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showyoulove Dec 2024
Crowned with glory like the sun
In robes of dazzling white
He is lifted up; the Holy One
Behold, the Ascension of Christ!

You have seen and you have heard
Bearing witness to the Living Word
Live your lives to reflect the change
And some people will think you strange

What hope to know Jesus goes before us
To intercede and prepare a place for us
Then sending down His love made manifest
His Holy Spirit by creation blessed

He empowers us to boldly proclaim
And do great things by the power of His name
Our hearts too small to keep the love inside
And must be shared high, far, deep, and wide

As Christ ascends to Heaven above
We too are ascended by His love
He lives within and we are lifted high
And on the wings of hope we fly

So shine upon the world so that all may see
Your true joy and come to believe
Go therefore and preach the good news
Be instruments for your God to use
showyoulove Dec 2024
Rejoice and be glad for you have been set free
A Holy Nation, a Fruitful People you will be
You were once long in exile and shame
For you turned against God and His Sacred Name
You were a people lost in great darkness
A creation of your own desire and wickedness
But rejoice for your light has come
Bright shining like the sun
He will raise you up again a mighty nation
Your God has chosen you from all creation
Freedom for prisoners, strength for the weak
Justice for the oppressed, life for those who seek
Give thanks and praise to the God who saves
Sing to Him a new song born of a grateful heart
Live your lives in the light of Christ so others imitate
Your example and may also enter the narrow gate
Rejoice; for today, salvation has come
Now go and share it with everyone!
Inspired in part by Isaiah chapter 60-61
showyoulove Dec 2024
Why, Oh Little Ones, do you stop and stare
What you are seeking is no longer there
You walked beside him for three years
The very Word of Life was in your ears
He died and rose and appeared once more
To prepare you for what is yet in store
He laid His holy hands upon you
To confer a spirit of authority and truth
With his power you have been sent out
Trust in His plan and do not be in doubt
Do not stand there frozen and dumb
Time is short and there is much work to be done
Go you now out into the mission field
And gather for the master a bountiful yield
Based on the resurrection and ascension Luke 24: 1-7 and 50-53
showyoulove Dec 2024
Gracious God I come to thee
Meditate on mystery
To fully know and understand
Impossible for mortal man
Still, we may by grace, attain
Deeper wisdom of the same
You call me to deep water
Where narrow faith is broader
Draw me nearer than before
As I worship and adore
Shine your light upon my soul
Always learning is my goal
Whisper words of love and peace
To thy devotion increase
showyoulove Dec 2024
Lord, you held nothing back, not even your life
You forgave me when I denied you thrice
You still loved me when I betrayed you with a kiss
You ran out to meet me with grace and forgiveness
You desire to give me all I could possibly need
But so often, I ignore you and pay you no heed
Help me give you everything, to abandon it all
Because I know it is Jesus who calls
If I don't surrender to the power of the love
I am missing out on all that could be
And I won't experience a more wonderful reality
I come to life in the light of your love
Help me live a life that is fully realized
Yours is the blood that courses through my veins
And when all is stripped away, only your love yet remains
showyoulove Dec 2024
You, Oh Lord, are the light of the world
Come into the darkness of our ignorance and sin
Enter in and cast away the sky of perpetual gray
Let the light of your Son break through this day
Burn off the clouds of despair and gloom
Come and fill each dim and dusty room
The light hurts my eyes especially when I realize
How much I am a prisoner in a cell of my own design
And how much of it is no one's fault, but mine
And still, I see that this is only a part of me
Help me radiate the light that shines eternal
Grant a steady inner glow
So no matter where I go
People everywhere will know:
You are the Light that sets us free
You are the Light by which I see
Lord, You are the Light in me
showyoulove Dec 2024
The same hands that bear the scars
Created heaven and earth and the stars
The same brow that bore the thorns
The crown of glory now adorns
The same heart that was pierced and broken
Now beats within us, finally awoken
The same man we crucified
Has been raised and glorified
He takes us in and loves us
Gives us purpose and focus
He teaches us to learn and improve
To listen and allow the spirit to move
God can take our wounds and make it
Something holy and even sacred
So, remember the wounds and the lessons
And even broken things become blessings
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