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 Nov 2015 Sav
Jeffrey Pua
 Nov 2015 Sav
Jeffrey Pua
And so I write of love
Thinking it’s the sane thing to do,
     Of over-thinking
Which overpowers the other,
Your love (your past love)
     Or mine.

Everyday seemed like a day after the other,
Only, that they move backwards,
Only, that they grow much painful
As days go by, as nights
     Are even worse.

Nothing hurts
Like a definite goodbye,
Unless it was an indefinite one.
I know for sure
     That I could have you back.

I love you so much that I miss you
And how I struggle
To make you understand
That I only miss you
     Because I love you.

And so my pen tilts from here,
Not knowing what to say,
     Only knowing what to feel.

     And we’re apart...

          We’re once were.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
 Nov 2015 Sav
I'll put this plainly: I like a girl
Quite a lot, actually
But all my thoughts are all over the place
They all clamour for attention, their beliefs attacking me

"Go for it," says my heart
"What have you to lose?"
"What ****** drugs are you on?" says a part of me
"Would you date yourself if you were in her shoes?"

Nightmare just shrugs his shoulders
"Why would you ask me?"
After all, I am virtually emotionless
I did ****** your family."

Permafrost dictates otherwise
"Follow your heart, because it is always true
Don't let anyone else
Tell you what you can and can't do."

Verdugo believes in chance
"Take the risk, if you dare
Take the risk if you believe
That she knows just how much you truly care."

"But do not get too cocky
You have your limitations"
I believe Verdugo has the best advice
For my current situation.

At least, the most positive advice
I kinda believe the unnamed part of me
But I also have faith in my heart and Permafrost
So my emotional division dictates an unclear destiny
Hmmm.... wonder who these "people" are? maybe... voices in my head?
 Nov 2015 Sav
In the end,
and by the end I mean
the day you realize
the moon was never waiting on the sun,
that she was always there,
only then will you know why wildflowers feel the pain you've been carrying silently.

The gentle courage that's found in the solemn nights,
where the wind whispers
"there has to be another way",
always seems to turn the tide faster than any man could

and once the roots of the trees find their way to your knees,
then you'll understand why you went down with his ship.
 Nov 2015 Sav
Angie S
A million miles over
Cities toppled over like broken glass,
Raging waters with pointed teeth,
Familiar hands lost to the journey,
And hardships nobody on this
Seemingly godforsaken planet
Deserves to endure,
And at the very end of the very last mile,
What right do you have to say,
"You are not welcome here"?
Have you seen the fire that burns
In the orphaned children?
Have you seen the blood of your loved ones
Spilled across your feet?
Have you faced death in the eyes and
Felt his presence in your shadows?
Or have you instead,
Thought the valiantly wandering refugees as
A threat to your quiet life?
I ******* dare you
To look their people in the eyes and tell them
They could be suspected of being terrorists.
I suspect them of being nothing but humans,
Because assuming the worst from not one, but
An entire population--
What kind of logic is that? And
What kind of heart do you have that cannot see
People in need? People that need a place,
If even temporarily, to call home?
What kind of heart is it that you lack,
That cannot find the good in people to
Cherish as if you knew their name? And
What kind of heart is it that you lack,
That cannot open your own eyes to the dystopia that is our world
And try to help at least
Wandering soul
I learned today that certain states in the US will be accepting Syrian refugees to settle. And mine... will not. (And then a girl mentioned that many refugees have been suspected of being tied to terrorism.) And honestly? People are important. Their lives and stories are important. They have gone through harder times than I probably ever will in my lifetime... the least we can do is provide them a safe place to stay.
(That's my two cents on this topic.)
 Apr 2015 Sav
cloud suicide.
 Apr 2015 Sav
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
 Apr 2015 Sav
Dream out Loud
 Apr 2015 Sav
Dream out Loud
because life is just a serious pain in the ***.
i drink up sarcasm as if it were medicine
medicine for every pain that i have ever been caused
by every incoherent fraction of a human
a fractured mirror image of every broken promise
seriously kiss my ***
 Apr 2015 Sav
Angie S
When will the day come
That I can call you
A distant memory

It's the nickname you've given me
While forgetting all the other names
That you'd whisper to me

As we were holding hands
And laughing at the clouds above us,
Drifting away as if they hadn't heard

Now I wish those clouds would've stopped moving
So we could've spent our little eternity together
And if not that much, I wish
You could push my hair behind my ear in the wind
And if not that much, I wish
That you could have at least wiped my tears away

Before you drifted away, too
((not about me. i simply wrote it.))
 Apr 2015 Sav
Reverie Dawson
Why does pain have to control so much of life?
The sickness, misery we all feel.
It captures us.
It sits in our brain, breaking us down seconds at a time.
It stings and rips me of my wings of freedom.
And leaves us left feeling alone and abandoned.
Pain strips me of my only delight.
The shadow of a arrow follows me.
Waiting for me to say when the pain is too much.
When the pleasures of this life are gone from me and I can't see the smiling gleeful faces of yesterday anymore.
Tomorrow sorrow itself will mourn with me.
Pain strips us all of ourselves.
Blinding us from the exhilarating, fascinating, contentment of this world.
But was there ever contentment in this world?
Or was it the sorrow that made us think like that?
Like this world can make us happy...
The pain has stripped me of everything but has opened my eyes, to the cries of the lost.

— The End —