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Maya Oct 2018
Been itchin' to step on the toes
of some politicians, ditchin'
the sneakers and hitchin'
the anger, an armor of agression,
clothes of choler, cursing the
contempt-ridden regressions of the system.

Edgy kids turn into violent adults,
You have the right to remain violent, folks, 'long as you're getting something done and not lounging lazily,
waiting for things to change by
themselves, putting your drive on a shelf, hazily remembering what you actually believed - go **** right off and leave.

Stick to your guns.
I'm so sick of saints and nuns advocating for peace. Peace is a piece of giving up belief. "Friendly Negotiations" to talk you out of your convinction, turn convicts into martyrs and we'll see which side you really trust.
How can you believe that peace will will solve problems when it just causes feelings to be pent up?
People are competitive, wanting all that opulence in the posthumous, and peace is a puzzling problem, not a solution.
Peace would be basic if human nature wasn't so acidic, mixed with the tension of a complex society, your peace is about to burn a hole in the walls of government.
The only peace for me is death.
Ideals are nothing without people fighting for them with every last breath.
Go out and scream as long as you're making noise.
Rip limits to shreds, and raise your ******* voice.
just a person being angry in a cafe at six in the morning. yes, this is edgy, i am aware but I wrote it for myself, not you.
Pedro munoz Feb 2016
My words are on fire
And your eyes are cold as ice
My hands have grown numb
And you no longer want to listen to the beat of my drum
Is this not all comprise?
My strides are aggressive
And your thoughts are protected
I share my emotions
But you don't like that commotion
How is this all so hectic?
My lungs need air
And you're slowly pulling our your hair
I really hope that you meant it
Or was it the passion in your belly ?
Or was it the satisfaction of taming a lion?
Perhaps it is the only honest thought in your *** of black gold.
Caroline Lee Oct 2015
and it's taken me two years but I think I finally get it
it wasn't the forced laughter or the radio silence
it wasn't that every time I needed you, you never picked up your phone
too busy talking to God as usual
while I was screaming his ear off about you
and your white teeth and ambiguous intentions
you caught me numb on your kitchen floor
laughing in your old clothes when we're alone together praying that this time this side of you would stay
and for once you do
until there's someone new to impress or I just need to talk to someone at 1am
apathetic until something in the way of my being applies to you
and just like a kid you'll sit me down line our pieces up and try to convince me we're the same
you shoved the pieces that wouldn't quite fall into place under the couch and color coordinated and combined with no true knowledge of the picture
just like a little kid hell bent trying to please a parent
you tried to fit your life in mine but you never quite realized that I am not a puzzle and you are not a part of me
and it's taken me two years but I think I can let you go
I'm done driving to your house
I'm done watching you on social media intently trying to understand who you are and why the hell you do what you do
and it's been two whole years of passive aggressive talk contrasting quiet afternoons on your floor or blue nights spent driving around the city
it was below thirty but you let me roll my window down and so I could breathe the frigid air and tangle my wrists in the power lines
it all boils down to a simple statement:
you were there until you weren't
until it didn't revolve around you
you didn't want a friend you wanted an adventure like the pictures you pin on your wall
like the mindless **** you fill your head with to appear tragic and interesting
and I understood when you brought your new friends to my birthday
and I saw pictures the next day of them in all of the places we used to frequent in the summer when I gave up on substance and just wanted someone to be with
and I know that the world belongs to everyone
but those nights belonged to us
hot blue in a sea of navy and gold
like words whispered into a lover's shoulder
and when I saw the pictures I just kind of knew
that you never understood a ******* word of anything I said when I talked about how moments like these inevitability fall through or the cracks of existence or whatever
and you left early because they wanted to go and I smiled and said it was fine
you didn't get it
but I think I do now
it's only taken me a couple years or so.
Friends don't tell friends they hate graveyards after you take them to your favorite graveyard and then take their new friends to the same graveyard. They also don't bring strangers to your small birthday party.
Nikita May 2015
And stressed

We all have many flaws including me
We just have to find someone who will accept them,
Love them
and love   you
Still searching
Nikita May 2015
I could feel the tremendous pressure as he tried to convince me
My skin stung and burned under his harsh touch

It felt wrong
His voice was too agressive
Too demanding

I felt bad
As though I owed him this

But as soon as he slipped his hand up my back I knew it wasn't what he had made it out to be

I told him "No"
But he just ignored me
I tried to pull away but his grip got tighter
I had to shove him away as hard as I could for him to back off
I walked out
I began to walk home

It took me a while to realise that I was shaking

I could'nt help it
I fell to the side of the road

The first tear dropped faster than it should of

The next day it happened
Of course it happened
How could I have been so naive
He dumpt me
Said he was moving and couldnt do long distances even though I saw him several times in the same area later on.

Yeah right.
He only ever wanted me for *** and when I could'nt give him what he wanted he just left

The worst part was that I was so entrapped by his precense that it took me several months to get over him

And even now
I pretend that what we had was real.
Trust issues

— The End —