"Friendship day"
A growing trend
To recognize, appreciate
and celebrate a friend,
Had many friends,
co-traveled the journey
Many left when paths bend!
A question bothers today,
On this friendship day,
Can all be named as *"friend"?
"Friendship for companionship"
"Friends for benefit"
These terms mostly fit!
But the picture is not always grim
Some stars hidden mostly,
light the life,
Whenever it's dim!
Friendship cycle too is
"Friendship in hardship"
"Friends for life"
Proved the best!
These types are rare,
but in need, such friends
are always there!
True friends don't need
an earmarked day,
They are together
Irrespective of distance
in the night and day!
True friendship doesn't
really need an occasion,
Whenever they meet or talk,
life becomes "A celebration!!"
Since friendship is reassured
in this way,
To all my friends from HP
Unedited poem....