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Sasha  Sep 2015
Sasha Sep 2015
I aM so dOne. So tiReD of bOys asPiriNg to be Men, gRabBing my fRaIl heArt and slOwlY teAriNg it apArt. So eXhauSted frOm fixiNg evEry one. PIckiNg up tHeir lOose scRews aNd wAisTing my haPpinEss trYing to fix thEm. My yoUng soUl has AgeD too fAst. My youNg sMile tuRned tirEd. My sickening desiRe to be yEt agAin intOxicated By loVe. I bEg for my sOul to be loSt in soMeoneS smoKe. I craVe for my mInd to be lOst in someoNes fingers. To have my hEart feEl the boTtom of a sHoe. Strange fEelingS tiCkle my coLD hearT.
JB Fuller May 2010
every poet the world deems great
has written an elegant legacy
dedicated to himself
tallying all his wisdom
as he glorifies in his shame
he decidedly exalts his ego
and spreads the infamy of his name

so my muse, accept my invocation
as I write myself into epic proportion

collecting the vast library of my life
I eagerly fold back the cover
of the first volume in mint condition
but as I open it I learn astonishment
every page shines in unblemished white

in my fearsome excitement
I **** each book carelessly off the shelf
tearing pages and breaking spines
as the discarded books crash to the floor
and when it is completed all I have
is a pile of broken futures
and only a slender volume represents
the object of my reckless search

this book now my chief treasure
I sit down at my cluttered desk
to incline my ear and listen
and discern what material is worthy
for inclusion in my great work of art
but I am shocked to discover
that the pages hold insufficient promise
except the whisper of future possiblilities
which I have just hurled into dust

in the grand tradition of yesterday
I must finish in the same way I began

every poet who has written
a heroic tale of self
has exausted all his wonder
and reduced his life to metred lines
the good things are all gone
and all that remains is bleak and empty
when seen in the light of dawn
Josh Buller  Jan 2011
Josh Buller Jan 2011
That pain
In my head
In my stomach
Must leave
I know it's due
This feeling doesn't help it get done
But there's just no time
None for the work to get done
None for school
None for friends
And none for me
It hurts
It *****
It makes me exausted
Why does it even exist
I've got two words for it
© Josh Buller 01/17/2011
Abby Reynolds Aug 2018
I've gone truly mad
I've lost the girl everyone so dearly loved (boo-hoo)
but is it so bad
to be the rock instead of the window?
the villian instead of the **** damsel?
is it so evil
for a woman
to be sick and tired of being the paper girl?
i'm exausted
Aren't you?
I'm tired from the boys with heavy fingers
speaking to me
whenever they want to play with fire
so what?
maybe my doll face won't be called baby anymore.
I suppose I just got bored of being toyed with
Rai  Nov 2010
Note to my poetess
Rai Nov 2010
My mind is quiet

need for grounding

poetess in slumber

No thoughts pass between us

I will let her sleep now

My emotions have exausted her

Sleep humble lady of mine own creation

and thankyou for rising above

and teaching me how to fly.
Kole J McNeil Oct 2021
I grabbed the lighter off the counter
I walked outside
It was late
I was home alone that night
I sat on the side of the sand box in front of my house
My hand was shaking
I was exausted
I was stressed
I just needed something

I pull the Cigarette from the altoids tin I hid it in
I pull it up to my lips
I flick the ligter and a flame shoots up
I light the end and take a deep breath it
The end glows with red embers
Suddenly everything is quiet
I exhale blowing out the smoke
It's the last gohst of my inncoence that floats away
I take another breath in and am filled with a silent minds

My mind is finally quiter
After years of no stop chatter
All is quiet
I don't know how too keep them quiet without them. It was the first time I felt actually calm
Umi  Oct 2018
Eternal Ice
Umi Oct 2018
A winter never ending,
Dance with me across these frozen fields under the starlit night,
In a land with no sun to rise, this dream will remain for eternity,
The crystal clear snow, fluffy almost playful is carried by a breeze,
Each shadow has a silver lining, each minute is beautifully shining,
When everything is asleep, it seems the envirorment is at ease,
Peaceful and quiet with no noise but the wind and the falling snow,
Yet the beauty of this world is being ignored, is it too cold to go out ?
There is no reason to be afraid of the dark, would you like to sleep with me tonight ? After all, I am your demon your other side,
This perfect world you projected within your imagination,
Can I burn it all to its remains ?
This is a wonderland where nightmares are crawling into despair,
There is no beginning to this kingdom of ice, nor is there an end,
You look tired as if it was hell, come to me and I will bring you to your utopia, all you have to do is to stop this madness.
That angered gaze of yours, why is it making me excited ?
Your steps are wiped away by the blowing, merciless wind,
These tired eyes of yours are too exausted to stay open,
For now let's say hello, my dear,
Have a good sleep.

~ Umi
welp, I tried.
Danielle  Dec 2013
Danielle Dec 2013
Quarantined is what I am,
Sitting here, waiting, urging on the dam,
This is a mistake, a futile scam,
Quarantined is what I am.

Quarantined, this is me,
Standing here for all to see,
I wish I could hide and run and flee,
Quarantined, this is me.

Quarantined, I am still here,
Exausted, quiet, but still not clear,
I have not yet shed a tear,
Quarantined, I am still here.

Quarantined, get me out!
I will scream and kick and shout!
I feel as though I will have a black-out,
Quarantined, get me out!

Quarantined, I am no more,
They type in the code and unlock the door,
I feel healthy to the core,
Sitting there for weeks of four,
Quarantined, I am no more.*

Quarantined, my Love is now,
I want back in, let me in somehow!
I want him out, I want him now!
Quarantined, my Love is now.

Quarantined, with hands upon glass.
I cannot win, I cannot surpass,
Your eyes stare at me, green as the greenest grass,
Quarantined, with hands upon glass.

Quarantined, he is to me,
They drag me away from his lifeless body,
I do not look,
This is too much to see,
*Quarantined, he is to me.
Hayley  Dec 2014
Hayley Dec 2014
He and I were Cat and Mouse,
drawn together in a deadly embrace

It could be proven deadly to only one of us
in the end

We switched roles, he and I.
I could be a chasing Cat, he a fleeting Mouse
I could be a weak Mouse, he a dangerous Cat

Being the Cat - that was power,
but it went to our heads

Being the Mouse - that was vulnerability,
we both gave in.

we both became the Cat,
chasing to no avail.

We, then,
both became the Mouse, and
we both fell.

Exausted from running

From a cat that wasn't even there.

— The End —