
swans linking necks

In solidarity and confinement
a thin layer of water

is disrupted
by the pitter and patter of children’s

Arms extended out

to catch the wind,
disappearing into the steam
A bone meets another bone
And you have a joint !
Joints are allright !
Cartilage !
Without them you couldn't possibly dance !
Imagine only your sacrum and your ilium
and no sacro-iliac joint
And no innominate bones
Imagine just a second a pelvis without coccyx
And your seven cervical
Your twelve thoracic
And your five lumbar vertebrae
Hanging loose !
How could you possibly swing your pelvis
From one side to the other
Without your pelvic floor ?
No more grand plié
No more passé développé à la seconde
No more attitude en avant on pointe
Farewell penché
Farewell attitude derrière !
See what I mean !
That's why I always say
I'd rather be with no bone
No skull no heart
Ï 'd rather be a hurricane
Wind has no skeleton
Wind needs no joint
Wind goes naked
No shoes, no underwear
And despite of all that
Wind is a ballet dancer, a danseur étoile
With no dimples in the back.
Wind can lie supine and stand upright
Feet parallel, legs stretched
Wind has no greater nor lesser trochanter
Wind has no right gluteus maximus muscle
No feet flexed, no ****** femoris muscle
Wind never gets pinched, stuck nor jammed
Wind is constant ricochet, yo-yo, meanders
Gulf Stream !
Wind is a catwalk model
Dancing its swinging walk
Il y a bien huit milliards d'années lumière
Huit cents millions de lustres
Huit cents mille siècles
Huit cents quatre-vingt-huit ans
Huit mois
Huit jours
Huit heures
Huit minutes
Et huit secondes
Nous étions le même corps
La même lune mathusalémique
En orbite autour de Saturne
Puis le grand horloger des Dioscures
Dans son grand égarement
Nous a déclarés péchés capitaux,
Luxure et gourmandise,
Et nous a séparés. Tu te souviens ?
Désormais tu es Epiméthée, Titan qui réfléchit après coup
Et moi Janus, bifrons ou quadrifrons, dieu des portes et des entrées
Aux visages qui se dévisagent
Et nous continuons sur la même orbite
En fer à cheval
Toi intérieure, moi extérieure
Et inversement
Tous les quatre ans
Jusqu'à la fin des temps.
Si l'on en croit Newton
"Deux corps s'attirent en raison directe de leur masse
Et en raison inverse du carré de leur distance "
Je suis comme toi couvert de cratères
Castor, Idas, Lynceus et Phoibe
Et chaque seconde me rapproche
De tes merveilleuses boursouflures
Pollux et Hilairea.
Ad libitum nous échangeons nos orbites jumelles
Et poursuivons notre ballet gravitationnel
Entre cosinus et sinus,
Constante et tangente,
Exponentielle et dérive,
En attendant la mutuelle collision,
La chevauchée céleste de nos hypoténuses
Sans jamais perdre de vue la donnée mathématique :
La primitive de x au carré
Vaut un tiers de x au cube
A une constante près.
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