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 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
673 billion breaths in a lifetime

but the moments where we are truly living

are the moments that take our breath away
clinks of razor blades
against each other sounds
far more like church bells
than i would like it to
and it has been this way
since i can remember
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
They say ink is poison,
But so is your touch,
So aren't these words,
Better than cuts?
She's proud of herself, but won't even tell you why,
It's been almost a week since she last even tried,
But the voices won't stop, and today they won,
Will she go for a razor, or end it all with a gun?

After hours of crying and arguing with herself,
She gives in, and opens the hidden box on her shelf,
Overwhelmed with emotions, she selects her blade,
Oddly delighted with the choice she's made.

So once again, she takes a razor to her vein,
And without even flinching and feeling no pain,
Well, there is pain, of course, but mistaken for praise,
She's lacking in judgement because of the feeling of daze.

She sits there, emotionless, blood pouring from her vein,
Giving into the feeling she has for so long resisted,
A smile crosses her face as red streaks her arm,
She's caught up in the evil known as self-harm.
Mother you saw the cuts on my hands
you asked me what they were
I told you they were barbed wire scratches
when I climbed up a tree
in our backyard.

there are no trees here.

but you stayed silent
in the church pews
praying to a god
who couldn't save your daughter.

Mother, remember when you tucked me at night
and held me
because I am afraid of the dark but
told me nothing would go wrong because
you are the light of my life.
and everything is gonna be alright.

what happened?

one day,
you asked me if he does things to me
when we are alone
I felt your chest tighten
as i replied with nothing but a straight face
i forced myself to shake my head

just to see you breathe again.

Mother, you saw the lines under my eyes
you keep telling me I should go home earlier
go to bed earlier
but you do not understand
that monsters do not always hide
under your bed
sometimes, they welcome you


Mother, I want to tell you but
do you really look at me?
or you just see the
and how hard
I try not to make you worry.

do I really have to end up in
hospital beds
before you finally see
how unhappy I have been?

do I have to destroy myself
even more?

tell me
when is everything going to be alright?

Mother you know how much
I hate enclosed spaces and
but right now
caskets seem like a pretty good bed
to finally

Mother, tuck me in bed-
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
These parts feel like a lie I am giving to this world,
but it doesn't throw me back a sneer,
it pretends it doesn't know.

I am carving my skin with questions,
but it bleeds back no answers,
only trophies in the shape of these scars.

I am clawing myself out,
but the pit feels like quicksand,
the more I want out the more it takes me in.

I am half a person, half a ghost
already burying myself
inside the casket of my own skin.

If these gods were real
they'd have made us of sturdier stuff
than hearts that break apart at the slightest whisper.
The pit is a good friend of mine that pulls me in every now and again.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I have a million scars
They all tell a different story
Some are small futile attempts at relief
Almost unnoticeable
but there all the same
They speak of desperate anxiety and release

Others are wide, gleaming red
Undeniably severe
Calling attention
To a mind once unwound
An attempt to destroy myself

Every scar is intimate
But up for honest inquiry
Of a genuine nature
An innocent curiosity
I will tell you about the scars
If you know how to ask
“we break things not just as a means of release but also to see
some other thing broken aside from ourselves.”*

You asked me how
I got my hand broken
And I told you it’s
because the walls aren’t
getting any weaker

While I,
I am tired of trying hard
and I’m too worn out to fight

I am fed up with
all the things
I used to love

so I’ve been thinking ’bout
taking my life
but I see the walls
are all around
and I get the urge
to let it out

and so i do…

If I can no longer speak,
the walls would
for me;

they’d tell you a story
on how I turn
into something else
when I’m sad,
and how they stop me
when I’m not
in the right mind
and they’d tell you about
these little scars I have,
and all of the frustrations
I’m keeping inside.

You asked why and
I told you,
’cause they hear me,
when no one else will
and they feel it all,
every inch of my skin
when I lay it on them

so if walls could speak,
they’d tell you how I
hurt them
to hurt me
every single night.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Pei Yi
one cool blade, against pale
skin pressing lightly just
a bit then a bit

no red so again just a bit
harder, against the smooth
surface until it

pain does not shoot through
your veins it is merely
routine, one way of
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