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 Mar 2014 Appointed
Yasu Nemo
she* was the smart one
with a cute little smile
and heart full of kindness
she was the prettiest
and the smartest
and people
were either jealous of her
they wanted to be her
she was the one
who held my hand the most
and made me feel
like i was the best
of us all

we swam together
one on each lane
racing to the finish
or just helping each other make it
to the finish line

we laughed together
at the jokes that were cracked
laughing until our stomachs ached
and our eyes filled with tears

we sang together
four little voices trying to blend together
but happily
we were happy

then she moved away
to a different place
to a different school
to different people

i remember
when she cried
when we had to part

i remember
when she felt lonely
and wrote me a letter
but lost it

i remember
when she had her first kiss
she was so excited
and so happy

and i remember
when she no longer called
and rarely texted
and weeks turned into months
before we'd finally meet
and talk
and tell each other
i miss you
keep in touch

but the promises are empty
because we say
but we never do
and her text are rare
and her calls rarer still

and what can i do
but sit here
and watch
as she goes out into the world
and the world changes her
until she only was
the person i once knew best
Part one of "Best Friends Forever?", which are just a jumble of thoughts penned down
 Mar 2014 Appointed
January is ice cold, but it never snows.
You're always so angry but you never want to talk about it.
February it starts to get warm, then there's a week of snow days.
Just when I think you're letting me in you shut me out again.
March has cold mornings and hot afternoons; the trees start to turn green.
You call me at 3am crying and you're fine in the morning; you have good days sometimes.
April is hot and cold and wet and dry.
You've never been a very stable person.
May is rain. The humidity makes my clothes damp.
You get so broken sometimes that it breaks me, too.
June is perfect lake weather. The water is cold.
I want to know all of the dark corners of your mind.
July has no rain. The dirt dries out and cracks.
I wonder how many of your smiles are faked.
August is too hot to go outside. The lake is bath water.
As soon as you get close to someone you find an excuse to leave.
September has cool evenings. The mosquitoes are awful.
Sometimes you feel at peace with your demons.
October is more rain; autumn oranges and reds and yellows.
You say you're dying and I try to convince you it will get better soon.
November is a dry cold.
I wish you would let me help you.
December freezes the plants; the leaves are gone from the trees.
*You destroy yourself and wonder why you're so broken.
Crawling through my mind,
I came upon a light.
It flickered like a candle
but it could never be snuffed.
This is my passion.
It's fire burns deep within me.
Next time you see me,
I dare you to look into my eyes.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Ann cobb
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Ann cobb
Your touch was soothing
Your breath was hot on my neck
Your whispered words still dangle
And then I realize
Your gone
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Poetry by MAN
Sun an eternal flame
Burning up my mental strain
Incinerating my self doubt
Release it..Um let it out
Normally I don't give a ****
A Scorpio M.A.N is what I am
Venomous when I sting
Most can't handle what I bring
Emotions come in many phases
Draw a map..navigate the mazes
Some days I'm dark I sing the blues
Emotions there for me to use
Transforming them with my magic touch
I feel them hit me in a rush
When in tune I'm like a song
So with these words I babble on
Just begun so watch me grow
Flooding minds with my Freestyle Flow..
M.A.N 3-25-14 My Freestyle flow keeps me from getting blocked I write these just for fun..♏
Common sense,
No, not cents.
You cant buy it..
But if you dont have it you'll pay for it.
Not from your wallet
Lets call it...karmic.
Yesterday I turned 24
I got everything I could wish for,
I evenn got a unicorn.
I seen everyone I adore & love,
If there was a cloud 9
I'd float slighty above.
Chocolate cake
That my my son
Wanted to smash in my face.
I stayed in the house all day
And lounged around like a ***,
Eating eggs cereal and pizza
With my bf & son.
Pretending to clean,
And "get dressed"
I didn't drink,
Not even a shot,
Go out or party,  I did not.
I just spent my day day
Inhaling love and peace
Doing whatever came to me.
24 feels way different then 23.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Elizabeth P
I'm a...
Tryin' to run with the herd
Lonely one
Miss out on all the fun
If there was a book meter, I'd have broken it by now
Musical novice
Though I'm aimless in my pursuit
Believer in the Almighty
He is to me like a father to a daughter
Sweet and hardy

I'm a lot of things
And that'll change over the years,
But I hope to be
The best me I can be
Now and forever.
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