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You're not listening to me
Highlighting for the next bullet point
to use in the next arguement.

Left me with the responsibilities
and you still have the audacity to say
"I love you"
within the same conversation as
"I can choose to wake up and not love you anymore"

The last dig you could give me
is the last time I saw you, you were helping my best friend move out and on without me.
You both spun tales to delude from the truth.
A betrayal that extends past the lifespan of our relationships.
All I got was a phone call
"This is the wrong number, isn't it?"
meant for the man who sabataged what we had.
Written about my ****** poly relationship when it was fresh. Both of them ****. Cold as **** despite my endless kindness.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
Our relationship lies in shambles
I guess I'm to blame
My mistakes have done damage
Things will never be the same

I say words I cannot take back
Ones that cut deep
I am sorry for harsh truths, selfish lies
Promises I failed to keep

I can repair some of what I broke
Not all wrongs can be made right
We put the past behind us
Doesn't mean you're alright

Just because you do not let me see you cry
Does not mean you shed no tears
Beneath your beautiful imperfection
Vision is altered by halting fears

The thought you knew is blurred
Cannot help but look at me differently
Not every single wrinkle in our relationship
Can be smoothed over with an apology

Used to have your trust and respect
You have taken both of them back
Now you stare at me with the same expression
As that of an amnesiac

Is there a road we can take to get back
To the paradise we were at before?
You say I am the only one you want
We both know you deserve more
Ir always rains the hardest on those who deserve sun the most
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2018
We say things we do not mean when we fight
This is not anything new
What concerns me is the painful fact
Some of those words are true
Listen to what people say to you when angry. Oftentimes they've been wanting to tell you that for awhile.
Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
Everyone I am surrounded by believes
There is someone up above
I cannot and will not believe
In a god that has shown no love

Where was he when I needed a friend to hug?
I have spent countless hours in prayer
Not once have I heard or seen
A sign to signal he was there

I have wailed out to him in agony
Pain reflected in loud cry
Waited for an answer
Silence was my only reply

I have thanked him for the good things
Worshipped him singing songs
Asked to cleanse me of my sins
Forgive me for my wrongs

What have I got in return
Nothing that i have seen so far
So how come i am the only one
Who sees you, what you truly are?

False figment of imagination
You were invented by a book
Sold to humans who were too foolish
To bother with a second glance or look

They say God loves each one of his children
Its clear he only loves a portion
He despises all homosexuals
And every girl who has had an abortion

It seems every Christian I meet
Forces conservative agenda on me
Shove beliefs down my throat
I hate Christianity!

Answers I seek cannot be found there
Not in search of some holier light
Moral compass I stand behind is sound
Hesitation is what I am hoping to incite

The word of god is abused as a weapon
A tool to inflict suffering, pain
It is an excuse to use, torment and wound
When they do it for personal gain

Religion filled with hypocrites
Sinners playing the part of saints
This short list I have compiled
The start of many complaints

Bible's presence found in hotel rooms and court hearings
The "good" books appearance is why my arguement rages
Old testament, new testamant, it doesn't really matter
It's all simply words on ancient pages
Yes I am an athiest
Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
I do not love all the words you say
I have finally found one flaw in you
I hope you understand my critique
I stumble on repetitive insults you spew

That's all you do wrong
There is just no other fault
I let you shout, release your anger
I despise each verbal assault

Used to hold thoughts inside
Opinions I was too scared to express
Been putting expectation on my shoulders
Change my life or cave under overwhelming stress

Speeding from surprise struggles
You attempt to control your violent rage
I want badly to erase heavy words
Eternally printed on life's page

"I hate you so much right now." You glared
Hearing that directed at me hurt like hell
There are many sentences you could have used
That is the one you chose to yell

My ears weathered sharp remarks
Shrapnel searing through my drums
With every passing second you seem uglier
I am riddles with holes and an ache that never numbs

I am so worried there is truth in your shouting
I don't know how much honesty is hidden in your anger
You are not the easiest book to read
Sometimes I feel as if I'm talking to a stranger

I am beginning to believe you do detest me now
Difficult as it is for me to admit
I know you love me, but I fear not enough
The hatred is growing, I don't know how to stop it.
When things are good they are amazing but ehen they are bad they are awful. I have never said I hate you to you, at least not yet. You have no idea how it feels.
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2018
Loving you is not easy.
It is war, tinted in quick bursts of fire.
Our hands filled with grit, our breath steadfast in anticipation.
Camouflaged emotions dressed in fear.

The destruction in your voice rings clear.

There is nowhere to hide.
Loving you is not easy.
We find tragedy after tragedy.
Our hearts muddied in the trenches we lay.
I hand you bullet after bullet knowing at any moment you will turn and fire.
We ration ourselves not knowing what lies ahead.
We fight, we scream.
Our location given away, we brace ourselves for immediate disaster.
Our face and chest shielded in protection.
We live for the moment.

Realizing now the shame made in haste.
Loving you is not easy.
I accept the war at hand and admit loving you in absolute fear.
A calm thats grown to a heavy gasp.
The patter of boots tied tight.
I hand you the ammunition for my complete demise,
With nowhere to go.

Friendly fire
pipparich May 2015
Don't question my ego as you sit upon a throne of your own making
Fall beneath the fills of filth and rise again beyond retribution
Scorn the day you gave birth to a sibling and a life
Cry out for the tripterous given name of you who plagued the post

I will not vilify the condemned and stagnant
Poignant and versatile within a boundary of lines
Realistically defined by the line from your mouth to your bank account
How can anyone envy the ego of a deity

But yet you will
And you have
And forever they will come to your side and argue for you

I will not just lay down and let you take the night from me

— The End —