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 Jun 2015 Otherly One
Mike Essig
Look at the world,
not up your ***.

 Jun 2015 Otherly One
Mike Hauser
i'm going to need somebody
to take a hold of this notion
and put it to bed

and then i need somebody
to come over and sit
with the thoughts that are left
 Jun 2015 Otherly One
Lauren Leal
That moment when your brain betrays your heart

It happens in slow motion

and all you can do is watch.
These moments are not easily forgotten
 Jun 2015 Otherly One
Megan H
My heart was a mountain
So glorious and mighty
Towering above the clouds
Majestic and beautiful-
At least
That's what it used to be.
The wind and the water
Came along one day
Began to weather and wear it down
Slowly my heart was diminishing
As it eroded
And traveled elsewhere.
No longer majestic
No longer mighty
My heart is now only a hill.
 Jun 2015 Otherly One
it was pointless to love
like the captain of a drowning vessel
still turning hard to starboard
as he stared into the deep, blue night
and charted a new course home
My bedroom floor is littered
with letters all addressed to you
that you will never read
or even hear of.
Tis funny
Is it not?
How us mad poets can splurge one minute on how wonderful
Our life is,
And the next we canst wait to die!!!
Silly poets we are indeed!!
What a life!!

Its as if we're all a bunch of manic depressive bipolar's/******'s in one mad yet beautiful symphony!!!
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