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 May 2015 I hate
Vamika Sinha
You've been crying into your pillow for weeks now
because he-

Never mind.

Today, you walked into a grocery store
and stared
at all the people
buying broccoli and shampoo and dish-washing liquid.
All those people with their own
chapters and textures,
their own loves and hates and
personal heartbreaks,
all their embarrassing habits.
Mundanely gathered in this over-lit shop...
You realize that for this short while
all your lives were quietly mingling.

And then your heart sighs
with relief because
you've done it, finally.
You've realized something small but so very
It's quite simple, really.

The world is larger than your heartbreak.

(You smile because you know that things just might be okay.
Just personal.
 May 2015 I hate
I was about to write a story
That contains the story of us, two
But then something popped into my mind
And I opted not to continue
I just shook my head and bitterly smiled
Why bother waste my time
if "us" never did exist
 May 2015 I hate
The Tree
 May 2015 I hate
I can feel the movement of that tree as if it were speaking with me. I watch as it stands still with little breeze to see the movement in its bark swirling and swirling up and around speaking of its history. As my life simply is a mere moment, can it even notice me? I stand in awe to watch its branches dance as its leaves seem to reach out to me. How does it see its life in what I see as a perpetual state of tranquility. Can it hear as I say hello, or like a little insect, would I know if were to speak to me, or in their time do the mountains even know of the tree. How simple life is made to be -
 May 2015 I hate
1.* I drove past the airport where we first met, i swear i saw your smile in the breeze.

2. I see you in every sunset and sunrise. When i looked at you, i saw the skies in your eyes. Now when i look at the sky all i see is your eyes.

3. Your name used to make my heart ache and my hands shake, but now just makes me stomach drop and i don't know which one's worse.

4. Every time my phone rings, i still hope it's you.

5. I liked your hair, and you liked the way she moaned. I can't feel anything.
 May 2015 I hate
Luna Lynn
i am dead
 May 2015 I hate
Luna Lynn
i killed myself today
stood in the mirror and faded away

i watched the blood
pool down the drain

i was reborn into newness
and the fear was sustained

the death of myself is the truth
(C) Maxwell 2015
 May 2015 I hate
Brittany Laird
There is a girl in a white dress
that's falling for a man who seems so right.
What she doesn't know though,
is just how hard he can bite.

Behind his charming smile
lies a monster waiting to play.
A caged beast is somewhere in there
and it's hidden deeply away.

He howls at the moon as time passes
without his precious prey's folly.
Just how long can she keep him tame
without giving him her body?

She's skipping and dancing,
blissfully lost in the forest of his heart.
Like a doe-eyed child playing as the sun sets,
she's unaware of the woods becoming very dark.

The man's patience is wearing thin now
as she twirls around in that dress.
A growl escapes from his mouth
as if her exposed skin is a test.

The animal is ready to pounce,
he whispers sweet nothings in her ear.
She believes every word like a fool,
looking at him in awe as he lures her near.

There was a girl in a white dress
but she took it off for a man's touch.
How long is it going to take her
to stop confusing love from lust?
I was that girl once.
 May 2015 I hate
Paramount Pawn
Being alone
is not that bad
A peace of mind you have at last
People are such a nuisance
That I wish to withdraw from them
Alone I can do nothing
But I could be in relief from other people's expectations
Seeing him happy was my daily pill
That is the truth I cannot conceal
Holding his hands was my only remedy
It makes me tough and sturdy

His glance melts my soul within
His smile tickles my chin
I will never ask for more
Even if this love gives me a sore

Seeing him holding that girl's hand
I just wanna dig myself down to that sand
Bury myself with this kind of love
Loving a boy which I can never have.

I can wait forever.
Why do I always end up buried with this unrequited love? Why do I always put a thorn inside my heart? Because after all... He was my only remedy.
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