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The way he laughs
The way he remains calm in tough situations
The way he holds me when I'm scared
The way he looks at me like I'm the only one in the room
The way he talks to me like he never wants to leave
This was a small reality.
A reality I had for a year
Then it happened
Whatever we had was gone
Like the autumn leaves
It disappeared
Our love was over
The fire we started burned out
It was gone
We didn't have the spark like the sparklers on the fourth of July
We didn't have it anymore
It was gone
It was all I could think about
This is abt a long term relationship ending oops
The madness in her eyes drew me

It told me she's been through hell and back

And survived
This one is actually about my life and how people say that in the sunlight my eyes are I guess piercing so yeaaaa
Heres to the girls like me
Who have three different moods
Who love makeup and doing their hair for fun
Who love sports and wrestling
Who care about their grades and their future
Who also have mental breakdowns about little things
Who have anxiety about everything
Who can't get up and do a presentation to save their life
"If he hurt you, why are you still thinking about him?"
Because I put time and effort into that boy
I wanted to make him a husband
I didn't know he was gonna hurt me
I didn't know how it was gonna end
How I was gonna get a rude awakening
I didn't know
And can you really blame me for that?
I think about it
How do you fall out of love?
I don't know what to title this but here you go for your deep poetry needs
I want him
I also wanna get over him
Neither is happening and I need to accept that
I  wanna accept the fact that you've moved on
But I haven't and for some reason I think you might come back
I know you won't
Im gonna keep wishing and wishing
I don't even know
I'm sorry I fell in love with you
I didn't ask to
I didn't ask to enjoy our random conversations at two in the morning
I didn't want to love hearing your voice at school
I want the scent of your cologne fill my nose while I sleep
I didn't want your hand to feel like a glove when it met mine
I didn't ask for this
I didn't ask to be hurt by you
I'm sorry I fell in love with you.
So I am a high school freshman and its mid terms which means I'm going to be studying for finals soon and thats means I won't be able to write as much which ***** but on the weekends ill probably write a lot and save drafts so have a good day y'all
When I say his name I know what you feel
Like a kaleidoscope of butterflies just erupted in your stomach
The thought of him makes you wanna do flips all around
But you know you can't have him
You know he's not into you
You know he's into someone else
You know you'll never been good enough
But babygirl you just can't get over him can you
You're addicted to all his cologne
You're addicted to the way he talks to you
But he talks to you about the other girls
The girls you will never be
Babygirl trust me he will soon realize how great you are
But for now
You can't get over the way he bites his lip
It helps him focus
You can't get over the way he puts so much effort into his hair
It looks better than yours
You can't get over how blind he is
You almost tell him straight up you like him
But you know he'd just laugh in your face
You just want him to call you his baby girl
But dear theres a reason why they are called crushes
Because the crush your heart when they don't like you back.
I wrote this about my crush and honestly I'm proud of it. I just can't get over anything about him, and I know I'm just not good enough and I have to accept that
In this age of love it's no coming up to the door to meet the parents.
It's a simple text saying you are there.
In this age of love it's no real relationships.
It's we're just talking
In this age of love, cheating and betraying is a normal thing
Instead of just staying loyal.
In this age of love.
There is no hope.
I don't know why I decided to write this, but I did and it happened you are welcome. I'm supposed to be doing homework but oh well. Lol have a nice day~Silence
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