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 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
Syddy Raye
Don't fix **** that ain't broken
Listen to these words being spoken
You think I'm jokin'
But let that **** sink in
This ain't even the worst part
But where should I start?
How bout' back to 2010?
Everything's coming back again
Things weren't pretty,
In fact, they were down right ******
Parents forgetting me and my siblings
They had better things to do
We didn't like to think so
but we knew it was true
We'd scream and yell, we'd had enough
But they weren't chicken to call our bluff
With their issues and misuse
And guys to mistrust
And girls that make fuss
Its no wonder I am where I am
Full of wonder and distrust
Life's just a ******* scam
This world's got me full of disgust
Flash forward to today
I'll hope and I'll pray
The good Lord will save my brother
From all the **** that started with my father and mother
My little sister
I see her everyday but I miss her
She's not the same
Timid and shy, back in the day
Now she'll ******* up if you get in her way
Ain't nothing changed in that house from yesterday
Except the absence of me
I couldn't take them away from all the dismay
No unfortunately, they had to stay
My siblings and me
They were all I had in that hell hole we called home
Then I left them there
Off to roam
My first real friends
And I left them in a place where happiness ends
But I hope they know
I want to watch them prosper and grow
They may be low, but they can rise above
So here's to my siblings, Kenneth and Carly
I hope you feel my kindness and love
For my siblings
 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
Ryan Long
I come to you, Oh Lord my God
I come with my broken pieces
A shattered heart, a broken dream
A downcast soul, the list never ceases

If you don't mind, Oh Lord
I simply want to vent
The things you've let happen
The plans I had they bent

In anger I cried out to you
With tears I sobbed your name
Why do you do the things you do
I feel like it's you I should blame

For things that go wrong
And the ***** ups in my life
The trouble and trials
The hate and all the strife

But it's you I find comfort in
I know you have a plan
So Lord give me strength
To stay in the fight of life like a man
Love is what I need,
To break this pain in me.
Love is what I need,
To save this brokenness in me.
Love is what I need.
But, I have none in me...
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
Consider her gone
Because, she cannot trust you
She gave you everything
But, you never appreciated anything
Her heart was there
She was always sincere
Walking away from you
Is the best thing for her to do
Love makes me sick
Not the bad kind of sick
But where you're my only cure
 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
•i found truth
in a saying i read•that we
start dying the day we were born
•not from life inflicted wounds from
which we've bled•not from illness or
disease that would have us torn •we
only live and breathe upon borrowed
sand•because we age; because we are
but mortal•it's only up to ourselves to
be mediocre or grand• what we'll be at
the end is consequential• it'll matter not
if we won popularity polls• or what riches
over which we covet and fuss•when asked, "for
whom does the bell toll?"
•look in the mirror for it tolls

                                          ­    for no one...
                                                          ­            but for us
Concrete Poem 26 of 30

Inspired by Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls".

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
• p-                                                                
eople do                                                              
not see past                                                               
her   makeover•                                                               
•only  traded snea-                                                               
kers for heels beyond                                                             
her years• starkness of                                                         
change, her  before and                                                   
•••after•only constants                                                 
•••are her darkness and                                             
•••••fears•happily ever                                          
•••      after is a dream so                                     
•••         far•when sickness                                  
•••          consumed her caregi-                           
   •••           vers old•hides these away                    
  •••              as she approaches the stationary      
        •••                  car •  only her stilettos know... of her
         •••                     ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
      •••                       ••••••••••••••••••••••••

*story untold•
Concrete Poem 27 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Shazia ullah
m i a
will you kiss me the way
the ocean water kisses the shore?

will you kiss me the way
the sun kisses the morning sky in july?

will you kiss me the way
the rain kisses the ground, and makes a beautiful sound?

will you kiss me* as if though it were our last?

will you kiss me that way?
will you kiss me that way?
**will you kiss me that way?
Hope you guys have a merry christmas. <3
Hello Poetry
Are you in there ?
Open up the invisible door
Invite me in
Don't you dare
say anymore

Show me your poems
Amaze me in every way
Litter my memory
in haunting rhymes
and rthyms that
come taunting me

knock , knock , knock
Hello Poetry
Are you home ?
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