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You answered just a little too fast.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing I've missed you.
It surprised me.
The last time I saw you,
And the time before that,
You were intoxicated.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing what you are to me.
It surprised me.
You are a dress without hems or seams.
I hardly know you but you are beautiful.
You are the bullet in the rotating cylinder of the gun to my head.
You dig through my skull and explode my amygdala.
And force me to love you.
You are the jam in the barrel as I pull the trigger.
I fell to the ground in realization:
You both killed me and saved me.
It surprised me.
Follow me on Twitter: @laniate

I'm just like you.

In a maze.

But I try to follow
God's perfect


He directs


Soul Survivor
Think about it. He sees how
I should go. I've been down
ENOUGH dead end streets... you?
This girl's description needs no hyperbole
Because she is perfect, well at least to me
Her smile is as warm as a summers day
and her sweet laughter, it drives out the gray
I could sit here for hours describing my love
But suffice to say if I hear the word perfect it's her I'll think of
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Dylan Thomas
O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies
Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws
**** and rebellion in the nurseries of my face,
Gag of dumbstruck tree to block from bare enemies
The bayonet tongue in this undefended prayerpiece,
The present mouth, and the sweetly blown trumpet of lies,
Shaped in old armour and oak the countenance of a dunce
To shield the glistening brain and blunt the examiners,
And a tear-stained widower grief drooped from the lashes
To veil belladonna and let the dry eyes perceive
Others betray the lamenting lies of their losses
By the curve of the **** mouth or the laugh up the sleeve.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
 Mar 2014 Appointed
I hate you.
I really do.

I just wish
I hated you
Than I
Love you
 Mar 2014 Appointed
 Mar 2014 Appointed
For most people
Dying is their biggest fear
And that
Is something I'll never understand.

I don't know why I should be afraid of going to live with my King
When he decides to call me home
Only good, shining happiness awaits for me

Sure, dying now would mean I miss somethings
I would never know marriage
Or children or grandchildren
But you can't miss something you've never had

I could leave right now and be happy
But what would make me the most content
Would be sacrifice

Each person has so much to contribute to the world
And if mine was to save someone's life
So they could change

I would be ecstatic
And that would make my life complete enough
For me to leave this earth
 Mar 2014 Appointed
 Mar 2014 Appointed
I'm obsessed with trying to look pretty
So people will tell me I'm beautiful

But if that ever happens
And someone tells speaks the words I've been longing to hear for so long
I don't
I can't believe them.

What the **** is wrong with me?
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Broken Pair
 Mar 2014 Appointed
You've been abused.
Had your heart torn out and toyed with.
Utterly ruined.
Thoroughly destroyed.
From the inside.

How dare I compared my pain to yours?
It's not even in the same realm.
We exist in different galaxies.

But not really at all.

It's like comparing lying and ******.
They're both sins.  
God despises the pair.
But only one
Seems worthy of ultimate despair.

So, how dare I compare?
I can't.
Not even close.
I just have to remember.
In each of us, something broke.
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