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I will take the knife you put in my back when I wasn’t looking
And push it through my flesh till it graces my heart
And nicks it just enough for the pain to come flooding out
Then I’ll paint you a portrait
Red with pain
And wrap it up with a bow on top
Because I would never forget your birthday
Or to congratulate you
As you grow one step closer to death
Because that is something that's actually worth celebrating
I have my father's mind:
logical, quick-witted, carefree,
always searching for sublime meaning
in words and people
over a third cup of tea.

and my mother's heart;
soft, selfless to a fault, empathetic
searching for ways to attain happiness
for everyone but themselves;
ultimately alone.

Within me,
*they are still together.
One million eyes
And I am so self centered to think
That they are judging me
One million negative thoughts are being fed to my brain
But they are just one million lies
Because out of one million people
The only one judging myself
is me
Dear Lord, I am here on my knees, crying,
For I have strayed and my faith is dying;
Holy Shepard, guide me back to God's route;
Make me pure and cleanse me as I cry out:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, I undress my sinful soul to you;
I bare it all, everything's in your view;
And I feel your merciful eyes on me,
I get closer to you and say with glee:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, I can feel your holy presence;
In your embrace, I can taste your essense;
I can feel your passion, your fire, your heat;
And on this night I joyfully repeat:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, I worship your body and kiss your feet;
Our hearts come together and share one beat;
You opened me and entered me with love,
And to this blessed act I shout up above:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, you cleanse me and ****** out my sin!
You penetrate my soul and place God in!
You reach to the darkest regions of me,
And instill the comfort of Christianity:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, you erase all my mistakes and woes;
I can feel your power from my head to toes;
Like a white horse, you are pure and perfect;
As you work your miracle, I loudly inject:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, you release me from damnation,
And pour on me your holy salvation,
And I am again innocent and gay;
And as you depart, I thank you and say:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
if there's a hell, i'd be in it.

Stronger than waves crashing
Stronger than stone
Stronger than the stars that light
up the sky
Cataclysmic volcanic energy
is your might
Your strength to lead us
just as strong
As was your strength to decide
to willingly give
up your human existence
Providing us
Hope for everlasting life
Today was Nissan 14, the day Jesus died
Ah yes,
the seasons, they change but every few months within a year,
they change quickly, and with haste,
they give us reprieves, and then they give us taste.

They give us sunshine, and rain, and cloudy days, they give us blessings,
even on a bone soaked day.
Sure, come the blizzard, sure come the storm!
We'll build ourselves a fire, to keep nice and warm.

The season they,
the seasons they go.
The flowers, trees, leaves and bushes
...they all know.
What must be done.
Away with the summer,
and in comes the fall.

IN comes fall, the turning of leaves,
nearing the very end,
who are you my lady,
and what tidings do you send?

Will old man winter stir up a storm, impeccable,
inescapable, terrible...
Both in its fury
and glory.
It's warm, icy, feeling.
Cools our cheeks,
and nips our nose,
just reminding us,
to wear a few more clothes.

Then away with the old, and in comes the new,
come with the new day, the taste and smell of the beautiful spring dew.
The buds with bloom,
and the smell of spring shall be more than enough,
to fill an entire room.

Bless you.

And welcome to the summer,
it's time to go, but already to late to start,
come the beautiful days,
and the late nights,
welcome to great times,
and memories for the heart.

Welcome to the seasons,
that come and go,
make the most of the time you have now,
how much time you have left to enjoy it,
you'll never know.

So take in every day, of every season indeed,
be proud of the small plant you've grown, because you know,
it came from a once small seed.
Standing here in this celestial space
A small stage in the cosmic arena
Looking up at the vast canvas above
Wondering, what I may stumble upon
Is there a replica of this planet anywhere?
Or, am I lucky to inhabit this isolated planet?
Where we have only each other to rely on
And the only place which harbors life
And let go of our delusion of supremacy
For, we maybe all alone in this universe
Maybe, we do not understand it yet?
Stumbling to the edge of the cliff,
Fear is nowhere to be found,
As I stare into the void,
A noise escaped,
Was this my thoughts?

Hearing silence is odd,
You can feel this sound,
With the beast circling over head,
I rethink my intentions,
Who I thought I was is simply holding me back.

I out grow my shell to become what I might be,
With toes dangling over edges,
Waves crashing underneath on rocks bellow,
Its hard to believe what I think I know.

Yearning for a greater sense of connection,
With winds of change pushing at my back,
As I prepare for this leap of faith away from belief,
I think back one last time,
Fear is tapping my shoulder again,
I look ahead to see love standing with arms wide open,
The dynamic of my mind will never surely be the same,
Gathering courage as my knees bend,
Wondering where in the water I'll land.

I jump into what I perceive as free fall,
I was free but I was not falling,
Illusions peel away from encasing my being,
I began to spread my wings and fly off towards the horizon of truth,
Finally, finally I'm on my way home.
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