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Aug 2016 · 257
mademoiselle Aug 2016
In this typical life,
how precious it is to think
Feelings and fate play their silly little games
You're either broken or complete
Apr 2015 · 645
First love
mademoiselle Apr 2015
With sight, became the most intense touch
By my vision, my emotions crash

Will your picture in my brain always be colored
Prolly by this ambition and surreal thoughts

Closer and closer, It felt warmer
Your cool air was only yours, Mine was different

Time went by, oh how you've noticed
Finally, we touched and not stuck by vision

I whispered,
"May our names replace romeo and juliet's
Faithfuly here and Truly deep"
Apr 2015 · 1.8k
The Wedding
mademoiselle Apr 2015
He  waited for the bride
The bride in her holy divinity of love
The groom with his trembling heart
And the pianist with her shaking hands

Groom, blue eyed
Pianist, hazel eyed
Bride, grey eyed
Oh, how did the oceans and the soils of the earth met

The man said his vow to the bride with no divinity
For he loved truly a different lady
For his mademoiselle was the pianist
The pianist in her red dress

He truly loved the pianist
That he gave the best part of the church hers only
That the arts of the church's saints
Reflected on her skin as she played

But it was not right he knew
Oh, how torn and tortured he was
Fate and Destiny may will hinder their love
But the heart is and will always be true
inspired by a friend's story. "The Pianist" by J.S
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Tall Windows
mademoiselle Apr 2015
She ran

She ran towards the uncompleted music room

She stood at the corner with her red dress

The corner where the tall windows were

The corner where the piano was

With a touch, she played her heart

Her heart of cries

The music room was complete with her tears
inspiration from a short story by a friend of mine. "The Pianist" by J.S
Mar 2015 · 388
Untitled II
mademoiselle Mar 2015
The lullaby you sung felt like something more than home. It felt like I was a part of that lullaby; like I was that lullaby you sung because flowers started blooming when I walked while you were singing and I was humming.
Mar 2015 · 4.8k
mademoiselle Mar 2015
I am a mermaid and you are my sailor. I will sing you my melodies that will bring you and show you the deepest and the most ethereal dimensions of the oceans. But please, don’t let me destroy my vocal chords
Thoughts at school
Mar 2015 · 325
Untitled I
mademoiselle Mar 2015
When you said that the barrier was reality, I flinched... Because the words you just said were real. Such great feelings you had to combine those words were true. I pity if you thought of this truth to be something of the world of dreams. But I am telling you, this is the reality. The barrier is the world and I hope not destiny.
Mar 2015 · 583
3 am
mademoiselle Mar 2015
3 am and we started pretending we were high because we were underaged.
You shared me your loveliest words.
I read your flowering poems.
I felt each word deep down and I pretended not to be emotional.
I felt special because you shared them to me first.
You taught me how to whisper to the cold winds of December.
You opened my eyes to the hope that I have lost,
You reminded me to dream the most unrealistic things.
... And that surreal starry night ended when my phone died and my eyes shut themselves.
Days dashed through their ways and time made its fate that I slept when you were awake.
I saw you sharing the same lovely words to other people.
I heard you saying your flowering poems to them.
I might be selfish... but for the first time, I felt like those words were only mine.
Maybe it was my fault that I slept through 3 am and you were awake until 5 am.
Still, I whisper to the coldest winds at night.
Still, I remember that night when we pretended to be high.
Mar 2015 · 610
mademoiselle Mar 2015
I'd love to be like the Moon
It always appears at night
No matter what part of it
It is always bright

It shines its white
While letting the stars
It shows you its beauty
While letting you see others'

It is there in the darkness
With the stars, your highness
Luna loves the earth
It makes the world a pit of stars
- first poem; I don't feel right tonight but here's my first thought from a couple of nights ago

— The End —