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 Aug 2018 PM
Sehar Bajwa
 Aug 2018 PM
Sehar Bajwa
As your tapestries collapse and crumble inside

Watch the bloodied paint flake off your heart

Don’t brush away the ink pooling in your eyes

Stand aside as they applaud your art
a million thoughts inside my head
I feel things I'll never show
a thousand things I never said
a thousand things you'll never know.
 Aug 2018 PM
 Aug 2018 PM
There are girls who smell like spring...

And there are girls who smell like books...

And there are girls who paint a trace along the lines of your own family.

Which are most to be avoided.
Something in the air. Which cannot be shaken. But shakes me.
 Aug 2018 PM
My heart aches for home

For the untitled song

For the awkward communications which are yet to come

For the hiss of the radiator

And the warmth between walls

There's a pain in my chest

And it reverberates slow

Like the pounding sound of my favorite lofo song
Real. True. Am I.
 Jul 2018 PM
 Jul 2018 PM
I looked at the bright
blue ocean
and looked at the
calming waves
slowly coming,
and going
and i stepped into
the water
a cold rush ran
up my leg as I
continued walking
and then those
calming waves
turned into Big
Monstrous waves
and eventually
I was under them
and I reached for
the surface
but I couldn't
make it.
And I was left
how something
so perfect
could be so
 Jul 2018 PM
can we get from here
to there

wherever there may be

is it even possible
to make

that leap of faith

can we see clearly through
the mist that rises

minds wavering on the edge
of the unknown

hearts aching to continue
while souls seek rest

they run past in our minds...

all the cliches

journey begins...
one step

it's not the destination...

life is a journey

one step at a time

but none speak of a leap
as some steps must be

none speak of journey's end
from running out of space to step

is this the point at which one
must learn to fly or turn about

is it defeat

or is the turning step simply
a first step of a new journey
Picture prompt...young man standing at a point of land out into water, mist rising, mountains on the other side.
 Jul 2018 PM
Aztec gold-brown soil between
rows and rows of summer green
invites berry-gatherers
shorts and sun hats
baskets in hand

techniques unique to each

stooping for close inspection
looking for perfection
color, form, ripeness
choosing one by one

bending just enough to grab
in a hurry
sun beats down
wiping brow

others mosey
the peace of this stretch
of land so well tended
so bounteous

best approach
little child plopped down
near the beginning
hand to mouth fast as she can
crimson juice coloring lips
drips down chin
beneath contented impish smile
A memory of my two-year-old niece's introduction to strawberry picking.
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