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Iska Feb 25
โ€œWhat is the reason, I wonder?
What could possibly be the cause?
For her to evoke such a response of antiphon?
I find myself forgetting. Failing to recall
what it was like to ever be without her.
Finding all other plans to be forgone,
in favor of chasing after her.
As she sings her feather dusted song,
The entirety of whole world
seems to be strung along.
What a perplexing existence,
yet I cannot help but to be enthralled.
Perchance this is what it means to be swept away at the whims of the squall.โ€

โ€”iskaโ€™s musing 2020
Asia Krekling Dec 2024
golden rays of sun, kiss Your soft cheeks.
and clovers sprout in the path You followed.
Your pomegranate lips softly hum, melodic a
as a nightingale's song. I ache for a taste.
Oh my persephone, bring on the season,
where hyacinth blooms and morning dew
sleeps soundly on fields. Your lovely soul,
as pure as springs beauty. for star-shine
sparkles in your eyes. lighting up all of
earth, all of My life along with it. gentle
hand, intertwined. bless me with Your
glace. baptize me, pomegranate kiss.
planting seeds inside, My heart. budding,
growing. my Love for You, flourishes like a
garden. forever abundant.
Rose Adriel Dec 2024
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- ๐—”. ๐—ฅ๐—ผ๐˜€๐—ฒ
We all have to give thanks to an unchained melody; whether it might be of a person's aura or a thing that took place, an elegy shall always hinder our own ideals concerning certain sentiments. This unusual sonnet lays emphasis on one particular form of adoration, a feeling that leans towards a loving attraction. The poem is thus, a piece that should definitely be interpreted freely and appreciated for what it means to those who have been seduced by poetry.
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
My heart is ensnared by the way the light dances
in your eyes, a mesmerizing spectacle that nourishes
my very soul, you're my radiant source of vitamin D
As I lent you my tank top, my thoughts were tangled
in a web of our silence, as we shared a kiss that lingered
long, leaving both social tanks on E.

Your lips remain sealed, yet they whisper of fervent
dreams, each smile a fleeting glimpse into your passion
The career you envision unfolds like a cinematic masterpiece,
with you at the helm, boldly declaring, โ€œAction!โ€

As my admiration for your curves surely deepens,
your unwavering positivity are all these straight lines;
unyielding, resolute, and always moving forward
Your essence is akin to a pen, sharp and purposeful,
having a point to make, making it so easy for me to
spell it out to you;ย ย U R truly Gorgeous.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Sometimes we need a place to be alone with God
When you feel walked over like a sad piece of sod
We need to find a secret place, the soul's retreat
Where the love between heaven and earth shall meet
I can disappear inside the shadow of his wings
And know the peace that true closeness brings
I can fly away and leave this world and its cares behind
It is in these times that the Lord will gently remind
Us He is our strength and our strong tower
And in his radiant glory, the darkness will cower
I will wash in the stream of eternal life
By grace, I will be made like new
I will bask in healing warmth of the light
Of love that can only come from You
I will join the angels in their unending son
And dance with every ounce of my being
I will sit at your feet the whole day long
I can scarce take in the splendor I'm seeing
I will spend an hour in your presence
But a second is an hour, an hour is a day
My soul finds a pure profound pleasance
And, once again, I know that I will be okay
showyoulove Nov 2024
Empty and open
Beautifully broken
Sweetest surrender
Holy Spirit sender
Lost are found
Last are crowned
Heavenly Bread
Keep us fed
Forever in our heart
There from the start
Aways on our mind
Hand of the divine
Sit in sacred silence
God's holy presence
In humble adoration
From this lowly station
Sing a hymn to him alone
Be blessed and find shalom
Holy Mary mother dear
To our prayer incline your ear
Hold us closely to your chest
In your arms we will find rest
Holy Queen be ever true
As we place our trust in you
To intercede on our behalf
And bring us home to Christ at last
In love and Christian charity
And full of ardent sincerity
Loving God and our neighbor
We seek the face of the creator
Hidden, yet revealed in glory
Called to be part of the story
We come empty and broken
But we leave with love beautifully spoken
showyoulove Nov 2024
I sit in stillness in this silent, dark room
Lit only by candles and the soft glow from the moon
I sit before Jesus, drawn in by his gaze
My heart is filled with a silent song of praise
I can hear my heartbeat: it beats for you
How my spirit aches to be united to you
The stars above- a hundred billion tiny lights
Comfort me even on the longest of nights
In your arms you lead me through a heavenly dance
You chose me to be a part of this sacred romance
Together we glide across the celestial dance floor
I am dancing with the one whom I most adore
I am taken by a love so profound I am shaken
And when I turned away, I was not forsaken
I sit with you and watch my worries disappear
You open my eyes, and it all becomes clear
All I need, all I want, is to be right where you are
I need you so close: please be never far
I am here just to burn in your presence
To bear witness to you in life's little moments
Just once, I want to spend an evening
With my Lord, just being and receiving
Not talking, but listening not rushing, but waiting
Being filled with courage and confidence, not hesitating
I sit here and surrender my heart for you gave me your own
Spending an evening with Jesus is like nothing I have ever known
It brings me in my weakness, down upon my knees
But there is strength and peace and the whisper of a breeze
The feeling of this fleeting moment
My soul holds now and forever
A memory so powerfully potent
To strengthen it in spiritual endeavor
showyoulove Nov 2024
One, the only, but sometimes one is all it takes
One, the light, that through my window breaks
One, the love, that died for me, a wretch
One, the arms, on the cross are outstretched
One, the wounded heart, that bled for me
One, the God in three persons: Holy Trinity
One, the peace, that is so profound
One, the home, that my heart has found
One, the light and love of the Lord
One, the hour, He is rightly adored
Regina Williams Oct 2024
when beads of sweat roll down my forehead
and down my chin,
Christ will turn the salt into blood and back again.
this is what itโ€™s like to love you.

i will fall for you like a dog.
with teeth snarling, mouth agape,
animalistic prowess, bleeding red.
this love is so close to God
it canโ€™t be seen as anything but holy.

i will make my mark through prayer and kindness.
i will burn down the city of *****,
claw through freshly-dug graves,
cry to my savior,
and scream so loudly my lungs turn to ash.

i will love in a terrifying,
i will love in a startling,
i will love in a magnifying,
i will love, i will love, i will love.
my religion wraps me up like a present and presents me to him
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