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My bones have been talking to me
They tell me that we are lost without one another
They warn me that  not all can be won with strength
My bones won't stop talking to me
They complain about the  weather
They argue about  the time of day
My bones  are talking about your bones to me
They giggle at the sound of your laughter
They compliment the pulse of your heart
My Bones have been talking to me
I have a Bone Cyst on the bottom of my left foot :( here's a poem about it.
I use my silence as a way to hide my anger,
With each passing look I see the nothing that you perceive me as,
It would hurt if only I was not used to the lonlyness,
Sometimes I wonder when our actions gain the company they desire,
Or when asking a lover to leave you be is a sign of fear,
Music causes me to relate to those I hate,
Keeping my blood pumping so that my when the music touches our ears we see who was right,
If I lie it was because I was never lied to,
Everything is my truth it is what has got me this far,
Advertising is the only place where the truth is deafening but ignorance stacks all odds against us,
I apologize for the discombobulated sentences, the silence is yours if you want it,
I wish ro stay silent no longer, but my voice will only be heard when I lie.
I have words that could explain how perfect you are,
But they are not enough,
The blur in your moment as you spin for me takes my breath away,
You commandeer my thoughts in the wee hours of the night,
I fear I'll go blind to such a beautiful sight,
Though my ears would find peace in your voice,
Such grace, so willful, just your presence makes my day,
I would sculpt your body flawless from head to toe,
To speak of your eyes would do them more shame than looking into them,
If the world shared your intellect I would call you my queen without hesitation,
Your alone touch calms my wild heart and tames my frantic mind,
I have words that could fit you perfectly into someones thoughts,
Obviously that is not enough
You know some people are fantastic, whether you love them, or they are your best friend, or you just made them up.
What it's it about this day today?
Forgotten by most, ignored by all
Yet how special it is to those who love,
Too the people who remember your name,
And the impact you've had on their life
The day filled with work, and planned events
Though time alone is easy to find,
It's your special day
It's my B-day
It's my birthday!
If I were to unfold my being into the pages of a never ending book,
Would you pick it up?
If each word next to each other was in a different language,
Would you read it?
If the chapters were written out by days on my life?
Would you grasp it's concept?
If on the title it read "the Daily Thoughts of God's thought,
Would you believe in it?

What of the discussions that would arise from my pages,
Would you argue with or against me?
What of the pain I have given and the joy I have felt,
Would you cry and laugh?
What of the men and woman I have picture in bed with me,
Would you be aroused?
What of the sounds I drown the world out with,
Would you too close your eyes?

Would you read me if I were a book?
If I was sitting on the ground just three pages long?
What wonders might you find in me?
I have forgotten the meaning of an open book, practice does not make perfect in this category.
Feel the push and pull of my voice as it enters a dance of love,
Affirmation follows with a glance caught wandering,
Linger just long enough for reality to catch up,
Sift through the maps of our brains  plotting each next step,
Expanding horizons form through a windshield as the sun sets,

Hear the tapping of hearts trying to synchronize,
Open to the restrictions unfurling before our eyes,
Place the next arrow to be released at the heart an inch higher,
Exhausted by each false hope formulated among our thoughts.
Enjoy,  it took me a week to figure this one out
I wait in a line that seems endless
I look ahead only to see that the others are doing the same
The ground beneath my feet is marble, white with a blue shimmer,
Above me resembles that of a wood celling in a log cabin,
Behind me I meet the eyes of another waiter,
He quickly stands straight only to reveal another pair of eyes behind him,
There is a sound un recognizable in the distance and the line moves,
Though only a step, a sigh of relief, for there is much distance to travel,
The light comes and goes, with no observable source of light,
Looking right I see another step out of line,
Standing taller then the rest he heads my direction,
I ask as he passes "what do you see ahead of this line?"
He stares blankly then looks over the heads,
"Do you want the truth?" he asks,
I nod noticing that my personal space has grown smaller,
He points forwards then backwards and says,
"That is where you are going, and that is where you've been,"
"So at some point you'll reach where you're going?"
My space bubble expands with a hushed whimper,
It comes to mind that I should ask him one more question,
"Where are you headed then?"
He smiles, his teeth almost all gone,
"Why wait to know what I already can see"
"I plan to skip this line and find a new one on my own"
He waves as we part his tall figure an outline in the distance,
The line moves though I find myself still standing,
I am tapped on the shoulder and hear "May i skip you?"
I step aside no longer compliant with staying in line.
Where oh were are we headed?
He is old now,
And only getting older
His laugh joins others,
And his sadness shows greater
But she is there for him now,
Comforting him
Loving him in ways I never could.

He is achieving the greatness we once talked of                                        
He talks about me in memory                                        
  Reciting all of the miss deeds he and I did                                        
His parents recollecting it differently                                        
But he is ever defiant that I was there                                        

Soon he to will have doubts
Doubts about me
But that’s okay
He’s older now
And only getting older
He has no need for me
I will soon vanish just as I had come

As an imaginary friend.
Love Ghost Andrew  aka Andy's
Our imaginary friends never forget us and will always be there.
I found you lost and alone,
Your tear lines marked your dirt covered face
Your fear and hate
Your confusion and your relief
I carried you,
Through the fires
Through the falling glass
Through your friends and mine
I spoke to you,
Of better times
Of future times
Of now
I Failed you,
Rest now
Feel free now
No more pain
I will join you soon
Silly me all wrapped up in a sweet sticky sap
Finding it easier to kiss and lick myself free
But the hushed touch of the soft and rough
Oh and the breathing, The breathing is the best part
I sink into thoughts lost to another
Yet a smile still slips from the sweet
ahhhhh yeah Candy! :)
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