Do not fear the unknown in front of you,
But explore it's essence!
For fear is a blockage of progress,
And stoppers of growth.
One does not learn to swim in a whim,
But free fall with courage knowing it might be the last,
And come out stronger soaring in the wind.
One can only stay in the maze to die,
But find refuge by exploring the wilderness.
For the liars play their soft lyre to sooth you from the truth,
Like Sirens charm their voices to men's demise.
Like Odysseus, be a nobody for the Cyclopes,
But come out as a victor of his kingdom!
For risking nothing will get you nothing,
But find courage to voyage to unknown,
And be a champion of unraveling!
The greatest fear shouldn't be getting lost in this world, but be fearful of living in confined comfort of your vault!