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 Dec 2017 Mishael Ward
If a person would starve,
just so he could eat...
How could you think...
she would want him to suffer?

If a person would walk miles with him,
just to be sure he is safe...
How could you think...
she would want to harm him?

If a person would make sacrifices,
to ease his burden...
How could you think...
she would add to his worries?

If a person would silently cry all night,
feeling his sorrows and troubles...
How could you think...
she would hurt him? *

If a person has promised and have always,
kept his secrets safe with her...
How could you think...
she would intentionally betray his trust?

If a person could do anything,
just to make him smile, to see him happy...
How could you think...
she would deceive him?

If a person have done all the things that she could,
to prove that he means the world to her...
How could you think...
she would deliberately disappoint him?

If a person cannot imagine,
him not by her side as who he has always been...
How could you think...
she wouldn't care to lose him?

If a person have always treasured,
all that he have shared with her...
How could you think...
she would dare to make him feel this way?

If a person is only a person,
Only a human who made a stupid mistake...
How could you think...
she did not fall on her knees...
beating herself for the crime she had not committed?

If a person have always put him,
before herself...
How could you think
her heart is not breaking just as much?
She would take away his pain, but never would she want to cause him pain.
 Dec 2017 Mishael Ward
 Dec 2017 Mishael Ward
your eyes
          so explosively
                    i feel like i
   float in space
                 every time
      your blue
                          my green
    creating a new earth.
i wish you felt the same
 Dec 2017 Mishael Ward
From behind my eye
I take it all in
The hatred, the loving
The refusal to bend
I see the desires
The motivation of views
The forges we set
Molding our youth

I see the blind side
Of brilliance
The brilliance
Of being blind
Watching it all unravel
From outside of time
But mostly I see
A world of dread
Unsettling inside
My weary head
Traveler Tim
Here come I to my own again,
Fed, forgiven and known again,
Claimed by bone of my bone again
And cheered by flesh of my flesh.
The fatted calf is dressed for me,
But the husks have greater zest for me,
I think my pigs will be best for me,
So I’m off to the Yards afresh.

I never was very refined, you see,
(And it weighs on my brother’s mind, you see)
But there’s no reproach among swine, d’you see,
For being a bit of a swine.
So I’m off with wallet and staff to eat
The bread that is three parts chaff to wheat,
But glory be!—there’s a laugh to it,
Which isn’t the case when we dine.

My father glooms and advises me,
My brother sulks and despises me,
And Mother catechises me
Till I want to go out and swear.
And, in spite of the butler’s gravity,
I know that the servants have it I
Am a monster of moral depravity,
And I’m ****** if I think it’s fair!

I wasted my substance, I know I did,
On riotous living, so I did,
But there’s nothing on record to show I did
Worse than my betters have done.
They talk of the money I spent out there—
They hint at the pace that I went out there—
But they all forget I was sent out there
Alone as a rich man’s son.

So I was a mark for plunder at once,
And lost my cash (can you wonder?) at once,
But I didn’t give up and knock under at once,
I worked in the Yards, for a spell,
Where I spent my nights and my days with hogs.
And shared their milk and maize with hogs,
Till, I guess, I have learned what pays with hogs
And—I have that knowledge to sell!

So back I go to my job again,
Not so easy to rob again,
Or quite so ready to sob again
On any neck that’s around.
I’m leaving, Pater.  Good-bye to you!
God bless you, Mater! I’ll write to you!
I wouldn’t be impolite to you,
But, Brother, you are a hound!
 Oct 2017 Mishael Ward
Finding a lover is effortless
for some people.
They only want a few things:
Someone attractive, kind,
funny or rich.

I desire
something so much deeper.

I want

an intelligent mind
that wakes up thoughts in me
I didn't realize were hibernating.

I want

to converse, analyze and debate
without being conscious of
the sun rising and falling
between our words.

I want

to make a witty remark
at a coffee shop
so he can reply sarcastically
just for me to jab back immediately
and for him to comeback back playfully
until we're both laughing
stomachs shaking
spit flying
the whole store staring
and we leave
without coffee

I want

our hands to stitch together
like two lost puzzle pieces;
one found under a couch cushion
one found inside a junk drawer.
The rest of the puzzle has
already been thrown away
these two pieces remain
and they fit.

I want

to fall in love together
then together fall in love with
art, museums, songs, poems
T.V shows, radio jingles,
greek food, backroads,
our mutual hatred for pop culture,
doing the dishes (as long as he washes and I dry)
wrong turns, piled up laundry, life.
Just fall in love with life.

I want

to hurt with him

I want

to save the world with him

I want

to meet, see, understand
and experience all that is foreign
with him.

I think it will only take us meeting
and it'll only be history and happiness from then on.

It's just a matter of if a love like that could ever be
and if a love like that could ever be for me.
i bring my notebook
into the coffee shop
writing down my
thoughts for the day

sipping on a frappe
i let my pen lead the way
writing and writing
about anything and everything

sitting in a coffee shop
with various voices
alternative music
all around me

meeting new people
focusing on my thoughts
letting the coffee fill my veins
sitting in a coffee shop as im writing this right now
 Jul 2017 Mishael Ward
 Jul 2017 Mishael Ward
Don't take this away from me
This is all I've ever dreamed
Your words are tasteless toxic
And they're deteriorating me.

Everything you speak is venom
Crush my teeth trying not to listen
I'm spinning in my attempts
But still your words get in.

Trying to adapt to your cruel intentions...
no hope of escape.
My big heart pulls me back in
Dying daily is my fate.

How do you not care?
Where do you aquire such a skill?
How can you not hear the cry of my people.
Weak and groveling...

Turn my groveling into gold.
4 21 2016
you make me so sad
you call me babe one day
ignore me the next
I hate your silence and the confusion
which is it
havent you seen
my ocean eyes
and how they cry
just 4 U?
he makes me so sad but he can make me so happy
 Jul 2017 Mishael Ward
Shylah S
no, I'm not talking about the ones with big noses
or greasy hair

not the ones with bad breath
or round bellies

no, I just like them raw
a little broken, a little sad

the ones with scars
a story to tell

I sure know how to pick em' you might say
but I'd never give them up any day

a whole adventure in a person like the outdoors
one with canyons and mountains he would let me explore
only ugly guys give themselves all at once
no parts hidden, everything is exposed

vulnerability is thought to be a weakness but in reality it's bold

I like ugly guys.
So go out there and be real, often we hide because we fear getting hurt. But in that fear we miss out on the world, we miss out on living, and worst of all, love. So even if we may get bruised, get to the lowest of the low, you'll one day stumble upon something that embraces you as you are, something that cherishes your ugliness unconditionally, something that inspires you to be better, whether that be a passion, a person, or something as simple as a smile. Is it really worth hiding if you miss on the chance to experience that?

Edit: I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to read my work and am in disbelief a piece of mine chosen as the daily pick for the very first time! This community is amazing :)
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