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Apr 2017 · 355
Not for me, Never for me
Miranda Apr 2017
I can't remember what it feels like to breathe with my own lungs because I have spent too much time making sure all of the oxygen filled everyone else's.
I can't recall the last time I really walked with my own two feet- perhaps it was the first time I ever did so when I didn't even know what feet were. I have spent so many hours on these feet - walking and running and then walking again - on paths and journeys to beautiful destinations that weren't my own.  
I don't know what it's like to see with my own two eyes. I have eyes that see, but not eyes that see for me. I have seen so clearly all of the beauty and all of the pain. I have seen love and I have seen hate - I have seen the problems and found solutions. And I have seen all of the questions and found every single answer, but not for me, never for me.
I have found all of the solutions and all of the answers for all of the lives that I am not living, so have I really found anything at all?

Can I still breathe?
Can I still walk?
Can I still see?
Jul 2016 · 292
Miranda Jul 2016
Wish me well on my journey to hell
May 2016 · 1.1k
I Wish to Fly Away
Miranda May 2016
I wish to fly away
To a far and distant place
One with no fences
And one with no gates

An area where all my troubles
Seem to be replaced
With skies filled with roses
And glimpses of your face

One where everything
Fits so perfectly into place
Two hands melt together
And one soul interlaced

A world where sunbeams dance
With such a subtle grace
Patiently around our spirits
Never to be displaced

One where all the etches made
that soon find themselves erased
Can just as easily find themselves
Reborn, remade, retraced

A setting where all the love
Is so effortlessly encased
In the vivid vibrations
Of this infinite embrace

One where all the wonderful
Resides in a safe and open space
Never to be lost
Or find itself misplaced

So I wish to fly away
To a far and distant place
One that was never far at all,
But always right here in this space
Jan 2016 · 661
Occasional Silences
Miranda Jan 2016
My mind is starting to erase the parts of you that made me dream- the parts that opened up my brain to the outside world. The familiar parts that never hesitated to make me feel safe at home at any destination.
Sitting across from you now is different. We are still able to spark up those friendly laughs and conversations. They are genuine too, only because they are all that are left to grab ahold of, so we grab them with both hands and we hold them as tight as we can.
Between our giggles there is occasional silence and that silence haunts the back of my brain. We both look at each other straight in the soul, almost as if we are both begging and pleading for something else to be said or another laugh to escape, so we don't feel so alone together. That silence scares people like us because we are unsure of what lives there.
The creatures that lurk in that silence are so foreign and so unknown, but yet they are there because we both have put them there. These monsters live in those occasional silences- they live in those moments when we exchange empty-eyed glances from across the table. Though they are brief, they are still there, and it is in those moments I begin to feel the most vulnerable. It is only in those moments where I feel like I have the most to lose.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Trading Places
Miranda Jan 2016
In a world where it is so impossible to just be,
Can I trade places with you and you with me?

Could I live in your skin just to finally feel free?
To live a life under your warmth I would surely freeze.

Could I breathe with your lungs just to finally feel complete?
To breathe those breaths of atmosphere that never really belonged to me.

Could I look through your eyes just to finally spot the disease?
To observe through your eyes is the only true way to see.

Could I move your melodic mouth just to finally let my words leak?
To talk in your tongue was always the only right way to speak.

Could I borrow your bones just to finally walk with your feet?
To travel amidst your framework is the only way I may leave.

So in a world where it is so impossible to just be,
Trading places, it seems, may not be so sweet;
Because in this world where it is so impossible to just be,
You are just you and I am just me.
Jan 2016 · 282
If I Were a Sink
Miranda Jan 2016
If I were a sink
Would I still feel so drained?
With your weary water
Rushing through me
Trying to wash away all my pain
Jan 2016 · 289
Miranda Jan 2016
The bird's travels are limited by the cage, but not destroyed by it-
Find your escape and fly freely my love.
Jan 2016 · 327
Staying Afloat
Miranda Jan 2016
With the passing of the snow
people come and people go;

There is something quite different about the flow -
It seems to be faster or perhaps a bit slow;

As of right now the only thing I know
is that along with the flow I must also go;

It is hard to carry on when it holds me so low,
but I do what I can to remain afloat;

I collect all the highs and carry all the lows
I keep them in my heart - it is a part of the show;

When my head is down and I've lost all my glow
I pick it up again, proudly - I go with the flow;

If you want to shine bright you have to let it show,
You must piece together the soul of your ship in order to stay afloat.
Nov 2015 · 299
My Moon
Miranda Nov 2015
Tripping over galaxies just to taste your lunar lips
Love that remains an effortless echo of your grand eclipse

Sailing through this solar system, an infinite space of a place
To lie with my beloved moon amid the starlit black lace

Cascading in the cosmos just to pick you out a star,
but don't worry about worrying because I'm never very far

They say saturns rings are beautiful in the spring and Neptune is nice in June
So let's go, just me and you, maybe right now, tomorrow, or sometime quite soon

All of your constellations were worth the exploration of tasting your lunar lips,
So I give all my love to you, the light that guided my ship
Nov 2015 · 583
Would You Still...
Miranda Nov 2015
Would you still sing your tune
If they told you that you would never be a bird?
Would you still shout your opinion to the world
If they told you that you would never be heard?

Would you still stand tall
If they told you that you would never be the tallest?
Would you still voice your voice
If they told you it would always be the smallest?

Would you still let it shine
If they told you that your love was a crime?
Would you still spread your love all over the land
If they told you spreading hate was a much better plan?

Would you still be brave and proud and strong
If they told you that to be a bird you would have to sing a
Much different song?
Miranda Oct 2015
Through the looking glass
Of your eyes
I see hallow trees in a barren forest and skies
As black as coal

A desolate quiet so empty
You can hear the thump of your half-beating heart

Flowers don't grow here
For fear that they will be uprooted-
And they will-
By the cold, lifeless grasp of you

Those flowers don't belong here anymore
And perhaps they never did-
For how can life ever hope to flourish
In something so dead?
Miranda Jul 2015
Those butterflies that used to so freely
fly inside, have now, it seems,
found a new place to reside.
They always made themselves at home,
rich within my core, but their
presence is now missing- their feeling is
no more.
I hope they have found a new body to
cradle their fluttering needs,
because they, you see, are no longer
satisfied with me.
I can only wish that they will flourish and
grow, for inside me that possibility is
no longer so.
So when they discover their home anew-
I hope they think of their original palace-
me, the person they once knew.
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
All is Broken
Miranda Jul 2015
Broken pieces shattered all on the floor;
Broken wings, bent and wilted- they don't
fly anymore.
Broken promises on hopes held high;
Broken stars no longer dancing
in the sky.
Broken dreams and nightmarish nights-
not sleeping, you see, has become
a difficult thing to fight;
Broken words on tongues not held,
all remained empty- a prisoner
without his cell.
Broken hearts and dreamless eyes,
Broken thoughts and broken lies
Broken, broken, broken is it all-
this place is so tiny, it no longer
stands tall.
Everything is broken, down to the pieces
shattered on the floor;
Broken they lay- they couldn't take it any longer,
not anymore.
Miranda Jul 2015
You are nothing more than a snapshot
in time-
A memory that will one day be forgotten
All of you that will remain on this precious Earth
is what you choose to leave behind
And what you decide to be discovered,
So stain the walls of this city with your
And empty your soul upon the places
that are already taken
Spill your compassion and heart all over
this empty place and illuminate it
with the image of your essence
Be one with this world- give it everything
you've got
And one day, my darling, this world will gladly
return the favor
Jul 2015 · 373
Rid It Away
Miranda Jul 2015
A little electricity in my veins
will momentarily rid me of the pain.

It will make me forget that I am broken
and it will somehow fill the wounds that
are still fresh and open.

But then it will soon fade away-
eliminate that short-lived bliss,
until all that haunts my mind is you,
whom I so dearly miss.
Miranda Jul 2015
A constant echoing of your voice
inside my head- it never goes away,
am I alive or dead?
I can't be dreaming because it's all so real,
but I can't be awake either because
you're all I feel.
You're gone- it's over, why can't I
just understand?
I'm sinking, I'm sinking, knees deep
in the sand.
And I need you to save me, to help me stand
so why, just why, won't you give me
your hand?
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Miranda Jul 2015
Weakness is a nuisance that travels
alongside everyone,
similar to the skin on their very backs-
It holds you down when you need to fly
and keeps you there in that
dark place
that you have tried so hard to escape from.
It turns those always-glimmering eyes
Into lumps of coal sunken in your face;
It rearranges that toothy grin into a less
than impressive frumpy slant
plastered below your nose.
Oh, don't you see? It turns your gleaming
aura into a dark, black vortex of emptiness.
Weakness is a nuisance that consumes you-
weakness is you.
Jul 2015 · 254
For All the World to See
Miranda Jul 2015
If you were a star
I would gladly be your night sky
So you could lay stretched out on me
And glimmer with your brilliance
For all the world to see-
Jul 2015 · 456
Miranda Jul 2015
I feel the tears trying to push
themselves out from
behind the swelled pouches
of my eyelids
And then I remember that no matter
how much I want to release
these prisoners and set them free,
they will always be held captive
In the dark depths of my
always-empty soul
Jul 2015 · 217
Miranda Jul 2015
If you said you were sorry just know that
I would forgive you, again and again, because
I do not care about myself
And if you came crawling back just know that
I would take you because
I know I need a little help
Jul 2015 · 323
Blurred Visions
Miranda Jul 2015
Blurred visions of who you once were
haunt my every thought-
A mosaic of memories scattered within
my brain
That are nothing more than hidden lies I keep
telling myself
To one day, someday, feel okay again
Jul 2015 · 360
It Never Stays
Miranda Jul 2015
Dark skies and cloudy days,
it seems to me the sun will
never stay.
It is here one day and
gone the next,
so why does it come around at all
if it can never be kept?
Jul 2015 · 258
Miranda Jul 2015
If I were a bird
There would be no place
I would rather fly
Than directly into your arms
Even if that meant
Being stuck in a cage forever
Jul 2015 · 543
Devour Me
Miranda Jul 2015
Rip me to pieces;
Eat at my core, but I would still invite you stay
if you wanted some more
Jul 2015 · 340
I Will
Miranda Jul 2015
I will help you out of this despair
I will lift you up and take you anywhere
I will show you the world in a new way
I will be here to help you- I will always stay
I will guide you to all the right places and
I will show you the light
So all I ask of you is stay here and fight
Battle your demons- scare them away
And then, only then, the light will stay
Do not give up or worry or stray
Because soon my dear you will see a bright day
And I, always I, will help you along the way

— The End —