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10.0k · Feb 2017
Paper Crown
Kat Feb 2017
Seemingly small and insignificant,
It sits atop my finger, like a bird perched on a branch.
A symbol of great power,
Yet shrunken and frail as paper.
Its hidden beauty rivals those of
My love for it swells
Like a well after a heavy rain.
Oh, this paper crown,
Its simple beauty
Is a gold as pure as any other.
Its paleness is greater than snow,
Its weight light, but heavier than
the empire it represents.
This paper crown, worthy of a Queen.
This was written for a class project
6.9k · Jun 2017
Society, society
Kat Jun 2017
Society, society, what do you say?
You've dealt your cards, you've had your way.

Society, society, am I not enough?
I've skipped my meals and ran until I've thrown up.

Society, society, I've tried my best.
I studied all night long, and I passed all the test.

Society, society, what more do you need?
I'm on my knees and I'm starting to plead.

Society, society, I can't take much more.
They said by following your rules, I'd open more doors.

Society, society, why are you so cruel?
I'd try to make a change, but I know you'd win this duel.

Society, society, what more is there to say?
You've already made it so that I dread the next day.

Society, society, I wish I could win,
but I know if I fight back you'd see it as a sin.

Society, society, it's becoming way too hard,
going about my days with a leaden heart.

Society, society, you've made me give up,
but at least now the weight has lifted, and I can finally stand up.
1.4k · Jan 2017
Sonnet #1 A Brother's Love
Kat Jan 2017
"If you can wait until I arrive home
then I will put you to sleep every night.
You'll no longer have to hide in your dome
because I will be there to shed you light.

I will hold you close, like a brother should
and chase away the guys you want to date.
I'd be there for you like you knew I would,
and I know you mean love when you say 'hate.'

So please keep in mind, I will be home soon.
Just wait seven more days, one more week,
and all the shed tears will be dried by noon.
No more need to cry, no need to be meek."

...but my older brother, he was too brave,
for that night, the war took him to his grave.
I know the rule of sonnets is to just number them, but I like the idea of the first one having an actual title. Also, this isn't that good.
1000 · Feb 2017
Soaring Friendship
Kat Feb 2017
Two birds in nature
Good friends flying around free
Will you fly with me
935 · Dec 2017
And I Am Me
Kat Dec 2017
She's a beauty on stage,
A light at sea,
Forever she'll shine,
And I am me.

He's a greek god,
The perfect dream,
He'll defy all the odds,
And I am me.

She's the song of Dawn,
A gentle breeze,
A sweet summer love,
And I am me.

He's the flame behind the eyes,
His heart blissful and serene,
He's a gorgeous lie,
And I am me.

I'm the call of the wild,
Destruction and defeat,
Endlessly I'll wander
And this is me.
485 · Feb 2017
Achilles Heel
Kat Feb 2017
An Achilles heel,
My everlasting weakness,
Your love is my death
446 · Feb 2017
Kat Feb 2017
The meadow evolved with the wind,
loving how the breeze caressed everything.
The green grass shimmers under the stars.
The moon looming up ahead, smiling down on me.
Trees covered the land,
fruits of all sorts graced the lands with their ethereal beauty.
New growth sprouts up replacing the ancients that have done their duties.

But alas, a place a serene as this Garden of Eden
Can have no place in this cruel world.
And so all of it vanishes,
The whispers of a beauty echo in the barren fields,
But the light from the moon remains.
Illuminating the path,
the small hope that a place like this can exist.
That the world has a place for Eden.
414 · Jun 2017
Kat Jun 2017
I heard them when I was five.
A whisper. A soft caress.
I couldn't believe they'd be like the rest,
So soft and loving, they were the best
A gentle breeze, is what they were,
and gentle they stayed, until they weren't,
I didn't know they'd only bring hurt.

I saw them when I was ten.
A home. A friend.
But they spun and moved so I couldn't see,
What they really turned out to be.
By now they had my trust in their hand,
Why couldn't I see this is what they had planned?
The ghost in my head, they're driving me mad.

They killed me when I was fifteen.
A blessing? A curse?
The words they said, on repeat in my mind,
until my mask was the only thing left to hide behind.
But one monday night when it became too much,
My life, my youth, was stripped from my clutch
And the ghost said goodbye, for they owed me that much.
386 · Jan 2017
The Drums of Society
Kat Jan 2017
The drums beat hard,
a constant banging.
Getting louder
and Louder
until eventually,
they can't be ignored.
Until everyone knows their songs.
The songs that say
beauty is in perfection.
That money is happiness.
And that cruelty is the only way
to protect yourself.
But the drums,
they play off beat.
They do not sing in truth,
But in lies, to shape,
And mold
And fold
us all into perfect
plastic mannequins.
But you can make your own beat.
And play LOUDER
Than all of society's drums.
312 · Jun 2017
Beautiful Grace
Kat Jun 2017
"my love, my sweet, my precious heart.
I'll hold you close, we shan't be part.
Worry not my love, as my arrival draws near,
That we shall be together, year after year."

But darling, I'm afraid my words are fraud,
For when I layed down my head and opened my arms,
I knew then I was going to meet god.
And as my consciousness slipped away,
It was your face I saw, my beautiful Grace.
I hope to see you again, but not anytime soon.
And I apologize again, that I didn't come home that one afternoon
300 · Dec 2017
When a Hero Falls
Kat Dec 2017
When a hero falls,
What can they say?
That "he was great;
He saved the day!"

But why would they cry?
He was just a mask,
The embodiment of good,
Who took up the task.

No one even knows,
The wife he holds dear,
The place he calls home,
What he has to fear.

His children will cry,
But no one will know,
Why they shed tears,
For the man they don't know.

For when a hero falls,
His name goes too,
Staining the memory
Of the man who never flew.
285 · Jan 2019
lively little soul
Kat Jan 2019
Everything stayed just the same
And so the lively little soul
Said "there is nothing here for me,
This world is growing old"
She packed up all her bags
Got ready for a new start
Said goodbye to all her friends
"I'll miss you all with all my heart"
She bought a ticket to Italy
Knowing not a word or phrase,
But laughed and wandered and saw a world
New to her in many ways
She traveled down to Egypt
To see marvels under the sun,
She met a man who lived by songs
He taught her how to have some fun.
Around and around the world she went
The lively little soul,
Learned all about the people
Who make this whole world whole.
And after twenty years,
She sent a little note
To her old life she left behind
"I don't miss you," she wrote.

insta: katowrites
285 · Jun 2017
Do you remember?
Kat Jun 2017
Do you remember that hill where we sat and watched the stars?
Where we danced and played like the whole world was ours?

Do you remember that cottage with that old rustic chair?
Where we sat and told stories that we shared?

I miss that you know, you and I?
I wish I had never said goodbye.

For now when I watch you laugh, and smile,
I know you were worth the extra mile.

Because I remember looking up at the stars,
when we thought the whole world was ours.

And I remember all the late nights,
When they turned from sweet murmurs to daily fights.

Do you remember that hill where we sat and watched the stars?
Where we danced and played like the whole world was ours?

Do you remember that cottage with that old rustic chair?
Where we sat and told stories that we shared?

We could still be there, had I had more of a care.
262 · Jan 2018
When I was little...
Kat Jan 2018
When I was little,
They told me "don't cry."
They said "be calm,
That's how you survive."

When I bleed,
Its okay, its just a little blood.
That little scrape above your knee,
Won't ever mean anything.

Now I'm grown,
And I don't shed a tear.
My wounds are inside,
And I cry when no one will hear.

My heart hurts,
My chest is leaden,
But I have to be tough,
Let no one in.

Because when I was little,
They said "don't cry."
They said "be calm,
That's how you survive."
230 · Nov 2018
Eyes to the Sky
Kat Nov 2018
Nobody ever knows
Where they’re going to go
Spending days only watching shows
Yet there’s still a whole world to behold.

If I could tell my ten year old self
Something to get her by
I’d say “chin up, dear
And keep your eyes on the sky.

The sky, it holds a map for you,
To follow with your heart
Showing all the things you could do
Trust me, darling, you’ll go far.

Don’t spend your days watching your shoes
Because falling’s apart of life,
And when you fall, cause that you’ll do
Don’t let your heart be filled with strife.”

If I could talk to ten year old me
I’d make sure she is ready.
The world is really something
If you’re on your feet and steady.
212 · Jun 2017
Me, entire
Kat Jun 2017
"Our love is true and eternal.
When I see your face, I get butterflies,
When I look in your eyes, I feel sparks fly.
Our love is wild, and never ephemeral."

But for you, my dear, that would be a lie.
I don't feel sparks, nor do I feel butterflies.

For our love is eternal and true,
But when I see your face, I get the entire zoo.
And when I look in your eyes, I feel the heat of a million suns, like an out of this world sunrise

A love like ours burns like fire,
Of lust and wonder, and tenderness and desire.
Because to you, my love, I give you me, entire.
204 · Dec 2017
She is...
Kat Dec 2017
She's darkness,
She's light.
A bitter wind,
The call of the night.

She's sweetness,
She's sorrow.
A lovely perfume,
The threat of tomorrow.

She's love,
She's hate.
The feelings of a lover,
That came too late.

She's here,
She's gone.
The remnants of a melody,
Of a long forgotten song.
203 · Dec 2017
Cheers to the Kids
Kat Dec 2017
This one's for the kids
Who grew up alone.
Who raised themselves,
Lifted out of the slums.

This one's for the kids
With dirt under their nails.
Lungs filled with smog,
No belief in fairy tales.

This one's for the kids
With old shoes on their feet.
To avoid the glass,
And cracks in the street.

This one's for the kids
Who travel by train.
They've got the tunnels memorized,
Stored in their brains.

This one's for the kids
Who've smelled the smoke since birth.
Lungs turned dark
Black like the earth.

This one's for the kids
With nothing to lose.
Where they're going to go?
They haven't got a clue.

Cheers to the kids
Who grew up alone.
Who raised themselves,
Lifted out of the slums.
201 · Nov 2018
Kat Nov 2018
When I was a little girl
I wanted to go far
So I'd look up at the sky
And say one day I'll touch the stars

After years and years
I finally made it there
But now I'm all alone
And all I feel's despair

The stars have all burned out
Leaving nothing in their wake
I wish I had realized sooner,
What I had at stake

Because the stars glittered like gold
And I couldn't stay away
So I told my friends and family
That I'll be on my way

But with everyday that passes
My oxygen's running low
The blackness is engulfing me
I wish I didn't go
193 · Nov 2018
Kat Nov 2018
My life is like a book
With you on every page
And I may be the chorus leader
But you're on center stage
189 · Dec 2017
On Faking Smiles
Kat Dec 2017
"It'll be okay,"
They say,
As they leave you,
As they walk away.

So I smile.
My lips raise,
My teeth show,
"I'll be okay."

But the mouth can tell lies,
Not just by words,
But by action,
By faking smiles.

They all look,
They all see,
My upturned lips,
They see I'm happy.

But never once
Did they think,
That I could get by
On faking smiles.
169 · Nov 2018
Take it Back
Kat Nov 2018
As I sit and try to remember
A time so far long ago,
My soul is struck with pain
When the memories start to flow
And laughter rings in both my ears
And joy fills my heart
I start to remember how things went
When we were at the start.
The things I'd do to take it all back,
To start again from dust,
To save me all these tears I've shed,
And keep my heart from turning to rust
Because as years pass on and by
And I go on my way
I learn how important as a child
It is to cherish every day
166 · Nov 2018
Kat Nov 2018
We all know of the stories
Where the savior's but a teen
Fighting evils for glory
We all long to be that free

But there are shackles on my feet
Tied to the bottoms of my desk
They say the pencil holds the answer
If I'm looking to be the best

On the chalkboard is my future
And within the book is the cure,
To cure the world of evils
Of that, they seem so sure

But my eyes drift to the window
Where outside the whole world lay
I'm still shackled to my desk
And they tell us to stay

When the world lights up with flames
My generations safe inside
Because from the outside we're disconnected
We have a place to hide

While the adults look for heroes
To save them once and for all,
The kids filled with potential
Spend their days wandering the halls

— The End —