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You've always been forgetful

You'd forget to turn the lights off
You'd forget to close the toothpaste
You'd forget your clothes in the drier
You'd forget to charge your phone
You'd forget to feed the fish

So I did all these things for you

You see, I was convinced that showing you was better than telling you
But you never saw it, now did you?

- Sometimes I'd forget to do all these things on purpose,
so I would remember how it felt like to be with you -

I secretly hope that you can't find your clothes
and your fish die
and your electric bill reaches a 100 billion dollars

Just so you could see
that I was good for you

You know what? No.  __

I do secretly hope that your phone dies
and your clothes get lost
and your fish die
and your toothpaste gets dried up

But only so you could learn the importance of what I used to do
to recognize your faults
and to try and improve, not for me
but for you.

... and I'm not talking about the toothpaste here

You can't demonstrate the change you want to see in someone
if they don't even understand the error in their ways

and so,

I don't want to be the person
who struggles to forgive and forget

I want to be the person
who lives with no regret

knowing that us, ending,
was for the best.

and the best
of each of us
I don't want you to miss me as much as I want you to change, for the better. It was wrong of me to do all the things that you were supposed to do, and to overlook your faults. I think it made you feel like you were so complete that you didn't need me in your life. I see that now. I don't want an apology nor a report of progress. I just want you to do what is best for you, to find the best version of yourself, maybe then you'd be capable of a deeper, more soulful connection.
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
Each day I wake, I adorn my mask
Cover the pain, a most daunting task
I hide deep within my hallowed shell
Puppeteer function, hope none can tell
Pull the crooked lever hinged to the smile
Interact with strangers, another dial
Crank the handle that winds up the walk
Yank on the chain to make the mouth talk
Like a one man band who plays and sings
Work all the complex pullies and strings
Mechanized master, it's become routine
Armoured safe within my tarnished machine
Everyone wants to have
The look of the poet
Yet noone these day's,
Wants to be real poet's....
Everyone wants to be a rock star
Or movie star.
Or even an athlete.....
But the poet,
Is one not of this world...
A poet
Is one unearhtly
Celestial in his way's.....
A poet doesn't follow the paths of this world......
The poet followeth his soul,
Which cometh from God....
And no rock star
Or athlete,
Couldst match up to that....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
The pen, they say, is mightier,
but is it keener than a knife?
This brittle blade of insolence,
unleashed to lash at life.

'Yeah, innit, Bruv, he got right up in my face,
cos my phone was out in lesson time
and he called me a disgrace.
Like, so, whatever, mate,
I told him where to go,
trying to tell me English,
while I'm textin' my new ***.'

The pen is not mightier,
it is tarnished and obtuse,
a vision of a different age,
wrought blind from its misuse.

Its sapling song of innocence,
split south across the grain
and cast across the classroom,
yanked up and lobbed again.

'Do you get me, Blood?
He was pointing at a seat,
expectin' ME to sit there,
as if it were a treat.
I told him where to stick it
and called him out a clown,
I **** this one-way death pit
as I'm walkin' round and round.'

The pen should still be mighty
and not a strangled stream,
that's crawling up an incline,
like an M. C. Escher dream.

Its muddy banks lie dormant,
both acorn and an oak.

'Cut that ****, you KEENO,
let's ******* for a smoke.'
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
i told my heart
im sorry
for all the times
loving you was wrong
many worls in progress.. this august.
In between the day we met
we shared smiles, we shared tears
There were lots good times baby
That we had over the years

In between our fighting
We were both on the same side
But the rift that formed between us
Is now just too **** wide

In between the In betweens
Is where the memories lie
In between the In betweens
Is where love goes to die
In between the In betweens
was something....
something we will never have again
In between the In betweens
was magic....
Magic can't take us back from now to then

In between our arguments
We really had a time
We made the best of it
We were partners in crime

In between the excuses
We hid a lot of hurt
Once we said I Love You
At the end...nary a word

In between the In betweens
Is where the memories lie
In between the In betweens
Is where love goes to die
In between the In betweens
was something....
something we will never have again
In between the In betweens
was magic....
Magic can't take us back from now to then

Cherish all the in betweens
For that's where true love lies
But, beware of all the in betweens
For it's where love also dies
 Jul 2015 Otherly One
I never wanted to be the kind of mistake that you wake up to the next morning,
Wishing you could start over.

I never wanted to be the girl you went to because you know she'll give you her time of day,
Even when you've never given her yours.

I never wanted to feel a pull towards you,
When I know that there's nothing on the other end.

I never wanted to do this with you because I know that once It's done,
We're never going to be the same again.
is in the middle of


Let me not
be in middle
of self serving
self engrandizement

let me be in the middle of

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