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Oh how I wish to reach the moon,
I hope to be there soon,
So bright,
It guides me at night,

Look man holds a piece of moon,
I can't help but swoon,
Closer now closer,
Faster now faster,

I will reach the moon
Oh to soon

This is what I imagine the bugs are thinking before the reach the fire.
As our eyes close,
We lay in bed,
The awkwardness of our bodies,
Shuffling, stirring, tangled,
Your hair nipping at your face,
My arm numb and asleep,
Sometimes I kick,
Sometimes you punch,
The covers stolen off our bodies by heat,
I write poetry in my head,
As you sleep,
I realize what's missing,
I wrote this at 1 in the morning and on a phone, so sorry for any mistakes :D hope you fall in love and share great moments like this.
One Way
In a million ways
to say one word,
I can only express it
one way,
Though my eyes.


As my heart beat faster
the world slows
As her heart beats fast
the world breathes
As we hold hands
the world stops.
Found some old poems
Some times I stop to write,
There is never a reason for it,
I just stop and write,
I try not to follow any parameters,
See what I did there?
I want to thank you,
Your words have touched the roof of my mouth,
I swallow them deep,
My blood warms,
I realize we are the same,
Thank you,
Sleeping in the arms of my hands
Leaving me restless and lonely
Even the memories fade
Every blink I slip away
Pointless to return
Destined by hope
Reaching blindly through
Each heart stops beating
Acting smiles never fool
Muster once last try
Such is the way things are
No one sleeps enough...
hey hey

I tried to write a song about you today
It wasn't very good so I threw it away
The words were scrambled they had no rhythm
There really was nothing I could do

I was going to say I loved you
Then I second guessed myself
My eyes opened and I realized what was broken
I've be questioning my brain ever since

But it's alright, hip hip hooray,
I have finally seized the day,
Who cares if I throw it all a way,
One more Song
One more Kiss
What the hell is there to miss
These are the last words I can give

What really happened in your mind
That made us broken, with no rewind
You're stuck in the past,and I'm in the future
I begin to wonder who is the loser

No it's not fair, things never are
I pick up drugs over the bar
They promise me you'll disappear
With one more drink of everclear


We are all falling, down an empty hole

(r)No more goodbyes this is the last one
The next time we meet I'll already be gone
Under the sheets so white and brown
Here is my blood that's staining the ground


One last song, one last kiss
I know I'll be missed
A song that is a work in progress, any suggestions towards rhymes or words will be greatly appreciated.
I left as soon as you entered
You would not care for what I had to say
Leaving was the best option
Sometimes it doesn't matter if you listen
Maybe I don't want to talk
If we could just sit
Still, motionless
Drifting further

I saw you leave
I had no clue why
It was probably my fault
No words needed to be spoken
Your silence cuts me much worse
Those scars you bare
the ones I form
losing you

I don't think you'll miss me
You are so independent
Strength is your middle name
Being smart was never a fear
You are clearly a better person than I
I wish I could hate you
I find it hard to even argue
why I left

You think of me as a saint
I am still collecting my purpose
Formulating words and thoughts are hard
Time and distance are your choice
Why you choose something so barbaric
when it comes time to talk again
will we see each other face to face
What possibility

Good bye
I'm not so sorry about this
I wish things were better
easier to say the least
The best shots were given
and the worst ones taken
I'll see you again
and leave just the same

Good bye for now
I'm don't feel bad
things just didn't workout
If things could change
I hope they do soon
You were a good friend
If I see you again
I'll say hi
Thoughts about another can be a lot of work. I fit into these words as I think about who I have left behind. I don't really know that I'll do if I see them again.
Don't consider me smart, consider me human.
What is it I have to do to walk outside to feel safe again?

When is it a good time for me to get in the car and drive to work?

What should I say when I buy food from the grocery store?

Are my actions  when checking for my wallet, keys, cell-phone, going to **** me?

How should I act around other people?

Am I to act myself when around a gun?

What level of violence is okay for me to act upon.

What stereotypes should I follow so not to feel hated?

What kind of video will prove I've done nothing wrong?

How nice should I be to others?

Should I question the influence of others?

I don't know... I walk outside almost every day expecting the worst, when I hop in my car I fear every person on the road myself included. I partake  in simple actions in public fearing the scrutiny of offending others. My keys are in my left pocket, phone is in the right, and wallet in the back, I think everyone should know that I have nothing else in my pockets. I am told to be myself. I am told to be more white. I will protect my life and loved ones. I know I can jump higher than others because I practiced. There are eyes almost everywhere yet they see absolutely nothing. It's not a scale it's a fact... I always make my own decisions.

If I am wrong it's alright I forgive myself. *I never expected to be right.
work in progress but I've been struggling with this idea that we are told to be ourselves yet as soon as I log onto the internet the one thing i'm constantly warned about is being myself because "I am different" when I am myself... Have no fear we are all struggling I won't ever question your actions just my own.
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